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Now I really do expect a response


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We have had 'wake up call' after 'wake up call' the last couple.of months but if the sight of their fans and players celebrating like they won the league doesn't fire our players up then they would be aswell packing their bags! Big performance needed of that of which we have only seen at ibrox once this season... Where is the spark and industry going to come from?

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Hope to see a good performance and hopefully give them a pumping, come out guns blazing from the start and get a good 3 or 4 nil win.

Right now our main creative sparks come from Aluko and Davis and the latter has not turned up for a while now so hopefully we get a performance from Davis and we start with 2 wingers instead of playing Wallace on the left.

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I've been on here bumping my gums and being down as down can be since that defeat against St Mirren, but I'm still paying my hard earned to go and see this with the boys today.

A backs to the wall 1-0 simply isn't good enough. We NEED a response.

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Well if anyone is interested I am well up for it today and just leaving - I have my boots in my bag and ready to run till I drop for our team ....

.... mind you I'd probably drop o' a heart attack just running on the pitch BUT I am ready!

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Even with another shocking team lineup I feel comfortable at home against Motherwell. Think we will win this one 3-1.

You say comfortable but we know what a 3-1 for us is lately. We would score early in first half. Then sit.back inviting pressure and look like losing a goal. We would end up punishing a Motherwell mistake or getting a set piece goal, go 2 up and think its game over. We would let motherwell back in it with a silly goal and try to protect the lead while Motherwell press for an equaliser and we break late against run of play and get the 3rd. We don't do comfortable. Not this season.anyway. willing to be proves wrong though!

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