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Twitter - is this the end of the world of websites?


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There are several thread titles on RM presently that have the word 'Twitter' within the title - radio news programmes mention that listeners (or viewers, in the case of TV) can follow them on Twitter - newspapers are also getting into the act.

Is this the end of the road for your bog-standard websites?

Is Twitter the new black?

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Social media is spelling the slow death of the internet forum.

I'd say that social media (which includes internet forums) is spelling the slow death of printed media AND websites where there isnt much or any participation from "users" (rather, readers).

I don't think the fact that people want to talk about twitter on a forum means the end of forums?

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interesting stuff badger...

this site has the best mobile site out the forums i read....

I agree with this. I have a pretty shitey phone but RM works perfectly on my mobile and isn't too different from the performance of the full site on my laptop. A big (tu) for that.

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Cost is the inhibitive issue with regards to that.

Yes, you can get third party aps but... if I'm honest they are pish.

RM is looking at ways of developing a widget/app for both android and iPhone, however we've had charity commitments and obviously paying for site hosting to get out the way first. If it happens it will not be until the tail end of next year.

Don't want to ruin RM with a shitty app, so I'd agree leaving that out.

Here's hoping this happens though, would lead to a bit more activity on the board I'd imagine. :D

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Someone direct Canadianbacon to the off topic section for pish like this :P

Why? It's a relevant subject for all the sections - I just happened to post it on Bears Den because there were several topics in Bears Den today which mentioned Twitter.

Given Badger's response and his thoughts on how things will change over the next few years (they've changed in 12-months furfuxsake) maybe my thread title is apt.

For the record, I've never twittered, tweeted or iPadded anyone in my life.

I did shag a pigeon once - but I was drunk and the feathered bitch was asking for it. :D

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There are several thread titles on RM presently that have the word 'Twitter' within the title - radio news programmes mention that listeners (or viewers, in the case of TV) can follow them on Twitter - newspapers are also getting into the act.

Is this the end of the road for your bog-standard websites?

Is Twitter the new black?

It's the new black and white, and re(a)d all over

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Twitter is an intriguing concept and used in the right way can be brilliant, however I think a lot of these social networking sites really are dumbing down the way we receive news. There's little room for depth and although it's meant to be a more personal portal I think it really is impersonal with just constant retweet's.

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I had no idea that what I wrote was that good!

And from you CB, the king of RM wit, wow!

It was subtle, with a hint of pathos, wrapped up in an enigma of biting wit.

It was a Pulitzer Prize effort and I bow at your feet - me - the Burger King of the RM dim-wits. :sherlock:

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There are several thread titles on RM presently that have the word 'Twitter' within the title - radio news programmes mention that listeners (or viewers, in the case of TV) can follow them on Twitter - newspapers are also getting into the act.

Is this the end of the road for your bog-standard websites?

Is Twitter the new black?

I think they can live together in perfect harmony, side-by-side on my computer keyboard.....oh Lord, why don't weeeee?

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LOL - perhaps Twitter are (Twitter is ? - where are the grammar police) part of the anti-rangers cabal and out to get us ? and that Is that why this thread is in the bears den OR does CB have compromising photos of all admins at their last group orgy hug? I think we Leggat should be told!:pipe:

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