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Isolation is not an option


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Perhaps it should come as no surprise that BD had to post a thread requesting support for the Dumbarton Royal Black Perceptory Parade. Its probably a sad fact of life in present day Scotland that the rights afforded others under the European Article on Human Rights seem to be ignored with alarmingly regularity when it comes to the Orange Institutions.

In truth, the fact that the Parade is under scrutiny and the methods are nothing new at all. In fact we can go back to the last century and the birth of communism to find the catalyst. In 1920 Lenin wrote “It is impossible to exercise dictatorship without having a number of transmission belts from the vanguard” The vanguard in this case was of course the communist party itself. Potential transmission belts were trade unions, cultural and sporting societies, peace movements and writers.

The Marxist IRA obviously read Lenin well. Sinn Fein were the vanguard and the transmission belts became youth movements, trade unions, womens groups and in particular community groups. In 1996 Gerard Rice and the Lower Ormeau Concerned Community received £60,000 from the Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust. Suddenly communities where Orange Parades had taken place for hundreds of years suddenly became “concerned”. Not only did they become concerned but, mysteriously, residents groups sprang up with ex IRA terrorists fronting them or members of Sinn Fein. Residents who were ufazed by the parades were threatened and intimidated to attend meetings. What a co-incidence.

Gerry Adams has vowed “to remove every bit of British Imperialism and Unionism” from Northern Ireland. In the absence of the bomb and the bullet – transmission belts will be the means.

In a Scotland a climate has been created that erroneously suggests “Sectarianism is Scotland’s Secret Shame”. I say erroneously because our above average death rate for cardiac failure and cancer, our child poverty statistics and drugs problems would tend to suggest that Scotland has a number of shames and none of them secret.

A measure of the increased bravado of the usurpers within our midst was evidenced at Armed Forces Day in Glasgow. This was a first for even Glasgow...an attempt to deny the right of our armed forces marching through our streets. What hope then for the Orange institutions ?

But where will it all end ? And what do these people, whoever they are hope to achieve ? Who or what is their vanguard ?

Let’s return a moment to Adams and his vow to rid Ulster of everything British and Unionist. Reading a few of the Armed Forces Day Protesters web pages its quite clear where their beef lies. Anything Protestant, Unionist or British. (Though perhaps someone should tell them that there are no Irish Republican standing at the next UK election) Just how ridding Britain’s street of our Armed Forces will help their Republican cause is beyond me...but these people are driven by hatred rather than reason or logic.

I would suspect however that for these people our football club is on their radar of hated organisations. We do have a British, Protestant and Unionist identity after all. The fact that we have had numerous catholic players, a catholic captain and a catholic manager will of course have no bearing on their thought process. If love is blind...hatred is even more so.

It wasn’t so long ago after all that transmission belt Anna Smith suggested that “Rangers cultivated sectarianism in Scotland” in a national Sunday newspaper.

In an official capacity our football club has played down the Protestant heritage of Rangers in recent years, whilst emphasising our strong British and Unionist links. Amongst the support that Protestant heritage still has a significant foundation of support. Either way, there is enough about our club’s character and identity to make it the target for those transmission belts.

Lets make an important observation here. No matter what our club do, those who hate us with a vengeance will continue to hate us, and will find excuse and lies to justify that hatred.

For those who think that making our football club “whiter than white” will remove us from the enemy’s radar, I’m afraid you are sadly deluded. As much as Neville Chamberlain was when he told the British people he had in hands a piece of paper which guaranteed peace in our time.

Several weeks ago Minstral got pilloried for suggesting we should remember our Protestant heritage. We should not just remember it, we should support not only Protestant Organisations but those which celebrate and emphasise our Britishness.

There are people within our midst who hate our country, or faith and our football club. We will not defeat them standing in splendid isolation, but only by standing shoulder to shoulder with those who support and fight for freedom, tolerance and truth.

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

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I remember a few Years ago reading in a newspaper about a RBP parade from George Square to Bridgeton. 1 band and about 8 marchers were to be rerouted, and I quote the newspaper, "away from the mainly catholic Gallowgate area of the city".

If your life is a pledge to Ireland, why are you here?

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

Yea and we await the invasion of the thread with the usual pish.

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

Hello Allan,

The problem for this "new entity" is that despite our club abandoning much of our religious heritage, our club remains the target for those who hate us.

Perhaps the new entity would care to tell us how they propose to defend our club.

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There is a new entity of Rangers fan now.

I think there's just a lot of fans that are interested in the football side of things much more than concerning ourselves with orange walks or Protestanism. When I hear some fans saying that we should bring back the Billy Boys, even if it meant us getting kicked out of playing european football.....it bemuses me, to say the least.

Football is a release for me. It's more than just a sport, I love Rangers, but it's a fantastic vehicle for me to indulge in my passion for football. I take a lot more pride from our sporting achievments over the years, the 52 titles, 1972, 9 in a row, UEFA Cup final.......than I do from our Protestant and British heritage, despite the fact that I am both Protestant and British . Infinitely more so.

Each to their own.

As a sidenote, was there not doubt as to when the club was formed whether it was actually formed with any sort of Protestant idenity in mind ? I thought this came some time after the formation of the club ? I don't have good knowledge of the early years, I just thought I'd read something like that a few months ago on here.

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There is a new entity of Rangers fan now.

I think there's just a lot of fans that are interested in the football side of things much more than concerning ourselves with orange walks or Protestanism. When I hear some fans saying that we should bring back the Billy Boys, even if it meant us getting kicked out of playing european football.....it bemuses me, to say the least.

Football is a release for me. It's more than just a sport, I love Rangers, but it's a fantastic vehicle for me to indulge in my passion for football. I take a lot more pride from our sporting achievments over the years, the 52 titles, 1972, 9 in a row, UEFA Cup final.......than I do from our Protestant and British heritage, despite the fact that I am both Protestant and British . Infinitely more so.

Each to their own.

As a sidenote, was there not doubt as to when the club was formed whether it was actually formed with any sort of Protestant idenity in mind ? I thought this came some time after the formation of the club ? I don't have good knowledge of the early years, I just thought I'd read something like that a few months ago on here.

Read Gary Ralstons, Rangers 1872 The Gallant Pioneers.

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There is a new entity of Rangers fan now.

I think there's just a lot of fans that are interested in the football side of things much more than concerning ourselves with orange walks or Protestanism. When I hear some fans saying that we should bring back the Billy Boys, even if it meant us getting kicked out of playing european football.....it bemuses me, to say the least.

Football is a release for me. It's more than just a sport, I love Rangers, but it's a fantastic vehicle for me to indulge in my passion for football. I take a lot more pride from our sporting achievments over the years, the 52 titles, 1972, 9 in a row, UEFA Cup final.......than I do from our Protestant and British heritage, despite the fact that I am both Protestant and British . Infinitely more so.

Each to their own.

As a sidenote, was there not doubt as to when the club was formed whether it was actually formed with any sort of Protestant idenity in mind ? I thought this came some time after the formation of the club ? I don't have good knowledge of the early years, I just thought I'd read something like that a few months ago on here.

And do you feel you will be left to your own ScotBear ...if people continue to target their hatred towards our club ?

Do you believe as journalist Anna Smith alluded to that "Rangers cultivated sectarianism in Scotland" ?

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

Hello Allan,

The problem for this "new entity" is that despite our club abandoning much of our religious heritage, our club remains the target for those who hate us.

Perhaps the new entity would care to tell us how they propose to defend our club.

Only thing the club needs to defend is the fotball - its the football that has made the club great - not any add-on. For the club to survive it has to be inclusive and lose its ties to dying institutions and beliefs. It is purely and simply the greatest football club.

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

Hello Allan,

The problem for this "new entity" is that despite our club abandoning much of our religious heritage, our club remains the target for those who hate us.

Perhaps the new entity would care to tell us how they propose to defend our club.

Only thing the club needs to defend is the fotball - its the football that has made the club great - not any add-on. For the club to survive it has to be inclusive and loose its ties to dying institutions and beliefs. It is purely and simply the greatest football club.

Every attack is on Rangers as a whole,that's the point.We signed Mo Johnston,still it's not good enough and they continue to

pick away at us

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Well you see Bluepeter thats the problem I have. Perhaps you can clarify.

Those of you who, including yourself, continually point out that our club has severed official ties with the likes of the Orange Order. Which of course is correct.

So if its all about the football why are we continually castigated by certain individuals within the press ?

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I think if I was to stop 100 people in Glasgow City centre and ask them if they have read or heard that comment from that whoever the heck that is.....I'd be lucky to get 1 'yes'. I don't care about the journalists in this country, they like to think they have power but their influence is minimal.

She has her opinion....I have mine. I don't agree with her, I'm proud of my club and that's that. I move on wondering why I've spent even 2 minutes mulling over a comment from....I forget her name already.

4boysandabaw......I might give that a read sometime if it's well recommended, cheers (tu)

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radoc0001.pdfCracking post M8!

you might find this of interest. It,s the IRA Political and Military Plan handed to the old RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) at the Government enquiry into the start of the Ulster Troubles in 1969. Its not the whole plan just the first page I copied.

You will see that some of the points you raise in your post where planned by the Republicans 45/50 yrs. ago. I.E. Trade Union infiltration etc,.

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There is a new entity of Rangers fan now.

I think there's just a lot of fans that are interested in the football side of things much more than concerning ourselves with orange walks or Protestanism. When I hear some fans saying that we should bring back the Billy Boys, even if it meant us getting kicked out of playing european football.....it bemuses me, to say the least.

Football is a release for me. It's more than just a sport, I love Rangers, but it's a fantastic vehicle for me to indulge in my passion for football. I take a lot more pride from our sporting achievments over the years, the 52 titles, 1972, 9 in a row, UEFA Cup final.......than I do from our Protestant and British heritage, despite the fact that I am both Protestant and British . Infinitely more so.

Each to their own.

As a sidenote, was there not doubt as to when the club was formed whether it was actually formed with any sort of Protestant idenity in mind ? I thought this came some time after the formation of the club ? I don't have good knowledge of the early years, I just thought I'd read something like that a few months ago on here.

There was a book out recently and an article from the DR about it - I posted it here but search isn't working for me. Basically the whole protestant thing was a later add - on!

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I think if I was to stop 100 people in Glasgow City centre and ask them if they have read or heard that comment from that whoever the heck that is.....I'd be lucky to get 1 'yes'. I don't care about the journalists in this country, they like to think they have power but their influence is minimal.

She has her opinion....I have mine. I don't agree with her, I'm proud of my club and that's that. I move on wondering why I've spent even 2 minutes mulling over a comment from....I forget her name already.

4boysandabaw......I might give that a read sometime if it's well recommended, cheers (tu)

Oh dear SB...

Have you ever considered why politicians and big companies have press officers and agents...why politicians continually charm the media - because they influence people.

We dismiss them...and their influence.... at our peril.

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Cracking post M8!

you might find this of interest. It,s the IRA Political and Military Plan handed to the old RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) at the Government enquiry into the start of the Ulster Troubles in 1969. Its not the whole plan just the first page I copied.

You will see that some of the points you raise in your post where planned by the Republicans 45/50 yrs. ago. I.E. Trade Union infiltration etc,.

You know me BC - always factual ! :P

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I think if I was to stop 100 people in Glasgow City centre and ask them if they have read or heard that comment from that whoever the heck that is.....I'd be lucky to get 1 'yes'. I don't care about the journalists in this country, they like to think they have power but their influence is minimal.

She has her opinion....I have mine. I don't agree with her, I'm proud of my club and that's that. I move on wondering why I've spent even 2 minutes mulling over a comment from....I forget her name already.

4boysandabaw......I might give that a read sometime if it's well recommended, cheers (tu)

Must say SB, I usually agree with every word you say but to suggest that the press have minimal influence is so far wide of the mark it's unreal.

Trying my best not to be a biased wannabe journalist here, but I'd go as far as to suggest that they're one of the most powerful entities on the planet.

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There was a book out recently and an article from the DR about it - I posted it here but search isn't working for me. Basically the whole protestant thing was a later add - on!

That's what I thought I'd read. So if it wasn't there from the formation........I don't see why I should be that bothered.

The only thing that is consistent with Rangers it seems from the formation to today is the football. We were set up for football reasons alone from day 1 and 137 years later that's the only most fans still care about, and what brings us together.

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D'Artagnan a good post but sadly it may fall on many deaf ears. There is a new entity of Rangers fan now. One which sees no connection with our heritage and our modern business model. They strive to sanitize our club of it's history and label many like myself as Dinosaurs. Sad, so ferkin sad

Hello Allan,

The problem for this "new entity" is that despite our club abandoning much of our religious heritage, our club remains the target for those who hate us.

Perhaps the new entity would care to tell us how they propose to defend our club.

Only thing the club needs to defend is the fotball - its the football that has made the club great - not any add-on. For the club to survive it has to be inclusive and loose its ties to dying institutions and beliefs. It is purely and simply the greatest football club.

Every attack is on Rangers as a whole,that's the point.We signed Mo Johnston,still it's not good enough and they continue to

pick away at us

... where in the article posted is there any attack on Rangers - lots of religious posturing, some political positioning but I see nothing attacking our football club - that is just an association D't is trying to make (IMHO)

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