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Monty Zoomer

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Everything posted by Monty Zoomer

  1. Even if they are proven to be complicit and are NOT a separate entity, they will have insurance to cover this sort of thing. They are a very well run business and will have prepared for this already. All we can hope is that the rest of the world recoils in horror and cuts off or cripples their money stream
  2. If we win the league this year, we turn the tables on them financially
  3. Just read it - how the hell do they keep doing this ? Any club in the world would bite your hand off for 6 months profit or nearly 30 mil. No wonder they can afford all these new players
  4. Fuck - I called this wrong. Cant believe we were beaten by half a team and guys just off a plane. Deer in the headlights tonight - I just don't get it - its not like this team haven't experienced pressure. Reading the scum have spent £40m - they want our title badly. We need to FIGHT for this - its too big this season
  5. We've got this. Wednesday is in the bag 1-2. Their squad is weak this week - too many injuries and call-offs. We are stronger HOWEVER the rest of the season gives me the fear. We need to change our attitude and start battering teams again - Wednesday, I think, will give us a positive lift but they will be better in the run in if they get their full squad fit - they have spent money well with exciting talent coming in (by Scottish standards anyway)
  6. Absolutely - if we can pony up for a decent manager who can work with youth and improve them, we could start to build a good team on long contracts that have a sell on value. Our short term "shore-up" job isn't working. It means we will have to resign to 10 in a row but for the long term future of our club, we need to start building stability through a production line of young talent that we can develop and let them contribute to our success for a two / three year period and sell on with the added value we build in to them. We need to stop the expensive quick fix mistakes. I know Bates came from raith rovers but he is a prime example of the type of player we should be grabbing, tieing down to a long term contact and selling to make a profit after a few years quality service. The mindset of this club and we, as supporters, needs to change.
  7. Fair point - McInness would have been great at working with a small budget and at least getting us a comfortable 2nd place.
  8. Yeah - they can - SDM said as much in the bloody trial. Arse that he is
  9. I prefer the dignified silence approach at this juncture - we have nothing to defend. If the SPFL start agreeing about title stripping though, then we MUST go in all guns blazing. At the moment, it looks like nothing will (and should) be done
  10. I think one was setup by their saviours in case he couldn't turn them around in the 90s but he did, of course and one was setup to handle the co-op loans. All 3 are legitimate and trading but defo some sort of tax avoidance going on there
  11. Amazing ability to produce when its needed - that's his strongest point. He digs deep physically and mentally and, as I have said it before, if we had a whole team with the same mindset, no bheggar could catch us, no matter how many dembele dollars they have in the bank
  12. Confidence and feel good factor - goes a long way my friend
  13. I think Windass would really come in to his own with better quality around him - want him to stay and be given a chance tbh
  14. I honestly think this will be good enough to compete for top spot this season - exciting times
  15. If only we had our house in order in the first place and didn't allow ourselves to sink into massive debt, ALL of that would have been avoided. It pains me to say it as the 9IAR years were the best of my life. Seeing superstars like Gough, Klos, Albertz, Gazza was amazing but the clubs funds were mismanaged and left us open to the attack that eventually liquidated us. Murrays greed for success gave us a short term gain but the pain afterwards is unbearable. From this moment on, we need a board who protects the status and liquidity of our club, no matter what.
  16. Thought that Taigs were undefeated this season
  17. When we went down the leagues, I dreamed of a fresh start for us - we had NO debt when every other club in Scotland was saddled with it AND we had 50,000 loyal bears filing Ibrox even in those times. That income alone, should have seen us rise to the top league with a top notch squad and 20M in the bank. With the right man at the helm, we should now be the richest club in Scotland - LAST year should have been our year to complete the treble and put them back in their box but, NO, we had rogues on the board and a manager who didnae have a clue. Pains me to say it but its not tainted - we just wasted our chance and now have to climb back up with our fingernails. Its theirs to lose and we will be waiting to pounce
  18. McCann is the ONLY pundit I can listen to these days. Not only a dose of reality but decent thought goes into what he says - I remember he was touted as a manager for us and everyone thought it was too early but I really believe he has the head for it and, of course, the passion for the club !
  19. Love Big Wes - sure he makes mistakes but he has saved us more times this season than I can remember
  20. Agreed - our back line could all have been MOTM - sad indictment of the current team
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