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Andy Wanker is a Wanker.....


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Andy Wanker just on SSN there and stated that in his 25 years of being involved in Scottish football he has never seen a level of hatred against an individual as that shown towards TLB. He cannot understand why this is the case!

Well fellow bears, let's help him out then..

I'll start off with the fact that he is the Celtic manager, has ginger hair, bad teeth and skin, probably smells and has a habit if winding up all other fans in Scotland (and abroad, ie recent Spanish friendly) with his undignified and childish antics.

Keep em coming...

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Surely Andy has to realise though that in his 25 years in Scottish football , there hasn't been another manager who acts the way Lennon does. Goading fans during games, questioning referees and other teams commitments in interviews and generally just not going out of his way to be civil with anyone. It's not all one way.

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Do we really need to? I mean no offence but we all know why we dislike Lennon, and it's a bit daft to accuse someone of childish antics when you're saying that they "probably" smell. I'm sure I'll get moaned at for saying this but really the more we get wound up by what he says and how the media supports him, the more he'll love it.

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Surely Andy has to realise though that in his 25 years in Scottish football , there hasn't been another manager who acts the way Lennon does. Goading fans during games, questioning referees and other teams commitments in interviews and generally just not going out of his way to be civil with anyone. It's not all one way.

Spot on. Andy Walker just chooses to ignore this.

There is no place in football for someone like Lennon.

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This year has become all about Neil Lennon and nothing about Scottish football. Now obviously some of the reaction towards him, i.e letter bombs and fans on the pitch can never be condoned. However, if I was in a situation like him, then I would not be on the pitch after and sometimes during every single game, in an attempt to wind up both sets of fans into a frenzy, which is what he clearly attempts to do. He should wind his neck in, or better yet, as I feel that he may do, resign at the end of the season

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If any of you out there are considering sending a letter of sympathy to the Lurgan Bigot, you know,

"Dear Downtrodden-One,

Sorry to hear of your recent troubles....etc, etc," then cease and desist forthwith with such pious and well-meaning thoughts.

They could be misconstrued and used in evidence against you. :rolleyes:

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If any of you out there are considering sending a letter of sympathy to the Lurgan Bigot, you know,

"Dear Downtrodden-One,

Sorry to hear of your recent troubles....etc, etc," then cease and desist forthwith with such pious and well-meaning thoughts.

They could be misconstrued and used in evidence against you. :rolleyes:

Would it even reach him? :mutley:

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Do we really need to? I mean no offence but we all know why we dislike Lennon, and it's a bit daft to accuse someone of childish antics when you're saying that they "probably" smell. I'm sure I'll get moaned at for saying this but really the more we get wound up by what he says and how the media supports him, the more he'll love it.

Apologies, I am quite childish and just had it confirmed that he does actually smell....of super lager, BO and pickled onion Monster Munch.

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I was told some weeks ago by a usually reliable source that the Lurgan Lout would be history this summer, win or lose (and it looks like they shall indeed lose) the SPL title race. Indeed, I think I mentioned it on here at the time. :pipe:

It appears even rancid bigots like Peter Slit-Eyes and Baron John Death of Cardowan (among others) in the Nonce FC hierarchy have had enough of him and his off-field baggage.

I could, of course, mention his out-of-control drinking sessions as another reason they want shot (Oops, pardon the pun :rolleyes: ) of him....but that would be churlish of me - and, as it's not yet noon in this part of Her Majesty's British Empire, it's far too early to be churlish. :sherlock:

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I heard he's been sacked and Reid is going with him as well. Desmond is unhappy at the way they conduct their affairs and Lennon's heavy drinking is also a factor.

The rumour about Lennon being stopped in a car with a gangster and that car having 250k of illicit materials is only a rumour and cannot be confirmed as yet ;)

I too heard a similar "rumour" - not yet confirmed - and a west end hostelry of some repute was implicated in said "rumour".

Its that old adage, "You sleep with the dogs......you get fleas." :sherlock:

Allegedly. :rolleyes:

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You can guarantee that if the manager of any other club behaved like Lemon, Wanker and his cronies would hauling them over the coals. And besides, in my however many years it is watching Scottish football, Lemon is the most despicable figure ever to appear. There have been other people over the years of dodgy repute, people like Roy Aitken, but all he did was break a few legs, cheated and was generally obnoxious, I can't think of one single person who has come even close to behaving in the manner Lemon has.

And none of whats happened to him this season can even come close to what happened to Hugh Dallas when he and his home were attacked by celtc fans and he was innocent. It's not like Lemon has actually opened any packages and actually had them explode or had his windows smashed in now is it, most of it is just hyperbole.

The sad thing is, he'll walk away from celtc and be made to be a poor defenceless victim and a hero because he didn't cave in to all those nasty people who didn't like him.

Another thing, why ARE there so many ex celtc players in the mhedia anyway these days.

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You can guarantee that if the manager of any other club behaved like Lemon, Wanker and his cronies would hauling them over the coals. And besides, in my however many years it is watching Scottish football, Lemon is the most despicable figure ever to appear. There have been other people over the years of dodgy repute, people like Roy Aitken, but all he did was break a few legs, cheated and was generally obnoxious, I can't think of one single person who has come even close to behaving in the manner Lemon has.

And none of whats happened to him this season can even come close to what happened to Hugh Dallas when he and his home were attacked by celtc fans and he was innocent. It's not like Lemon has actually opened any packages and actually had them explode or had his windows smashed in now is it, most of it is just hyperbole.

The sad thing is, he'll walk away from celtc and be made to be a poor defenceless victim and a hero because he didn't cave in to all those nasty people who didn't like him.

Another thing, why ARE there so many ex celtc players in the mhedia anyway these days.

Because as we have tv (and radio) as the main media channel rather than newspapers there is no longer a requirement to be able to read and write. :sherlock:

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I was told some weeks ago by a usually reliable source that the Lurgan Lout would be history this summer, win or lose (and it looks like they shall indeed lose) the SPL title race. Indeed, I think I mentioned it on here at the time. :pipe:

What will happen is, their board, or himself will use last nights actions and the previous stuff with the bombs etc., as an excuse for him to go saying "there is too much pressure on him and his family", rather than having to say he is going because of football or behaviour reasons.

The celtic fans will love that and end up matryrising the despicable little man.... "how the country and society forced him out!"

You can see it all now!!!!

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Good points about what 'Desmond' thinks about this. I no nothing about Desmond whatsoever. But these are his employees at the end of the day.

Even if Desmond was an ira loving sort of dude, the public displays from lemon and dr death are surely a disgrace to celtc.

Will be following with interest.

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