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"It's done", "league's over", "given up"

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Take your head out the sand and actually pay attention to what is happening at Ibrox.

That is why i cancelled my season ticket over 3 years ago, i'm nobodys' fool.

I admire your passion and commitment to Rangers and believe that you do want what is best for the club.

We just have different ways of expressing our feelings.

We all want the same thing, but I am sick of being disappointed when the problems are there for everyone to see except our Manager and Chairman.

Preparing for failure under the current regime makes losing a little bit easier to take, instead of expecting so much and falling at the final hurdle.

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some one said to me today they think the rodents may win it at ibrox. how i hope not.

never stop believing beas :gerbad:

Even with how uneven our performances have been, I just don't see that happening. F*** that lot and the ship they came in on, we WILL beat them at Ibrox.

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I want to win the league more than anything.

However, if we are incapable of playing a 4-4-2 and walter is adamant 4-5-1 with no width and players playing out of position is the best way to go from now until the end of the season.

We have 2 chances of winning the SPL title

Negative post #1

We will do the double.

I still want Walter Gone regardless, hes a clueless tool and setting us back no end.

Yet, you still think he will deliver?

Negative post #2

Anyone remember Euro 2008 and the slogan about Turkey - it aint over till fatihs laddies sing? well the league aint over till we are singing and celebrating league no 52, sure, sellic have the advantage but three points are so little - Rangers are on their last life, the scum can afford one more slip up, its a race to the finish and sellick have harder obsticles on the way, its not over yet, not by a long shot (we could try one of those on Boruc tho - he seems to have trouble with them - see hibs 2 nil win) so comon people NO SURRONDER

Aye and they won fuck all too

Negative post #3.

CFCs No1 Fan?

I dont agree with your views so I must be a tim.

Take your head out the sand and actually pay attention to what is happening at Ibrox.

I love that phrase, instantly used to belittle anyone who hasnt given up hope of being successful, should form a new supporters group called capitulation Disloyal :pipe:

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Take your head out the sand and actually pay attention to what is happening at Ibrox.

That is why i cancelled my season ticket over 3 years ago, i'm nobodys' fool.

I admire your passion and commitment to Rangers and believe that you do want what is best for the club.

We just have different ways of expressing our feelings.

We all want the same thing, but I am sick of being disappointed when the problems are there for everyone to see except our Manager and Chairman.

Preparing for failure under the current regime makes losing a little bit easier to take, instead of expecting so much and falling at the final hurdle.

I prefer the pain! Reminds me I am alive. Higher highs and lower lows, but, thats just me

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We will do the double.

I still want Walter Gone regardless, hes a clueless tool and setting us back no end.

Yet, you still think he will deliver?

Because of the quality of opposition yes.

We are bad, celtic are worse.

Yet they find there self top of the league, and one cup in the bag.

If were winning this league, we need other teams to win it for us it's a sad truth!

aint no truth in that my friend, statiscally we only need to win all our games we dont need to rely on anyone (tu)

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I want to win the league more than anything.

However, if we are incapable of playing a 4-4-2 and walter is adamant 4-5-1 with no width and players playing out of position is the best way to go from now until the end of the season.

We have 2 chances of winning the SPL title

Negative post #1

We will do the double.

I still want Walter Gone regardless, hes a clueless tool and setting us back no end.

Yet, you still think he will deliver?

Negative post #2

Anyone remember Euro 2008 and the slogan about Turkey - it aint over till fatihs laddies sing? well the league aint over till we are singing and celebrating league no 52, sure, sellic have the advantage but three points are so little - Rangers are on their last life, the scum can afford one more slip up, its a race to the finish and sellick have harder obsticles on the way, its not over yet, not by a long shot (we could try one of those on Boruc tho - he seems to have trouble with them - see hibs 2 nil win) so comon people NO SURRONDER

Aye and they won fuck all too

Negative post #3.

CFCs No1 Fan?

I dont agree with your views so I must be a tim.

Take your head out the sand and actually pay attention to what is happening at Ibrox.

I love that phrase, instantly used to belittle anyone who hasnt given up hope of being successful, should form a new supporters group called capitulation Disloyal :pipe:

Oh fuck aye! There would be a lot on here that would joing the Capitulation DisLoyal - Motto: Surrender!

But not me ! Rather lose on the last day than capituate now - god there's even people on here who want to give up now rather than HURT at the end - what sort of Glory Seeking phlosophy is that - may as well not have a team UNLESS we win everything. That seems to be the cry of the 'win only' support. Yes I love to win - but to experience the highs of winning we all have to experience defeat!.

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

For all I agree with that, which I do, the highlighted bit plays some part in the dross we get to view! Football should (for me) be like a 3 ringed circus, and, at this point in time, nobody is playing their part.

Its also a case, people actually are voting with their feet, but, its more about murray than anything else, which, I agree with, at the same time, doesnt really help the team on the pitch

Strange situation, as we want Murray and the manager out, we want improvements, and, we want better, and successful football, yet, at the same time, we wont do anything to help.

I think it was Andy who said the other day, that, the support/club/team relationship is like an abusive marriage, and, i can wholeheartedly agree with that. Bad times, far worse than the football on show, but, I dont see the fans making the first step, and, also, dont see the club doing so.

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I believe we will win the league. I said it after we lost 2-1 at Tynecastle, I said it when we lost 1-0 against Celtic (tu) I really shouldn't be confident considering the results throughout the season, but I am.

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in my opinion money has killed the game as lots of our fans just cant afford to go, and lots of them were the singers in our support.


Aw Minst, you made me and this guy agree :craphead:

Its true tho, the gobby singers are the ones who dont go as much now, me being one of them!

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We will do the double.

I still want Walter Gone regardless, hes a clueless tool and setting us back no end.

Yet, you still think he will deliver?

Because of the quality of opposition yes.

We are bad, celtic are worse.

Yet they find there self top of the league, and one cup in the bag.

If were winning this league, we need other teams to win it for us it's a sad truth!

aint no truth in that my friend, statiscally we only need to win all our games we dont need to rely on anyone (tu)

Not entirely true, we could win all our games and still lose the league.

Celtic could lose 1 game against us, out score us and win all the remaining games and win on goal difference.

As i said we need other teams to help us out.

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Although I admire all you who still believe we will win the league, I am not as confident. I am not at all sure that we will get our 52nd title this year.

I don't know that this is the case though. As numerous people have already said, the lady didn't sing yet. Things can still happen, and this last weekend shows that to be the case. Had Celtic lost their game, we would've gained a point on them. Things can happen. I just don't think we are going to win.

But, and this is the main point of my post: wether or not I believe we will actually win the league this year isn't the most important thing.

I am a Rangers supporter. For me, that means I would support Rangers even if we were way down the league. I know, it's a horrible and almost unthinkable concept, but imagine and pretend we were at place #5 or even #8 or something. I would still support Rangers with the same passion as I am now.

Of course, I would be pissed off as hell, and crying bloody murder all over the place - since Rangers is the greatest club in Scotland, nay - the greatest club in the world, and should win the title. But I would still support them.

So, to sum up what I'm trying to say, let me quote some lines of the lyrics of "Paisley Road West":

"Through good and the bad, times of happy or sad

It will always be Rangers for me. [...]

And its sure safe to say,

at the end of the game:

Win or lose we will all follow on!"

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Seeing as we cant win at home nevermind away then no we will not win the league.

Losing Lafferty was the final straw for me, you know Smith will go with Miller and the statue no matter how pish it gets.

Our only glimmer of hope is Fleck and maybye Novo. I really hope im proved wrong but i said the same thing last season and for a very simple reason.. Walter Smith.

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

How do you mean vote with your feet?

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

How do you mean vote with your feet?

Pretty obvious isnt it? Dont go.

I think SDM gets too much stick with regards to the situation with WS. he has backed him to the tune of nearly 30 million, and he still doesnt know his best 11.

Thats not Murrays fault, although he has got us on the brink...again.

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

How do you mean vote with your feet?

Pretty obvious isnt it? Dont go.

I think SDM gets too much stick with regards to the situation with WS. he has backed him to the tune of nearly 30 million, and he still doesnt know his best 11.

Thats not Murrays fault, although he has got us on the brink...again.

Reallly got to laugh - only 3 points behind Celtic, A game against them at Ibrox and a further 9 (yes NINE) games to go and you want to help destroy any chance we have by walking away - what sort of 'fair weather, only support if we are winning' fan are you ? When you leave Rangers will be all the better because of it as someone who wants to support the team will replace you.

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Ah, the last bastion of hope for the loyal apologist. Rather than look objectively look at the situation and smell the coffee, lines like "remember we are one of the people" and "keep believing" will be brought out to placate the senses.

For all the praise we get as a support, we really do fuck all but sit down and shut up when we're being served dross upon dross. If only more people would vote with their feet.

How do you mean vote with your feet?

Pretty obvious isnt it? Dont go.

I think SDM gets too much stick with regards to the situation with WS. he has backed him to the tune of nearly 30 million, and he still doesnt know his best 11.

Thats not Murrays fault, although he has got us on the brink...again.

Reallly got to laugh - only 3 points behind Celtic, A game against them at Ibrox and a further 9 (yes NINE) games to go and you want to help destroy any chance we have by walking away - what sort of 'fair weather, only support if we are winning' fan are you ? When you leave Rangers will be all the better because of it as someone who wants to support the team will replace you.

I was explaining someone elses post! doh

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Its not "them" that we need to worry about!

The only thing that will prevent us from winning the league is our inconsistancy. Concentrate on beating the "lesser" teams and the final Old Firm game will take care of itself. No doubts about that. After the cup final, the players will be up for it and nothing less than a win will be acceptable!

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