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Rangers - and how to get equal share of Commonwealth game cash


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See "exclusive" below from Gerry Braiden (yes probably) on Celtic's plans to get a hold of government and council loot for the Commonwealth games in 2014. Now we all know where Glasgow Council's priorities lie but we have to make this as uncomfortable as possible for these c*nts. I'll attached a URL below that allows you to find out who your local councillor is - check out the Labour member and email them. Can i suggest we all drop our local Labour councillor a line and let them know they will be risking their seat at the next election if they don't keep their noses clean of the Parkhead trough and provide a fair deal on either side of the city.


Makeover planned in Paradise

* As the Commonwealth Games approach, Celtic FC has ambitious plans to transform the derelict area surrounding its stadium in the east end of Glasgow

Exclusive: Gerry Braiden


Published on 7 Dec 2009

For more than a decade, the sight of one of Europe’s most modern sports stadiums hovering above dereliction and deprivation has baffled visitors from London to Lisbon.

But the ground’s pivotal role in the Commonwealth Games and attempts to transform the east end of Glasgow will see Celtic’s long-term vision for the area around its stadium revealed later this week.

The club has submitted its masterplan for “The Celtic Triangle” and it is expected to secure approval on Friday.

The ambitious plans include the creation of bars and restaurants around Celtic Park, a new club museum, walkways linking it with other 2014 venues, a plaza and the potential for a new hotel, casino or shops. It even has proposals for housing.

The club insists the project will depend on its economic viability, especially in the context of the current climate, but the deadline of summer 2014 will put pressure on Celtic to deliver some of the vision across the next 36 months.

With Celtic Park hosting the opening ceremony of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, the local authority is concerned that the area around the stadium “does not provide an attractive setting” and has said “the current situation is not acceptable with regard to the council’s ambitions to host a world-class event for the 2014 games”.

The plans are also in the context of a new four-lane carriageway, which will cut through the east end linking the M74 and M8 via London Road. The East End Regeneration Route (EERR) will cut through land used as a coach park, leading to an agreement struck between Celtic and Glasgow City Council over matchday access to the car park of the new National Indoor Sports Arena.

The vision would initially see the refurbishment and extension of the Victorian London Road School to incorporate a restaurant, cafe and bar, as well as a new club museum, landscaping the immediate area around Celtic Park, and the creation of a plaza space.

Phase two would see “a new landmark building” on the site where the EERR meets London Road “creating an iconic gateway to the stadium area”, with early ideas including a hotel, more restaurants and bars, a casino and shops. A council report detailing the masterplan says: “It is recognised that the design of the new buildings at this location should be of the highest standard to reflect the importance of this corner of the triangle as a key gateway to the site, particularly on the approach from the EERR.”

A further phase, expected to be completed by 2014 and considered by the city council “to be the most critical element of the public realm strategy”, would see walkways linking the stadium to the EERR and the Indoor Arena.

The masterplan claims there is potential for a residential development to the west of the stadium and at the corner of Springfield Road and London Road, as well as “further small-scale commercial or light industrial development” to the north. The report, which is calling for council approval in principle this Friday, states: “It is recognised that market conditions may influence future land use proposals with regard to these more long-term ambitions for the site and these aspects of the masterplan will develop in discussion between the City Council and Celtic FC.”

Strathclyde Police have been consulted on crowd control issues and Celtic has held discussions with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office and the Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Course over safety matters.

The police are said to have broadly welcomed the proposal as it will improve crowd management on matchdays, while Architecture and Design Scotland has said the masterplan would address the poor setting of the stadium. A Celtic spokesman said: “Clearly, this proposal is very preliminary and has a long long way to go. We are working in total partnership with Glasgow City Council and Clyde Gateway in a sensible and pragmatic manner but ultimately, the project will depend on a range of factors, including of course, economic viability.” Councillor George Ryan, executive member for business and the economy, said: “We are interested in the details of this masterplan, which could contribute to the regeneration of the city’s east end, and we are keen to see the first phases of the project delivered before the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.”

Concern at lack of progress in rival’s plan to develop Ibrox

Around two years ago, city rivals Rangers revealed their own Ibrox masterplan.

As part of Sir David Murray’s vision, Ibrox Stadium would have its capacity increased to 70,000 and a concert arena would be built along with a hotel, shops and an underground car park. The value attached to the scheme was £350 million.

The plans were very much seen as Rangers’ attempt to continue with the momentum they had when proposing a supercasino for the area, as well as a response to the planned improvements around Celtic Park as a result of the Commonwealth Games going to the east end of Glasgow.

Ibrox Stadium will also host the Rugby 7s tournament in 2014, serving as an incentive for improvement in the area.

Last October Glasgow City Councillors agreed unanimously to give Rangers the option to buy any council-owned land needed for the scheme, which it believed had the potential to regenerate swathes of Govan.

But even then, Sir David signalled there would be question marks over the timescale, claiming that there had already been delays “outwith our control”.

However, the city council, as part of its backing for the project, had demanded detailed timescales.

But, against the backdrop of the financial crisis currently engulfing the Ibrox club, The Herald understands there has been concern that the plans are floundering. It is understood that, after a long silence between the council and Rangers chiefs, talks on the project have only recommenced in recent weeks “to appraise options”.

Talks stalled over changes to the proposals and the value of the council’s land, with sources claiming even the most ardent supporters of the plan within Glasgow City Chambers are expressing concern at the rate of progress.

A council spokesman said: “Recent talks between the council and Rangers should see an options appraisal commence in the very near future.”

Rangers declined to comment.

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the umptenth time i have read an Article on a Rangers website about THEM.

you would think we are obsessed :rolleyes:

Wake up mate. THEM are about to get several million in grants to help fund major development around their stadium that will provide a generous boost to their annual income.

Can anyone else smell that rich coffee like aroma? :anguish:

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Make no mistake, this is Timmy making their move now to get the GCC to pay for their much-needed improvements for them, and the timing of the release, on the day of our AGM and when our supporters are off to Spain, is timed to perfection to be lost in amongst the jucier stories of the day.

This must be stopped at all costs. We have wanted our own museum for years, and couldn't do it for financial reasons, now just because they have a 1 day event at the 2014 farce, they are wantint millions of pounds for a museum, club bars, and it looks like their first move to "own" the national indoor arena being built across the road by their "lionked walkway".

A lot of us warned that if we won the 2014 Games, the real winners would be CFC, and this story by one of CFC's favourite sons, is both timed to perfection, and written in such a way to make it look as if they have just realised that the area surrounding the Piggery is a mess. If the surrounding area is all of a sudden "not up to scratch" then the sensible, economic thing to do is take away the opening ceremony and have it at Hampden, which is where the whole thing is taking place, and is where the opening ceremony would take place if it was run by a city that was not corrupt like GCC. Any similar concerns about the Ibrox area should see the Rugby moved to Murrayfield.

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Make no mistake, this is Timmy making their move now to get the GCC to pay for their much-needed improvements for them, and the timing of the release, on the day of our AGM and when our supporters are off to Spain, is timed to perfection to be lost in amongst the jucier stories of the day.

This must be stopped at all costs. We have wanted our own museum for years, and couldn't do it for financial reasons, now just because they have a 1 day event at the 2014 farce, they are wantint millions of pounds for a museum, club bars, and it looks like their first move to "own" the national indoor arena being built across the road by their "lionked walkway".

A lot of us warned that if we won the 2014 Games, the real winners would be CFC, and this story by one of CFC's favourite sons, is both timed to perfection, and written in such a way to make it look as if they have just realised that the area surrounding the Piggery is a mess. If the surrounding area is all of a sudden "not up to scratch" then the sensible, economic thing to do is take away the opening ceremony and have it at Hampden, which is where the whole thing is taking place, and is where the opening ceremony would take place if it was run by a city that was not corrupt like GCC. Any similar concerns about the Ibrox area should see the Rugby moved to Murrayfield.

It behooves all right-thinking Rangers supporters and all other non-Selik FC residents of Glasgow to make representations to their local councilors immediately regarding this mass fraud about to be perpetrated on the public purse.

This is theft by stealth on a massive scale.

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Considering that Dr Death was on the steering committe for 2014 it is no suprise that these funds would become available for Celtic.

They are already getting an upgarded train station i.e. Dalmarnock for the games (which games i wonder) all funded from the public purse but reopening ibrox train station is,apparently, not viable.

i accept that the east end required upgrading, however i do not accept that a prvate company's proprty will also be included in those renovatons that come from the public purse and therefore my tax paymments.

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

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Details about this were posted on VB on Nov 16th, so Braiden's timing is questionable.

Why today?



I think we know why it was today. Not quite 9/11 but a good day to bury bad news when the focus is elsewhere.

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Make no mistake, this is Timmy making their move now to get the GCC to pay for their much-needed improvements for them, and the timing of the release, on the day of our AGM and when our supporters are off to Spain, is timed to perfection to be lost in amongst the jucier stories of the day.

This must be stopped at all costs. We have wanted our own museum for years, and couldn't do it for financial reasons, now just because they have a 1 day event at the 2014 farce, they are wantint millions of pounds for a museum, club bars, and it looks like their first move to "own" the national indoor arena being built across the road by their "lionked walkway".

A lot of us warned that if we won the 2014 Games, the real winners would be CFC, and this story by one of CFC's favourite sons, is both timed to perfection, and written in such a way to make it look as if they have just realised that the area surrounding the Piggery is a mess. If the surrounding area is all of a sudden "not up to scratch" then the sensible, economic thing to do is take away the opening ceremony and have it at Hampden, which is where the whole thing is taking place, and is where the opening ceremony would take place if it was run by a city that was not corrupt like GCC. Any similar concerns about the Ibrox area should see the Rugby moved to Murrayfield.


If breezeblock towers is only used for 1day,it should be moved to Hampden,also if Ibrox or the area surrounding it ,is not up to scratch,it should also be moved to the national rugby stadium,there should be no public money spent on a private company ,

Although i can see this all going through ,no probs ,as we all know the connection between these two parties involved,

Hampden was also used when Trophy Centre Towers was being reconstructed,it should be used again when their surrounding area is being redeveloped ,with their (sellik)moneys,so Glasgow can be seen in a better light,

WATP :uk:

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

FFS :doh:

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

FFS :doh:

Search for your own local councillor here - http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/YourCouncil/C...home.htm?Grid=2

I'm fecked if Timmy is getting a couple of million out of the council tax take.

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

FFS :doh:

Search for your own local councillor here - http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/YourCouncil/C...home.htm?Grid=2

I'm fecked if Timmy is getting a couple of million out of the council tax take.



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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

They dont give a fuck what i think. They're going to get a car park tarted up and a walkway to the cycling centre across the road, or some other equivalent superficial work done, in exchange for playing ball over the motorway extention. Nobody is going to go bars, hotels or shops in the centre of a ghetto on anything other than match days, of which there are approimately 25 a year, so they will not be built. There will be no major long-term advantages in this for them. You'd think they sky was set to fall the way people are reacting on here.

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

They dont give a fuck what i think. They're going to get a car park tarted up and a walkway to the cycling centre across the road, or some other equivalent superficial work done, in exchange for playing ball over the motorway extention. Nobody is going to go bars, hotels or shops in the centre of a ghetto on anything other than match days, of which there are approimately 25 a year, so they will not be built. There will be no major long-term advantages in this for them. You'd think they sky was set to fall the way people are reacting on here.

Your reply is typical of why we as a group,club and religion are in the gutter and why they are literally getting what they want.

Utterly naive or stirring but to suggest that people are over reacting is the response they love.

Just look at the people making the decisions and where their allegiances lie and ask yourself why this stadium was even chosen in the first place to open the games.

Some people can see the bigger picture and it's clear others can't or won't.

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See instead of whinging about what they may or may not be getting (pie in the sky stadium developments - where have we heard that before?), we should be focusing on whats going on at our club. This news has only come out today as a GIRUY on the day of our AGM.

Thats exactly what Timmy wants you to think. Well done.

They dont give a fuck what i think. They're going to get a car park tarted up and a walkway to the cycling centre across the road, or some other equivalent superficial work done, in exchange for playing ball over the motorway extention. Nobody is going to go bars, hotels or shops in the centre of a ghetto on anything other than match days, of which there are approimately 25 a year, so they will not be built. There will be no major long-term advantages in this for them. You'd think they sky was set to fall the way people are reacting on here.

Your reply is typical of why we as a group,club and religion are in the gutter and why they are literally getting what they want.

Utterly naive or stirring but to suggest that people are over reacting is the response they love.

Just look at the people making the decisions and where their allegiances lie and ask yourself why this stadium was even chosen in the first place to open the games.

Some people can see the bigger picture and it's clear others can't or won't.

Gonnae explain this bigger picture to me, in detail, specifically where Celtic are going to get a major, long-term advantage here? All im hearing is panic merchants and wide-eyed conspiracy cranks. This talk of hotels, houses and all the rest is pie in the sky bullshit, just like all the super-casino nonsense Murray was spouting a couple of years ago.

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they can get all the help they want to build whatever the fuck they want

wont change the fact that it is the same job dodging scum that will be in the area, give it a few years and it will be as dilapidated as it currently is

no self respecting business is going to plant its offices in an area that is being spruced up for a one time event

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