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Whats right and whats wrong, what is worse?

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Those who force someone to accept something they have no interest or belief in or those who stand up against something they have no interest in and/or dont believe in? So what is real sectarianism? Of course i am talking about the 'acceptance of Catholicism' being shuvved down our throats here in Scotland. I have no interest in Catholicism, indeed i have no interest in religion, am i a bigot?

Do Rangers really have a bigger problem? Do we really?

Why are the mhedia allowed to pedal the myth we had a sectarian signing policy up until the 80's?

Is it bigoted to reject any given religion?

Does Catholicism have too much of a say in every day life?

Can someone tell me why the song 'No Pope of Rome' is sectarian?

Is it now time religion was banned in 21st century society? Or dont you agree its out of date?

Why is it ok for Celtic fans to use the term 'fenian' yet its not allowed for Rangers fans to use it? Surely double standards?

Can fans just not be bothered fighting against the mhedia who pedal these myths? Or is it upto our club? What if or club dont want to or refuse to defend our traditions and truths?

No point making a poll as it will just be abused by those who wish no true answers to get out.

Dont know what im hoping to get from this thread, but its a subject which really pisses me off.

Your views are much appreciated lads.

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personally i dnt consider myself bigoted even though i hate the catholic religion.

they think they are better than others who follow different faiths or have no religion.

they have descriminated against ppl for thousands of yrs yet if some1 has views against them, they(we)

are bigoted.

however my main problem is due to the fact the harbour and protected men who are guilty of child abuse

which in my opinion is the biggest crime/sin any person could ever commit.

i dnt have problems with any other religions apart from maybe muslims, but that is another matter.

i myself am uncertain of religion/god and am not a member of any religion, although i am not atheist.

i would consider myself an unconvinced protestant as that is the religion i grew up with.

i personally sing all the so called bigoted songs and chants and dnt care what any1 thinks of me. my

main problems is i feel my right to free speech and thought are being affected by the constant barrage

against ppl like me, who are branded secterian at every chance.

they will never change my views.


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personally i dnt consider myself bigoted even though i hate the catholic religion.

they think they are better than others who follow different faiths or have no religion.

they have descriminated against ppl for thousands of yrs yet if some1 has views against them, they(we)

are bigoted.

however my main problem is due to the fact the harbour and protected men who are guilty of child abuse

which in my opinion is the biggest crime/sin any person could ever commit.

i dnt have problems with any other religions apart from maybe muslims, but that is another matter.

i myself am uncertain of religion/god and am not a member of any religion, although i am not atheist.

i would consider myself an unconvinced protestant as that is the religion i grew up with.

i personally sing all the so called bigoted songs and chants and dnt care what any1 thinks of me. my

main problems is i feel my right to free speech and thought are being affected by the constant barrage

against ppl like me, who are branded secterian at every chance.

they will never change my views.


Agnostic is the word you were looking for.

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It is not just religion.It is a Western World policy of forced integration hence you have the multi cultural doctrine of everything is equal.This despite incontrovertible proof of the opposite.In Scotland the catholic religion is seen as part of a minority and like any other minority they are favoured be that in the Press or anywhere else.Celtic play that to their full advantage always playing the victim role as soon as there is any controversy.In fact they have gone further and invent lies to further their own cause.Until we have a change of Government mindset regarding multiculturalism nothing regarding Rangers and Celtic will change and we will always be regarded as the aggressors and they the victims.

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It is not just religion.It is a Western World policy of forced integration hence you have the multi cultural doctrine of everything is equal.This despite incontrovertible proof of the opposite.In Scotland the catholic religion is seen as part of a minority and like any other minority they are favoured be that in the Press or anywhere else.Celtic play that to their full advantage always playing the victim role as soon as there is any controversy.In fact they have gone further and invent lies to further their own cause.Until we have a change of Government mindset regarding multiculturalism nothing regarding Rangers and Celtic will change and we will always be regarded as the aggressors and they the victims.

Everything is not equal though Jocky, they are trying to drive us out, close us down, silence us and sicken us to the extent we leave the country or basically give up.

Celtic use it, correct. They lie, correct. They play the victim, correct.


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Bigotry is boring.

Saying 'they do it to' isn't a solution.

Having to listen to Celtic fans moan about bigotry after every Rangers win is boring.

People who pretend to be offended are boring.

Religion is boring.

My Daddy is bigger than yours.

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lets all do what we want.

i am not religious. i was born english to scottish parents and have lived in england my whole life. i have actively supported scotland my whole life in football and rugby. i do not dis-support england but join in banter where necessary!

i sing every song in the songbook i know the words too, and those i dont i learn. that is inclusive of loyalist songs, despite the fact i have no direct links to ulster. i like singing songs at football. and would join in with any.

i dont care what opposition fans sing, it doesnt offend me.

my best pal - whom im to be best man for next year - is RC and went to RC school, he fucking hates celtic and always refers to them as fenian bastards! i also refer to tims as fenians, as it is one of the slang words i like to use. so when i use the word fenian, i am not sectarian or a bigot. how can i be? i have no faith in religion!

i have done and will always sing what i want. i love songs like udr4 and build my gallows as well as the incredible billy boys.

OP is random as is my post! but i detest newspapers or anyone calling me and my fellow bears bigots for simply hating/mocking celtic football club, theyr players, theyr history and theyr filthy unwashed support. i hate them. always will.

We'll sing what we want

We'll sing what we want

We Are The People

We'll sing what we want


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Sectarianism is wrong. Sectarianism should be eliminated.Sectarianism is a throwback to the religous wars of the

16th. century.

Is sectarianism the greatest evil facing the world today?

Is sectarianism worse than terrorism and mass mueder?

Is religous intolerance worse that child sexual abuse?

Who is the greater threat to humanity?

The football supporter caught up in the exitement and passion of a game and singing about being "up to his knees in

fenian blood"? Or the IRA man planting a bomb at a Rememberance day parade?

The answer is self evident and does not even need to be said.

The real sectarian bigot is the man who has been brainwashed into an obsession with religion and who has been

taught to belive that any critism of HIS church is bigoted because his is the "one true church".

His obsession with all things religous and his slavish unquestioning obeyance of his church is the true bigot.

His inability or refusal to differentiatte between genuine critism or moral repugnance of his churches actions is

the mark of the true bigot. I hold no brief for any church. Their hands are all stained with blood.

I care not whether the Pope or the Moderator of the General Assembly is the true faith.

In the real world where we must live the hidtorical, political and social actions of one church in particular are

a stain on humanity. Constant and repeated cries of "sectarian" have blinded the world to the real evils in our


I am not a bigot but if I am to be demonised as such then so be it.

There are worse things to be.

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I'm not sure if sectarianism in the WoS offends most people as such, it certainly doesn't me. But it is completely embarrassing that some people are so ridiculous that they are so obsessed with such backwards shit. Really astonishing actually, other countries must think we're insane.

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Those who force someone to accept something they have no interest or belief in or those who stand up against something they have no interest in and/or dont believe in? So what is real sectarianism? Of course i am talking about the 'acceptance of Catholicism' being shuvved down our throats here in Scotland. I have no interest in Catholicism, indeed i have no interest in religion, am i a bigot?

Do Rangers really have a bigger problem? Do we really?

Why are the mhedia allowed to pedal the myth we had a sectarian signing policy up until the 80's?

Is it bigoted to reject any given religion?

Does Catholicism have too much of a say in every day life?

Can someone tell me why the song 'No Pope of Rome' is sectarian?

Is it now time religion was banned in 21st century society? Or dont you agree its out of date?

Why is it ok for Celtic fans to use the term 'fenian' yet its not allowed for Rangers fans to use it? Surely double standards?

Can fans just not be bothered fighting against the mhedia who pedal these myths? Or is it upto our club? What if or club dont want to or refuse to defend our traditions and truths?

No point making a poll as it will just be abused by those who wish no true answers to get out.

Dont know what im hoping to get from this thread, but its a subject which really pisses me off.

Your views are much appreciated lads.

cant see the difference between you trying to force athiesm on people and forcing a religion on people.

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cant see the difference between you trying to force athiesm on people and forcing a religion on people.

What is that? :rolleyes:

Im not forcing anything, im asking questions, questions you clearly dont have an answer for. Must burst your balls, eh flecky?


I was Baptised in the Castlemilk West Parish Church by Rev. McNeil but lets not let facts get in the way....... :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure if sectarianism in the WoS offends most people as such, it certainly doesn't me. But it is completely embarrassing that some people are so ridiculous that they are so obsessed with such backwards shit. Really astonishing actually, other countries must think we're insane.

Do you really find it astonishing? I find it astonishing that you find it astonishing! Which countries do you think might find Scotland insane?

Continued conflict in the middle east, islamic extremism still spreading, anti islamic sentiment rising in France, Holland, Germany and Denmark and a (fairly)recent war in the Balkans. I think other countries may just be more concerned with sectarian and racial tensions elsewhere. This idea that the old firm rivalry (and all it entails) is somehow big news elsewhere is nonsense.

The truth is that here in Scotland we are very fortunate that we do not have the racial and sectarian tensions that other countries have to deal with. Sadly though that is not a story that will sell tabloids.

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Those who force someone to accept something they have no interest or belief in or those who stand up against something they have no interest in and/or dont believe in? So what is real sectarianism? Of course i am talking about the 'acceptance of Catholicism' being shuvved down our throats here in Scotland. I have no interest in Catholicism, indeed i have no interest in religion, am i a bigot?

Do Rangers really have a bigger problem? Do we really?

Why are the mhedia allowed to pedal the myth we had a sectarian signing policy up until the 80's?

Is it bigoted to reject any given religion?

Does Catholicism have too much of a say in every day life?

Can someone tell me why the song 'No Pope of Rome' is sectarian?

Is it now time religion was banned in 21st century society? Or dont you agree its out of date?

Why is it ok for Celtic fans to use the term 'fenian' yet its not allowed for Rangers fans to use it? Surely double standards?

Can fans just not be bothered fighting against the mhedia who pedal these myths? Or is it upto our club? What if or club dont want to or refuse to defend our traditions and truths?

No point making a poll as it will just be abused by those who wish no true answers to get out.

Dont know what im hoping to get from this thread, but its a subject which really pisses me off.

Your views are much appreciated lads.

Keep all religion out of football!!

Athiest Loyal!

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What is that? :rolleyes:

Im not forcing anything, im asking questions, questions you clearly dont have an answer for. Must burst your balls, eh flecky?


I was Baptised in the Castlemilk West Parish Church by Rev. McNeil but lets not let facts get in the way....... :rolleyes:

frankly i dont think you have the brains to pull of this debate but lets see how it goes.

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