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Herald: Former Conservative Leader Sees Through Sectarianism Sham


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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

Salmond is an arrogant, pompous prick who is the first minister of a nothing country. Effectively a political leager with little power.

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

Salmond is an arrogant, pompous prick who is the first minister of a nothing country. Effectively a political leager with little power.

my thoughts exactly well put

ive always voted for the conservative and unIONIST Party

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Salmond is a fat slug, a pompous cretinous slimey rancid cunt.

Two examples of why, are as follows...

1) Turning up at Hampden the day Maradona strolled into town with a blown up photo of the 'hand of god' incident. Really you fecking jumped up mhedia attention whore ? You do realize that in a muti cultured society that you keep promoting Scotland as it didn't occur to you that English people living here could have taken offense at that ? Or did it escape your mind that an English man was part of our management team trying to secure us a passage to Sout Africa ?

2) Having the sheer brass neck to bring up sports activities for kids to curve the obesity epedemic! Go look in the mirror you fat bloated piece of poo nugget! Practice what you preach or at least let someone who knows what excersize is do the talking on that front.

Two Jags with a Scottish accent!

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

a nothing country

Agreed up until there?

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

a nothing country

Agreed up until there?

I meant in a political context. Scotland is the equivalent of Amy Winehouse when it comes to international political weight.

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Salmond is a fat slug, a pompous cretinous slimey rancid cunt.

Two examples of why, are as follows...

1) Turning up at Hampden the day Maradona strolled into town with a blown up photo of the 'hand of god' incident. Really you fecking jumped up mhedia attention whore ? You do realize that in a muti cultured society that you keep promoting Scotland as it didn't occur to you that English people living here could have taken offense at that ? Or did it escape your mind that an English man was part of our management team trying to secure us a passage to Sout Africa ?

2) Having the sheer brass neck to bring up sports activities for kids to curve the obesity epedemic! Go look in the mirror you fat bloated piece of poo nugget! Practice what you preach or at least let someone who knows what excersize is do the talking on that front.

Two Jags with a Scottish accent!

i bow to you jimenez

eloquently put

thats made my night i hate that fat b stard with avengance

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

a nothing country

Agreed up until there?

I meant in a political context. Scotland is the equivalent of Amy Winehouse when it comes to international political weight.

Good, I'd much rather be a peaceful wee nation along the lines of a Scandinavian one than some aggressive hegemonic bully like the UK is just now. This is the only reason really why I'd consider voting for Scottish independance actually. What a shame there are no other good reasons :lol:

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Religion and politics go hand in hand when you speak of Scotland, GCC is a sectarian employer yet no one questions it. The herald interview is fair as is the Times one, the only difference being that Salmonds comments smell of fear rather than belief. Oh how this country has fallen.

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I'm not so sure sectarian is the best word to describe those two issues. Sectarian means religious based and nationalism isn't strictly religious. Terrorism, organised criminals who maimed, killed and struck fear into anyone who went against their narrow minded aims. They didn't take into account potential victims religion when they planted bombs indiscriminately. They were as 'happy' to kill and maim catholics as anyone else.

On some occasions when it suited them, yes, they didn't care who was maimed or killed. But I think you'll find the IRA killed more Protestants than Catholics via deliberate sectarian planning.

Former Provo Southern Commander Sean O'Callaghan said as much and the statistics of the troubles don't lie either. This was, and apparently still is for some, a sectarian battle.

That's probably correct but whether it started out as a sectarian campaign or one with purely political aims is debatable.

As for McLetchie's claim that Irish nationalism at football matches should be considered sectarian, he really needs to look up the meaning of the word sectarian, deriving from the word sect.

He then goes on to ruin his own argument with the following..

"Since in itself this has no religious connotation because nationalist and republican movements in Ireland have historically been of a secular nature..."

He can't seriously be suggesting lumping nationalism into sectarianism when it has no religious angle to it.

He should have limited his observations to the likes of cletcs own add ons and their generic title (h***) for the fans of protestant clubs who share a city with historically catholic clubs. ie us, Hertz (cousins of h**) and Dundee fans (mini h***).

The use of the word h** has clearly become sectarian since they don't use it against fans of the catholic clubs.

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

Salmond is an arrogant, pompous prick who is the first minister of a nothing country. Effectively a political leager with little power.

GIUY, who's being the arrogant, pompous prick now?

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

a nothing country

Agreed up until there?

I meant in a political context. Scotland is the equivalent of Amy Winehouse when it comes to international political weight.

So fuck. At least we're not hated as some imperial war mongers/criminals and hypocrites of the highest order.

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I'm not so sure sectarian is the best word to describe those two issues. Sectarian means religious based and nationalism isn't strictly religious. Terrorism, organised criminals who maimed, killed and struck fear into anyone who went against their narrow minded aims. They didn't take into account potential victims religion when they planted bombs indiscriminately. They were as 'happy' to kill and maim catholics as anyone else.

On some occasions when it suited them, yes, they didn't care who was maimed or killed. But I think you'll find the IRA killed more Protestants than Catholics via deliberate sectarian planning.

Former Provo Southern Commander Sean O'Callaghan said as much and the statistics of the troubles don't lie either. This was, and apparently still is for some, a sectarian battle.

That's probably correct but whether it started out as a sectarian campaign or one with purely political aims is debatable.

As for McLetchie's claim that Irish nationalism at football matches should be considered sectarian, he really needs to look up the meaning of the word sectarian, deriving from the word sect.

He then goes on to ruin his own argument with the following..

"Since in itself this has no religious connotation because nationalist and republican movements in Ireland have historically been of a secular nature..."

He can't seriously be suggesting lumping nationalism into sectarianism when it has no religious angle to it.

He should have limited his observations to the likes of cletcs own add ons and their generic title (h***) for the fans of protestant clubs who share a city with historically catholic clubs. ie us, Hertz (cousins of h**) and Dundee fans (mini h***).

The use of the word h** has clearly become sectarian since they don't use it against fans of the catholic clubs.

The phrase ‘Irish nationalism’ does not apply to songs sung in praise of the IRA. ‘Violent Irish Republicanism’ is more appropriate.

I actually find the nit-picking involved in the definition of the word ‘sectarian’ downright offensive. Post-1969, the IRA (in whatever shape or form) has been exclusively Roman Catholic. That it might have targeted RCs (as the Real IRA did with respect to the PSNI officer murdered in Craigavon) is irrelevant because it sees such people as working for the British state in defence of the Protestant/Unionist majority in Northern Ireland.

That McLetchie would have been better advised to have re-worded part of his statement does not alter the central thrust of his argument. Celtic fans praise violent Irish Republicanism for sectarian purposes and no less a body than NBM has recognised this. In fact, although he didn’t actually come out and say it, David McLetchie was pointing at the phraseology of the anti-sectarianism legislation which was deliberately incorporated to target the Rangers support. It should also be pointed out that those framing the legislation believed that Irish Republican violence had ended for good.

Are we supposed to believe that the families of the British soldiers and the police officer killed last week will feel relieved that those carrying out the attacks were motivated by ‘political’ rather than ‘sectarian’ motives?

There is, of course, one way round this cavilling. The Terrorism Act (2006) stipulates that jail sentences of up to 7 years can result from statements seen to glorify terrorism. What’s it to be then - a 300 quid fine for ‘sectarian BOTP’ or a lengthy jail sentence for glorifying terrorism?

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

Salmond is an arrogant, pompous prick who is the first minister of a nothing country. Effectively a political leager with little power.

GIUY, who's being the arrogant, pompous prick now?

So I am being an arrogant, pompous prick for stating the obvious.

Scotland is a nothing country in the grand scheme of things. The First Minister role is a joke because at the end of the day he isn't the most significant or powerful politician in the country as that honour belongs to Mr Brown.

Scotland is nothing more than an integral region of the United Kingdom.

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

a nothing country

Agreed up until there?

I meant in a political context. Scotland is the equivalent of Amy Winehouse when it comes to international political weight.

So fuck. At least we're not hated as some imperial war mongers/criminals and hypocrites of the highest order.

Of course there are no Scottish soldhiers fighting alongside, and effectively on behalf of, those imperial war mongers/criminals.

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the contrary sectarian behaviour in Scotland is primarily expressed in practice through the glorification of Irish nationalism and terrorism against the British state.

This is spot on, can't believe someone has actually come out and said it, or that it has gone to print.

I'm not so sure sectarian is the best word to describe those two issues. Sectarian means religious based and nationalism isn't strictly religious. Terrorism, organised criminals who maimed, killed and struck fear into anyone who went against their narrow minded aims. They didn't take into account potential victims religion when they planted bombs indiscriminately. They were as 'happy' to kill and maim catholics as anyone else.

That's exactly the point McLetchie was making that the "offenses" committed by the scum support are not easily prosecuted under "sectarian" legislation and therefore the authorities take the easy option of turning a blind eye. The authorities do not have the balls, or the desire to prosecute under exisitng legislation regarding glorifying and supporting an illegal terrorist organisation.

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Thank god someone's said something!

Hopefully just the start brethren.

I admire this chap's directness and choosing to tell it like it is.

We need to back it up though, build on his good work!

This at a time when the nation is disgusted with the murders of our secutity forces.

They sing their IRA themes, time to expose that!

We got dragged over the coal (media wise) for Why Don't They Go Home.

Beggars belief their IRA chants go unchallenged.

Scum is as Scum does!

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So it's wrong and unprofessional for Rangers not to sign catholics. They must play side by side with the protestants..

And it's wrong for banks not to employ catholics. They must work side by side with protestants.


It's okay that protestants and catholics aren't educated togather. Catholics must not be made to sit side by side with protestants in a classroom.

It is about time that the 'elephant in the room' was addressed and not ignored or promoted.

Joint school projects are all very good but the next day the kids still go to different schools.

Salmond is an arrogant, pompous prick who is the first minister of a nothing country. Effectively a political leager with little power.

GIUY, who's being the arrogant, pompous prick now?

So I am being an arrogant, pompous prick for stating the obvious.

Scotland is a nothing country in the grand scheme of things. The First Minister role is a joke because at the end of the day he isn't the most significant or powerful politician in the country as that honour belongs to Mr Brown.

Scotland is nothing more than an integral region of the United Kingdom.

Can't agree with that.

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