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Colin Traive

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Everything posted by Colin Traive

  1. Yep, match reports from the grounds talking through key incidents, usual stuff. And the news from Ibrox was like the fucking shipping forecast. Getting so used to it now. Even before the OF game, they use people like Jig in the build up and, if you’re not a bluenose, you don’t even notice or think “wait a minute, he’s not with Rangers anymore” Like I say, they’ve developed the art of hiding their bias and the self imposed ban brilliantly.
  2. Yeah, he and Alistair Lamont were always the fairest. Wilson has completely disappeared.
  3. No, they’re far too entrenched for that. And they are not banned. Pacific Quay CSC banned themselves. Be interesting if BBC in London decide to send Garth Crooks or Alan Shearer up to do a piece on our new manager for Football Focus only to find out that their local colleagues have blackballed us. Would such a riddy for them change anything? They must have been hurting on Friday when they weren’t invited to the party (or, more correctly, they uninvited themselves) in the Blue Room but they’ve become great at blagging output from reputable broadcasters and, with a piece of clever wording, then passing off reports as if they were there themselves. I’d like to see if there was a way to ban second hand coverage which would stop them quoting BT/Sky. They say things like : “the Rangers manager said...” as if they were actually there instead of stealing from other broadcasters. Their sleekitness in this area is of a very high standard. I watched the scores coming in at five o’clock on Saturday and there were full match reports of Peterhead v Stirling Albion and Cove Rangers v Cowdenbeath. For our game, David Currie read out the score, the scorer and how many points we were now on. That was it. The biggest crowd of the whole weekend, a game attended by probably more than every other game combined this weekend and we got the absolute minimum detail but, if you support Peterhead, Stirling Albion, Cove Rangers or Cowdenbeath you were sorted. I really hope that one of the unanticipated benefits of bringing Gerrard in is that the endemic anti-Rangers bias that runs through BBC Scotland like shit through a sewer is exposed/highlighted and that the ringleaders’ hatred proves to be their undoing.
  4. I’m getting mixed messages here, can you get off the fence FFS?
  5. Spot on. These bastards have piggy-backed their coverage on the back of reputable broadcasters and almost quote the “ongoing dispute” with a sneer. Well there is only one story in town and I’d ban every BBC connected “journalist” from this and every subsequent press conference. Chris McLaughlin and all the other Pacific Quay McLaughlins, Tom Irish, Spiersy, David Currie, Sutherland, McLeod, Gordon, Cosgrove, Cowan. Theyll all soon feel like the altar boy the priest didnae shag when they’re having to report everything second hand?
  6. Normally I’d laugh at stuff like that but the damage he is doing to the club I’ve loved for fifty years is a fucking long way from being funny.
  7. King had a grand on 5-0 and two grand on Edouard for first scorer.
  8. One of our least worst players today. Competition wasn’t exactly fierce, mind.
  9. Far too late. The players stopped listening to him a long, long time ago.
  10. You’ve given that arsehole far too much time, mate.
  11. Never have got that, was pleased to have got the rest!
  12. Same when dealing with Arsenal (Zelalem), Spurs (Ball), QPR (Goss), Norwich (Dorrans), Cardiff (John) etc. So much easier to deal with professional, civil clubs unlike the petty wee arsehole teams up here who think that making deals with Sevco difficult somehow gives them status or credibility
  13. One huge bonus of King moving on (presumably post share issue when his soft loans become equity) is that we will be less toxic in the eyes of the outside world. Financial transactions will be easier, dealing with other clubs will have less preconditions attached etc. Interesting times?
  14. Boy has potential but needs greater discipline and awareness that he is a defender first and foremost. Far too early to write him off.
  15. Hated it when they scored against us, especially at Hampden, not just for the usual reasons. Because we had a roof, it acted as an amplifier so our sound carried. But they had no roof so the sound took a few seconds to reach us if they scored, the 1973 final being a case in point. So you see them score and you say “fuck”. Then their roars finally reach the Rangers end “FUCK”, almost felt like conceding another goal.
  16. Think that’s Willie Callaghan, brother of celtic’s Tom unsuccessfully trying to block it. Can’t be sure but I was probably at that game.
  17. Let’s be clear about this. Simpson made a malicious and deliberate assault on a superior player whose boots he was not fit to lace. Durrant was never the same again and both Rangers and Scottish football as a whole were robbed of a great talent. Simpson has never, to my knowledge, apologised, not that an apology would change anything. Aberdeen supporters “celebrate” this brutality because Durrant was a H**. Therefore we can deduce the following: 1. Simpson is a complete cunt 2. Aberdeen supporters are complete cunts.
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