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Prophet of Doom

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Guys before you start the abuse

Am just worried about some of the rumours being punted about right now regarding our great club, David Murray, Banks and Administration!

As our season starts tonight, we are champions, we go straight into the champions league, now even though I find it really hard to take that we wont be spending this summer ( I will deal with that )! I think our EXACT position has to be made aware and honestly aware by our chairmen! now some will reply simpy by saying ( skint ) which we all no, however there is being SKINT and there is being in administration etc, now I dont believe for one minute that our great club is in this position but regarding the davie weir thread and the general rumours at work and from ( sources ) etc! and this come from bears! is that we are tinkering towards the unthinkable! I just wished that Davis Murray would be honest and let the people know what is hapening!

I cant understand for the life of me why no one would buy this club! its history, infrastructure, fan base, potential etc! there MUST be a reason, and forget the credit runch, forget the SPL! a wise and half decent business man would make profit with success at our club! if they can do it then why cant we???

Its the 24/07/09 the new top was realesed on the 16/07/09 and I still dont have it! because of how bad our club is being run! now people dont like my views I accept that but I think I make a valid point, not saying agree with it but surely these questions must be answered!

We all need to unite, support the team and be one right now! so lets pull together and we will get there, but questions must be asked and must be answered!

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Area's of our club are run pretty shabby (Ticket Office, JJB home delivery, etc).

We've missed the boat in capitalising on our 90's success. In the early 90's we were the biggest club in Britain, look at how Man U have branded themselves since, and look at how we did. Not saying we'd be anything like the global brand Man Utd are, however we've went backwards! Even the green and grey have did a good job of marketing themselves as a brand, and they were nearly out of business back then!

The focus on developing the Rangers brand has been paricularly poor over the past decade.

We tried the global brand thing in oz and china and it wasn't so easy.

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Nowhere near administration son dont worry about that .

Our finances aren't as bad as people would have you believe.

It's more to do with the fact the could be this bad if we don't take these measures. We are operating at the ends of our means, so spending money now and then say next season, we have a bad season, administration could become a reality! However as it stands, we're pretty safe from this IMO.

In a (warped logic) sense the pressure is off a bit, we want to win the title, but don't absolutely need to win the title. Celtic aren't going for 5 in a row. We've bought ourselves a bit of time to get our house in order, and we've secured Champions League money for this season, whilst budgeting for the possibility of no CL income next season.


The only reason the money was spent last season was to ENSURE that we had enough to win the title back and get automatic Q into the UCL as if we hadnt then bougie , davis and mendes would be going back out the door after a season to balance the books. I myself am more than comfertable with the situation at the moment but i feel we need to win the league again this year and with the same squad + some of the injured boys from last season we ARE stronger than when we won the league.

Some people still live in the land where if Ceptic sign a player then we must go out and sign a better one . these guys Celtic have got are unproven in the SPL.


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No-one with any business acumen would state in public the true state of the finances.

Rangers have creditors. As things stand we can make our payments and slowly work our way out of debt.

If Murray was to come out with a line akin to 'we're toiling badly' there would be a cavalry charge of creditors wanting FULL payment immediately. Very few clubs in this land would cope with that (including Man Utd and Liverpool)

Thats why he keeps it cagey. Do you not see that?

As for a buyer - Of course we would be saved but akin to McCann at Celtic any buyer is wise to wait as the price will drop.

It's all perfectly logical if you look at it from a purely business perspective.

Rangers are a bloated organisation. Murray, Smith, Bain et al are simply making the painful changes needed to ensure we go forward a sleeker organisation. 2 years from now debt will be massively undercut, youth will have been promoted and begun making an impact, the need to spend will be minimal and we will all be happy.

Thats the masterplan as I see it. yes we were architects of our own doom but we are now getting our house in order.

Painful but necessary.

The fact you can't locate a new top is hardly the doomsday scenario. The 4 horsemen are not on the horizon, nor will they be thanks to the actions being taken now (albeit belatedly).

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No one really knows for sure, but I think our debt will be something like 20m after this season. Then we will struggle for another 2 - 3 years before being in reasonable financial health once more.

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No-one with any business acumen would state in public the true state of the finances.

Rangers have creditors. As things stand we can make our payments and slowly work our way out of debt.

If Murray was to come out with a line akin to 'we're toiling badly' there would be a cavalry charge of creditors wanting FULL payment immediately. Very few clubs in this land would cope with that (including Man Utd and Liverpool)

Thats why he keeps it cagey. Do you not see that?

As for a buyer - Of course we would be saved but akin to McCann at Celtic any buyer is wise to wait as the price will drop.

It's all perfectly logical if you look at it from a purely business perspective.

Rangers are a bloated organisation. Murray, Smith, Bain et al are simply making the painful changes needed to ensure we go forward a sleeker organisation. 2 years from now debt will be massively undercut, youth will have been promoted and begun making an impact, the need to spend will be minimal and we will all be happy.

Thats the masterplan as I see it. yes we were architects of our own doom but we are now getting our house in order.

Painful but necessary.

The fact you can't locate a new top is hardly the doomsday scenario. The 4 horsemen are not on the horizon, nor will they be thanks to the actions being taken now (albeit belatedly).

what he said.........

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Guys before you start the abuse

Am just worried about some of the rumours being punted about right now regarding our great club, David Murray, Banks and Administration!

As our season starts tonight, we are champions, we go straight into the champions league, now even though I find it really hard to take that we wont be spending this summer ( I will deal with that )! I think our EXACT position has to be made aware and honestly aware by our chairmen! now some will reply simpy by saying ( skint ) which we all no, however there is being SKINT and there is being in administration etc, now I dont believe for one minute that our great club is in this position but regarding the davie weir thread and the general rumours at work and from ( sources ) etc! and this come from bears! is that we are tinkering towards the unthinkable! I just wished that Davis Murray would be honest and let the people know what is hapening!

I cant understand for the life of me why no one would buy this club! its history, infrastructure, fan base, potential etc! there MUST be a reason, and forget the credit runch, forget the SPL! a wise and half decent business man would make profit with success at our club! if they can do it then why cant we???

Its the 24/07/09 the new top was realesed on the 16/07/09 and I still dont have it! because of how bad our club is being run! now people dont like my views I accept that but I think I make a valid point, not saying agree with it but surely these questions must be answered!

We all need to unite, support the team and be one right now! so lets pull together and we will get there, but questions must be asked and must be answered!

In order to see this grand vision through we would need to find someone with untold wealth, brilliant business acumin, an insight into football (Scottish and beyond) and a willingness to take a hit and lose money. Do you believe such a beast exists who might buy Rangers?

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Nowhere near administration son dont worry about that .

Our finances aren't as bad as people would have you believe.

It's more to do with the fact the could be this bad if we don't take these measures. We are operating at the ends of our means, so spending money now and then say next season, we have a bad season, administration could become a reality! However as it stands, we're pretty safe from this IMO.

In a (warped logic) sense the pressure is off a bit, we want to win the title, but don't absolutely need to win the title. Celtic aren't going for 5 in a row. We've bought ourselves a bit of time to get our house in order, and we've secured Champions League money for this season, whilst budgeting for the possibility of no CL income next season.

incase nobodies said this david murray is the 2nd richest person in scotland worth 700+ million now surely he could dip in and give us 10 million or something.

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Area's of our club are run pretty shabby (Ticket Office, JJB home delivery, etc).

We've missed the boat in capitalising on our 90's success. In the early 90's we were the biggest club in Britain, look at how Man U have branded themselves since, and look at how we did. Not saying we'd be anything like the global brand Man Utd are, however we've went backwards! Even the green and grey have did a good job of marketing themselves as a brand, and they were nearly out of business back then!

The focus on developing the Rangers brand has been paricularly poor over the past decade.

We tried the global brand thing in oz and china and it wasn't so easy.

China is a non starter? I can see OZ.. any country with ex-pats. but here's the issue. The EX Pat population is shrinking fast. The golden era of British emigration was the 1960's. So... all these Bears are sadly, either no longer with us, or on their last legs.

Basically, there is practically no global audience anymore. Give it 5 years.. it will be non existent.

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Administration is a matter of public record - as are Rangers accounts - nothing in either shows anything bad - just tight requiring some good financial management - and Murray is taking these steps - relax!

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Nowhere near administration son dont worry about that .

Our finances aren't as bad as people would have you believe.

It's more to do with the fact the could be this bad if we don't take these measures. We are operating at the ends of our means, so spending money now and then say next season, we have a bad season, administration could become a reality! However as it stands, we're pretty safe from this IMO.

In a (warped logic) sense the pressure is off a bit, we want to win the title, but don't absolutely need to win the title. Celtic aren't going for 5 in a row. We've bought ourselves a bit of time to get our house in order, and we've secured Champions League money for this season, whilst budgeting for the possibility of no CL income next season.

incase nobodies said this david murray is the 2nd richest person in scotland worth 700+ million now surely he could dip in and give us 10 million or something.

no :pipe:

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The state of our finance and the restrictions that brings was given clearly last January.There has been no great injection of cash or revenue since then so there is no scope to spend and the need to trim expenses is the same if not more urgent.

The club has to cut losses,then the overdraft,then the debt before we can move forward.

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Not even sure why the OP mentioned administration. Who, other than Celtic fans or shit stirrers, would have even considered it? Certainly nobody of any credibility. We are a long way away from that.

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Not even sure why the OP mentioned administration. Who, other than Celtic fans or shit stirrers, would have even considered it? Certainly nobody of any credibility. We are a long way away from that.

And the truth shall set you free!!!! :pipe:

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Guys before you start the abuse

Am just worried about some of the rumours being punted about right now regarding our great club, David Murray, Banks and Administration!

As our season starts tonight, we are champions, we go straight into the champions league, now even though I find it really hard to take that we wont be spending this summer ( I will deal with that )! I think our EXACT position has to be made aware and honestly aware by our chairmen! now some will reply simpy by saying ( skint ) which we all no, however there is being SKINT and there is being in administration etc, now I dont believe for one minute that our great club is in this position but regarding the davie weir thread and the general rumours at work and from ( sources ) etc! and this come from bears! is that we are tinkering towards the unthinkable! I just wished that Davis Murray would be honest and let the people know what is hapening!

I cant understand for the life of me why no one would buy this club! its history, infrastructure, fan base, potential etc! there MUST be a reason, and forget the credit runch, forget the SPL! a wise and half decent business man would make profit with success at our club! if they can do it then why cant we???

Its the 24/07/09 the new top was realesed on the 16/07/09 and I still dont have it! because of how bad our club is being run! now people dont like my views I accept that but I think I make a valid point, not saying agree with it but surely these questions must be answered!

We all need to unite, support the team and be one right now! so lets pull together and we will get there, but questions must be asked and must be answered!

Do you ever think when you are sittin in your filthy green and grey hooped welded to your body with dirt and sweat rhag, stuck in your rat and cockroached infested garngad slum that you could be doin something better with your time like suckin the dhirty bheasts boaby ? :sherlock:

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A long winded post with no really substance...

No change there then

Everyone is entitled to express their opinion. If you dont like it just refrain from the subject rather than making unnecessary derogatory remarks to fellow bears. Respect goes a long way.

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incase nobodies said this david murray is the 2nd richest person in scotland worth 700+ million now surely he could dip in and give us 10 million or something.

I'm sure SDM could easily nip down to an ATM and take 10 million out of his Bank Of Scotland Current Account and drop it off on Wally's desk in a padded envelope :rolleyes:

The guy is worth 700/800 million, but that doesn't mean the money is avaailble at the click of his fingers.

The majority of his money, and in turn his wealth, will be tied up in his businesses and assets.

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incase nobodies said this david murray is the 2nd richest person in scotland worth 700+ million now surely he could dip in and give us 10 million or something.

I'm sure SDM could easily nip down to an ATM and take 10 million out of his Bank Of Scotland Current Account and drop it off on Wally's desk in a padded envelope :rolleyes:

The guy is worth 700/800 million, but that doesn't mean the money is avaailble at the click of his fingers.

The majority of his money, and in turn his wealth, will be tied up in his businesses and assets.

SDM like many other multi millionaire busnessmen will have taken a hit in last years global financial meltdown and as DBBTB said most of that £700m wealth is in assets and is untouchable unless sold.

As for the 'why wont somebody buy us?' well that i feel will be down to the valuation of the club in the MIH accounts.

When SDM thankfully underwrote he debt 3 years ago to the tune of £70m,our club then fell under the MIH umbrella,now dont quote me but im positive the club then was valued at £100m.

Now if SDM were to sell our club that is the figure that would surely need to be recouped? anything less would be recorded as a loss.

Therefore we remain in a catch22 situation,SDM wont sell for much less than the book price and no businessman will pay nearly £100m for a SPL club.

We need to stick by SDM and allow him to make our club financially stronger by whatever means,an invite to the EPL would change everything IMHO but hopefully that will be sooner than later.

but remember one thing,no matter the financial constraints! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

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Guys before you start the abuse

Am just worried about some of the rumours being punted about right now regarding our great club, David Murray, Banks and Administration!

As our season starts tonight, we are champions, we go straight into the champions league, now even though I find it really hard to take that we wont be spending this summer ( I will deal with that )! I think our EXACT position has to be made aware and honestly aware by our chairmen! now some will reply simpy by saying ( skint ) which we all no, however there is being SKINT and there is being in administration etc, now I dont believe for one minute that our great club is in this position but regarding the davie weir thread and the general rumours at work and from ( sources ) etc! and this come from bears! is that we are tinkering towards the unthinkable! I just wished that Davis Murray would be honest and let the people know what is hapening!

I cant understand for the life of me why no one would buy this club! its history, infrastructure, fan base, potential etc! there MUST be a reason, and forget the credit runch, forget the SPL! a wise and half decent business man would make profit with success at our club! if they can do it then why cant we???

Its the 24/07/09 the new top was realesed on the 16/07/09 and I still dont have it! because of how bad our club is being run! now people dont like my views I accept that but I think I make a valid point, not saying agree with it but surely these questions must be answered!

We all need to unite, support the team and be one right now! so lets pull together and we will get there, but questions must be asked and must be answered!

Do you ever think when you are sittin in your filthy green and grey hooped welded to your body with dirt and sweat rhag, stuck in your rat and cockroached infested garngad slum that you could be doin something better with your time like suckin the dhirty bheasts boaby ? :sherlock:

and you're nearly 60?

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Guys before you start the abuse

Am just worried about some of the rumours being punted about right now regarding our great club, David Murray, Banks and Administration!

As our season starts tonight, we are champions, we go straight into the champions league, now even though I find it really hard to take that we wont be spending this summer ( I will deal with that )! I think our EXACT position has to be made aware and honestly aware by our chairmen! now some will reply simpy by saying ( skint ) which we all no, however there is being SKINT and there is being in administration etc, now I dont believe for one minute that our great club is in this position but regarding the davie weir thread and the general rumours at work and from ( sources ) etc! and this come from bears! is that we are tinkering towards the unthinkable! I just wished that Davis Murray would be honest and let the people know what is hapening!

I cant understand for the life of me why no one would buy this club! its history, infrastructure, fan base, potential etc! there MUST be a reason, and forget the credit runch, forget the SPL! a wise and half decent business man would make profit with success at our club! if they can do it then why cant we???

Its the 24/07/09 the new top was realesed on the 16/07/09 and I still dont have it! because of how bad our club is being run! now people dont like my views I accept that but I think I make a valid point, not saying agree with it but surely these questions must be answered!

We all need to unite, support the team and be one right now! so lets pull together and we will get there, but questions must be asked and must be answered!

Do you ever think when you are sittin in your filthy green and grey hooped welded to your body with dirt and sweat rhag, stuck in your rat and cockroached infested garngad slum that you could be doin something better with your time like suckin the dhirty bheasts boaby ? :sherlock:

and you're nearly 60?

Am jist a young thing, don't let the silver fool you. Anyways not defending the regime but am fair sick o' this bhastard and his never fcukin endin pish negative posts ! :sherlock:

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