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18th January v St Mirren - Union Bears


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So the union bears are a Tory elitist group.

What happens if wee mento davie wants a sing song and wants tae join your elusterious group but can't because his burd senga bought him that Fred Perry trackie that he always wanted for Xmas instead of those wrangler denims and kickers jumper that he could have wore tae that job interview that he missed cause he was oot his nut on the buckie.

Would you turn poor davie away?

Are you kidding ? :rolleyes: your either interested or your not, im fed up with people starting up threads about our shit home support, so here's a chance to change it.

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Think this rule is just because most likely they will take a few videos of the section and post them on youtube and don't want to be seen as a few drunken neds?

We dont want look like neds full stop.

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If you dont trust people with your season ticket number etc you can phone Rangers yourself and get moved for this game free of charge.

so is this defo happenin then coz if it is am gettin ma ticket bought :D:21:

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Has many people pm'd you mate? Hope you get a decent amount of numbers, anything to improve the atmosphere at Ibrox.

P.S does this mean the UB will be in CR1 and SE1 for this game and if it's a success will this become more of a permanent thing, than just one game?

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Has many people pm'd you mate? Hope you get a decent amount of numbers, anything to improve the atmosphere at Ibrox.

P.S does this mean the UB will be in CR1 and SE1 for this game and if it's a success will this become more of a permanent thing, than just one game?

All the UB should be in SE1 if Rangers give us the go ahead and ive had barley any Rangers numbers sent yet mate.

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All the UB should be in SE1 if Rangers give us the go ahead and ive had barley any Rangers numbers sent yet mate.

I hope you's get the numbers that you need. To many people on hear complaining about the atmosphere, and like you said nows the time to do something about it.

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This is from my opinion and not the groups.

Basically this is not a rant but yes you may have been having a laugh posting pictures of bart simpson stuff etc. But the thing is there is not any mentality at all at Rangers,

You've got the chance to move to an empty section where you can bounce, sing like fuck, have a good laugh and cheer the Rangers on to victory but yous just seem to be taking the piss.

If you look across the city at ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ they have about 250 people in their section and a good 500 strong who stand and sing like fuck during games and also can take a good 500-1000 strong crowd to a youth cup final but when we post up to get a group up we cant even get more than 10 PM's from one of the biggest rangers forums.

Im not blaming anybody theres just no interest in these type of things at Rangers for some reason.

Also the clothing thing was because in videos and photos we don't want to look like a bunch of wee neds, Quite a few of you in this forum will know our members and know some of the TBO members they dont jump about their sections with PSG tracksuits, socks tucked into trackies etc.

This is your chance to come to a game with a good bunch of lads and get a good sing song (What this club really needs)

Look at the likes of Chosen Few at Hamburg, VAK410 at Ajax, Green Brigade at Celtic, Aris Super 3 at Aris, Tornado Rapid at Rapid Vienna even Holmsdale Fanatics at Crystal Palace.

They didn't get where they are by sitting on forums complaning about the atmosphere, They did something about it!

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Too many Rangers fans are moaning about the atmosphere online, but when it actually come's down to it, they don't do anything to change it.

"they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk" comes to mind.

Come on fellow bears - do you want to actually enjoy going to home games again?

Get your thumbs out your arses, Get your details sent and above all Get involved!

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Got my name and Rangers number down for this. Really looking forward to a sing-song at Ibrox for once.

Like many of the UB have said, too many people complain about the atmosphere, yet when it comes to it they can't be bothered.

Apathy at its best.

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