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here we go this is the start of it

blue beret

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As you will all be aware, recently resigned S.F.A. match official Steven Craven, in an interview with a Sunday newspaper, has revealed the truth about what took place during the recent penalty debacle at Tannadice. In this interview, S.F.A. Head of Referee Development, Hugh Dallas, is implicated in a cover-up of the truth.

Craven also revealed details of the post match conversation between the match referee, Dougie McDonald, and Neil Lennon regarding the penalty incident. He stated, “ We told him the version that was a lie .” This is a direct quote from an S.F.A. match official admitting that they lied to our manager about a refereeing decision. This, once and for all, proves that corruption does exist in some form within the S.F.A.

We believe that, just as Hugh Dallas attempted to make Steven Craven a ' scapegoat ’, so the S.F.A will now attempt to do the same to him and Dougie McDonald, in order to ensure that the whole incident can be ‘ swept under the carpet. ’ This cannot be allowed to happen.

The purpose of the planned protest is to highlight this on-going situation. We demand that an independent investigation is carried out into refereeing in Scottish football. An e-mail will be sent to every newspaper and television programme that covers football within the UK and Ireland to inform them of our proposal. A letter will also be handed into Hampden addressed to the S.F.A and S.P.L during the protest outlining our concerns.

We are under no illusions about the chances of suddenly having our demands met by protesting at Hampden Park. The thing the S.F.A. hates the most, however, is adverse publicity. They, along with some of their friends in the Scottish media, are active in making sure that some damaging articles never see the light of day. If we, the Celtic support, turn up en masse, the media cannot ignore this. We must do everything in our power to help our club rid Scottish football of pro-Rangers, anti-Celtic bias from top to bottom within the S.F.A.

After the protest has finished, we hope that as many of you as possible will march together with us from Hampden to Celtic Park. Bring whistles, bring banners and most importantly, bring your mates! It is time to show the S.F.A. that we are behind our club and will not let them get away with this.

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Some of the comments on the facebook page are brilliant.

its only something thats been happening since celtic were formed. the difference is we are doing something about it now

Aye cos im sure you can remember about all those dodgy decisions in the early 1890's ya bawhum :lol:

and the knuckledraggers call us paranoid....wonder fuckin why.....so wot will happen now,ye think they take at least 45 of the manky mobs titles back off them....or will it be swept under the carpet.....a no which one a think will happeng

My sides are splitting :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im goin to be there 4 definite, i cannae w8

'a pyure cannae w8 an aww' When you make a fool of yourselves again, you inbred fuck (tu)

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Some of the comments on the facebook page are brilliant.

Aye cos im sure you can remember about all those dodgy decisions in the early 1890's ya bawhum :lol:

My sides are splitting :lol: :lol: :lol:

'a pyure cannae w8 an aww' When you make a fool of yourselves again, you inbred fuck (tu)

:lol: the 2nd and 3rd one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

take 45 of our titles off us. what age is this cunt. he sounds about 10. wanker.gif

Laughing stock of Britain. GIRFUY.

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I hope the Scottish Education system wasn't responsible for the Moron's education, or maybe it's just the way they're educated in RC schools? but how can anyone make this statement?

We must do everything in our power to help our club rid Scottish football of pro-Rangers, anti-Celtic bias from top to bottom within the S.F.A.

So according to him/her it's only Proddy Refs that are bias and anti Celtic,replace them all with good Tim Refs because they don't have any bias.

FFS, I want to laugh but really :anguish:

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Guest SandyIniesta-Nordahl

Gay song but how come we can't get an atmosphere going like that at Ibrox ?

Are you joking?

There are about 30 people singing :lol:

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Nah I heard that they have been given a 400 seat singing section. It's about time our board arranged something like this because the atmosphere at Ibrox these days is becoming poorer by the week.

400 seats with 30 taken.


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Well there is another option , fuck off back to oirland and play in your oirsh league , with your friendly refs who no doubt would be priests who also fuck your youth team and you would most likley challenge for the league and get into Europe for a change but then again you'll still lose before making it to the group stages oh well .......


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400 seats with 30 taken.


No there is 400 there, I've seen video's. At times there can be up to 500-600 when others join in. OK try and deny what is a good idea. I'm only trying to give an idea that we should be implementing into Ibrox because of the poor atmosphere.

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We have TBO and the UB and they have ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ.

There atmosphere is shit and the Old Firm game proved it, there fans are terrible and literally only sing at the start of big games.

Most games we have TBO and some of the broomloan joining in and the UB.

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