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And that doesn't include guys like Eric Caldow, Terry Butcher and even big Lorenzo, this shows exactly what a Rangers FC club captain should never ever stoop to, our captains have to be better than the rest, they are a symbol of everything our proud famous club stands and should always act accordingly.


Too right.

Superb collage there D'Art, superb but also very damning on our ex-captain.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

For the love of god, I actualy agree with one of your posts.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

What the fuck has this got to do with being Protestant?

Your post reeks of someone who can't actually defend what our captain and goalie have done, so you feel the need to bring it back to religion.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

How many captains of Rangers Football Club post on here?

To compare Ferguson's situation to that of anyone on here is ludicrous.

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easy too post pics when times are hard post ah good one of barry and stop stickin the knife in

Let me guess....

Barry and McShagger were right to go on an all night drinking binge which lasted till noon the next day and only came to a halt when a complaint was recieved regarding their conduct. Who is sticking the knife in ?

Barry was right to undermine PLG and then when he was dropped go squealing to the media. Who is sticking the knife in ?

McShagger was right to laugh and joke during a minutes silence to a Rangers legend. Who is sticking the knife in ?

Dumb and Dumber were right to take the huff for their punishment for their all night drinking exploits and be stupid enough to be photographed giving the V sign to all and sunry.

Remind me Bowers...just who is sticking the knife in ?

So loyal he buggered of to England and only came back because he couldn't hack it down there?

And where was the mistake? It was obviously something they both planned to do, not some off the cuff heat of the moment thing that they could have been excused for. Unpofessional twat.

And ofcourse, why the hell are you brining religion in to it? It has nothing to do with anything here.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

What the fuck has this got to do with being Protestant?

Your post reeks of someone who can't actually defend what our captain and goalie have done, so you feel the need to bring it back to religion.

I'm not defending them

And expressing my personal belief that forgiveness is an essential part of the way I was brought up - that offends you. Sorry. You may have a different belief system. I don't.

So to sum up for you. Because I obviously confused you.

I think they did a bad thing.

I think they are being punished for doing a bad thing

I think that once they serve their punishment they should be forgiven, but maybe that's just me because I was brought up a certain way.

If you think being Protestant is irrelevent, then that's Ok. Maybe in your faith they think you shouldn't forgive. I apologise for thinking and acting like a Protestant, I honestly hope that it doesn't offend you that I mention my faith on here - it's just that I've seen it (peoples beliefs) mentioned on here before so assumed it was OK to admit being Protestant. Sorry.

I also apologise to Maybole if he happens to agree with this one too - I'm honestly not doing it intentionally :P

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easy too post pics when times are hard post ah good one of barry and stop stickin the knife in

Let me guess....

Barry and McShagger were right to go on an all night drinking binge which lasted till noon the next day and only came to a halt when a complaint was recieved regarding their conduct. Who is sticking the knife in ?

Barry was right to undermine PLG and then when he was dropped go squealing to the media. Who is sticking the knife in ?

McShagger was right to laugh and joke during a minutes silence to a Rangers legend. Who is sticking the knife in ?

Dumb and Dumber were right to take the huff for their punishment for their all night drinking exploits and be stupid enough to be photographed giving the V sign to all and sundry.

Remind me Bowers...just who is sticking the knife in ?

mate i think you are a very talented writer read alot of your work which i think are brilliant

However Iam a Rangers Supporter and the treatment these 2 boys have received are shocking cant believe how many gers fans are happy too watch Rangers do their dirty washing in the public domain, Yes we are more than a club and set greater standards than everyone else but its the way in which WS and DM have the situation that disgusts me.

Now way would Sir alex ferguson or any other top level manager handled this situation the same. Infact i think they would have been overboard in defending our players against the mhedia then dealt with it in-house thus creating the us vs them mentality which we are sadly lacking

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If you think being Protestant is irrelevent, then that's Ok. Maybe in your faith they think you shouldn't forgive. I apologise for thinking and acting like a Protestant, I honestly hope that it doesn't offend you that I mention my faith on here - it's just that I've seen it (peoples beliefs) mentioned on here before so assumed it was OK to admit being Protestant. Sorry.

Do your best not to get too condescending there ;)

I am of no faith. I've been brought up in a Protestant household, but I wouldn't say I am one simply because I don't practice it.

Mention anything to do with your faith couldn't possible offend me any less.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

What the fuck has this got to do with being Protestant?

Your post reeks of someone who can't actually defend what our captain and goalie have done, so you feel the need to bring it back to religion.

I don't think he was defending. I think his dig was that most/some on here claim to be Protestants and one of the Protestants ways is to forgive.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

What the fuck has this got to do with being Protestant?

Your post reeks of someone who can't actually defend what our captain and goalie have done, so you feel the need to bring it back to religion.

I don't think he was defending. I think his dig was that most/some on here claim to be Protestants and one of the Protestants ways is to forgive.


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Prior to the kickoff at the next game at Ibrox, both Ferguson and McGregor should be out in that centre circle making a public apology to all Rangers fans in

attendance. Its the least they can do.

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no player is bigger than the club, they should be punished for what they done, they were very daft to have their picture take with the v- sign derserve all they get. did they think they were above the rest in the way they behaved.

They have brought shame to the great name that is Glasgow Rangers Football Club.

Fine them a months wages and put them in the second XI, till they learn from their mistake.

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Hopefuly this isn't the picture he is remebered by :(.

Heres hoping he gets his hands on some silverware at the end of this season.

He will be remembered by this sorry episode & only has himself to blame.......he should never be allowed to play for the team again!

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

And deny the mob their moment, course not.

It's what they live for, and certainly not supporting a loyal servant that made a, admittedly stupid, mistake. You have to remember, the folk on here have never done that, never took a drink, never said or done anything they've regretted. They're perfect. If only we could be so great.

BF made an arse of himself, and embarrassed the club and country.

He is being punished.

And as a Protestant, I believe that to forgive is divine. Obviously others have a more liberal (or non existant) understanding of our faith - oh I forgot, their just 'traditionally Protestant' not encumbered with the responsibility to act and behave as Protestants.

What the fuck has this got to do with being Protestant?

Your post reeks of someone who can't actually defend what our captain and goalie have done, so you feel the need to bring it back to religion.

I'm not defending them

And expressing my personal belief that forgiveness is an essential part of the way I was brought up - that offends you. Sorry. You may have a different belief system. I don't.

So to sum up for you. Because I obviously confused you.

I think they did a bad thing.

I think they are being punished for doing a bad thing

I think that once they serve their punishment they should be forgiven, but maybe that's just me because I was brought up a certain way.

If you think being Protestant is irrelevent, then that's Ok. Maybe in your faith they think you shouldn't forgive. I apologise for thinking and acting like a Protestant, I honestly hope that it doesn't offend you that I mention my faith on here - it's just that I've seen it (peoples beliefs) mentioned on here before so assumed it was OK to admit being Protestant. Sorry.

I also apologise to Maybole if he happens to agree with this one too - I'm honestly not doing it intentionally :P

Are you taking the piss?

What the fuck does religion have to do with it?

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I agree with some of what TT says to be honest. I don't think religion comes into it much tbh though. But too many people on here are slagging BF and McGregor like they've never done anything wrong in their lives. Everyone makes mistakes. The captain of Liverpool and arguably England's best player, Steven Gerrard was found Guilty of affray the other day. That's right not only did he get bladdered, steaming off his nut drunk (Yes, Papaguy, a supposedly proffesional athlete was drinking - shoot him at dawn) but he was Guilty of Breach of the Peace. And you know what, he probably assaulted that guy as well, it's just that the Crown don't have the evidence to prove it.

Is he a fallen idol? Should we be posting pictures of him fighting? Is that the way a captain should behave? Spending a night in the cells?

Answer me that?

(Waits for response of ....oh but they stuck two fingers up)

Captain material - Steven Gerrard? (The guy that never hid his desire to leave Liverpool for Chelsea prior to Champions League win)

Captain material - Barry Ferguson? (The guy that left for Blackburn and came back)

Questionable Loyalty in the past, gets drunk during the season, gives 100% for their club, made a mistake - Who am I describing here

Only difference is that one set of fans get behind their captain, one doesn't.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

My thoughts exactly. I want to remember of the captain he was, not as the shit wannabee he is now.

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nae picture of him celebrating that freekick against the mhanky mob in the cup final or lift the cup on helicopter sunday

The point is that you wouldn't have any pictures of our great captains embarrassing the club. He's let us down badly, but his demise started when he shooshed the fans.

I lost all respect for that wee ned at that exact moment.

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I just get the feeling something has been festering in the background as well. I would never have expected Barry to behave like this

I heard him on Rangers tv earlier and he sounded very contrite

He has let club country and himself down badly its like a total collapse within a few days.....its all very strange

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