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David Edgar


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Are we not allowed to point out if we think he is talkign rubbish, this isn't tyour normal stomping ground so people can have an opinion here......

The chief stuff deserves to be mocked, he won't take it seriously so why should you ?

You're talking as if "chief" is some kind of title he's given himself but that's beside the point, it's the constant sniping I dislike. If he hadn't said anything you'd be asking where he was, when he does say something you say he's got it wrong. Having an opinion is laudable, having a default opinion is laughable.

I take every comment he says at face value, this one was ridiculous and a touch naive. In a situation where you want to attract various bids to get a highest price possible why would you name your price ?

If he has something to add to the debate then he should speak. Anyway it’s no only show in town fiasco so thank god for small mercies……

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I dont mind David Edgar, talks well and eloquently about the Rangers in most of the stuff i have heard, he seems to be getting a Adam,Lafferty reception on here.

Name your price! fair question, non of us have a scooby what the B(W)ankers have in mind, why the agenda against him?

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I also don't understand why he gets such a hard time. He might not get it right all the time but the RST have been instrumental IMO, along with the likes of the Vanguard Bears in combatting some of the pish that is written about Rangers.

No matter what your take on the current "New Owner" situation is surely we can all agree that the more pressure on Lloyds the better?? Ther lower the debt price the more there will be to invest in team matters.

PS - I don't think he's actually suggesting the bank names a price. It seems to me all it's done is crank up a little more pressure on the bank - non?

Combating it by giving exclusives to the tabloids that print the rubbish…….an interesting tactic I have to say….

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I also don't understand why he gets such a hard time. He might not get it right all the time but the RST have been instrumental IMO, along with the likes of the Vanguard Bears in combatting some of the pish that is written about Rangers.

No matter what your take on the current "New Owner" situation is surely we can all agree that the more pressure on Lloyds the better?? Ther lower the debt price the more there will be to invest in team matters.

PS - I don't think he's actually suggesting the bank names a price. It seems to me all it's done is crank up a little more pressure on the bank - non?

Combating it by giving exclusives to the tabloids that print the rubbish…….an interesting tactic I have to say….

Yes what they should do is provide press releases to the Hindu Times in India instead as the bulk of the working class in Scotland get most of their information from that source. <cr> <cr> <cr> <cr> <cr>

Sometimes you really are chapping. Like it or not (and i don't believe we should buy them) the bulk of our support get their news from these comics, ergo if you want to effect an opinion shift you have to release to these sources. :sherlock: :sherlock: :sherlock: :sherlock:

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Are we not allowed to point out if we think he is talkign rubbish, this isn't tyour normal stomping ground so people can have an opinion here......

The chief stuff deserves to be mocked, he won't take it seriously so why should you ?

You're talking as if "chief" is some kind of title he's given himself but that's beside the point, it's the constant sniping I dislike. If he hadn't said anything you'd be asking where he was, when he does say something you say he's got it wrong. Having an opinion is laudable, having a default opinion is laughable.

I take every comment he says at face value, this one was ridiculous and a touch naive. In a situation where you want to attract various bids to get a highest price possible why would you name your price ?

If he has something to add to the debate then he should speak. Anyway it’s no only show in town fiasco so thank god for small mercies……

If you take everything he or anyone else says at face value then I don't think you should be calling anyone naive.

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Are we not allowed to point out if we think he is talkign rubbish, this isn't tyour normal stomping ground so people can have an opinion here......

The chief stuff deserves to be mocked, he won't take it seriously so why should you ?

You're talking as if "chief" is some kind of title he's given himself but that's beside the point, it's the constant sniping I dislike. If he hadn't said anything you'd be asking where he was, when he does say something you say he's got it wrong. Having an opinion is laudable, having a default opinion is laughable.

I take every comment he says at face value, this one was ridiculous and a touch naive. In a situation where you want to attract various bids to get a highest price possible why would you name your price ?

If he has something to add to the debate then he should speak. Anyway it’s no only show in town fiasco so thank god for small mercies……

If you take everything he or anyone else says at face value then I don't think you should be calling anyone naive.

I called these comments naïve, please pay attention.

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I also don't understand why he gets such a hard time. He might not get it right all the time but the RST have been instrumental IMO, along with the likes of the Vanguard Bears in combatting some of the pish that is written about Rangers.

No matter what your take on the current "New Owner" situation is surely we can all agree that the more pressure on Lloyds the better?? Ther lower the debt price the more there will be to invest in team matters.

PS - I don't think he's actually suggesting the bank names a price. It seems to me all it's done is crank up a little more pressure on the bank - non?

Combating it by giving exclusives to the tabloids that print the rubbish…….an interesting tactic I have to say….

Yes what they should do is provide press releases to the Hindu Times in India instead as the bulk of the working class in Scotland get most of their information from that source. <cr> <cr> <cr> <cr> <cr>

Sometimes you really are chapping. Like it or not (and i don't believe we should buy them) the bulk of our support get their news from these comics, ergo if you want to effect an opinion shift you have to release to these sources. :sherlock: :sherlock: :sherlock: :sherlock:

So they won't practice what they preach. On one hand they tell us to avoid the media and boycott the lies of spiers. On the other , for an example, they give exclusives to a scumbag in the sun, who has printed more anti rangers stories than most, when Sir David Murray left. You can’t do both I’m afraid

Today’s interview will certainly let people form an opinion, which will probably be this chief doesn't know what he is talking about.

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fan chief..... :power_of_anguish:

David obviously comes form the school of business where you reveal your hand early to any potential suitors instead of generating as much money as you can for the sale.

A touch naive at best.

Agreed (tu)

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Im a member of the Trust and think they do a good job of defending the Rangers fans

In an ideal world the defending would be done by the Club officially but its not

Ive never had the impression Edgar is up his own hole and i actually think he is an excellent spokesman who when the change happens should be given an official role by Rangers

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David Edgar has said on numerous occasions that he speaks for the RST, not Rangers fans as a whole. He's been asked questions and answered them the best he could. I see nothing wrong with what he's said.

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Any of you guys ever closed out a deal where you have had to haggle.

I have and continue to do so.

The best way of getting what you want is to name your price.

It gets all the interested parties round the table and those who cant afford it walk away.

You can then agree on the price and how you intend to structure payment rather than waste months of everyones time in a financial fantasy land.

Get to the point show some of your hand and keep something in reserve, easy.

Its not as silly a question as you may think.

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David Edgar. Is he a cricket player of some note? (Based shamelessly on Mr. Lafferty's excellent words of wisdom).

Aye Davie... Have the banks come right out and say what they want. Naive? Nah. just clueless.

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Any of you guys ever closed out a deal where you have had to haggle.

I have and continue to do so.

The best way of getting what you want is to name your price.

It gets all the interested parties round the table and those who cant afford it walk away.

You can then agree on the price and how you intend to structure payment rather than waste months of everyones time in a financial fantasy land.

Get to the point show some of your hand and keep something in reserve, easy.

Its not as silly a question as you may think.

Agree with that, if there is no starting point how does the show begin, every classified ad has a price, very few are non negotiable, but first you need a price, are LLoyds hoping that Abramovich steps in with a 130m starter ffs!!, i reckon its the banks being naive not giving potential purchasers a kick off point.

And they know plenty about making money dont they? imbeciles near fucked the country up last year, it like lunatics running the asylum.

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