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Hard man? Don't recall asking you for a square go but ok (tu)

My problem with you is coming on here mocking other rangers fans who feel pissed off at the way the media are reporting about Rangers

BBC editing of McCoist

BBC documentary of Whyte

BBC article on Whyte perjury

Daily Record Whyte season book money

Daily Record "Gers tried to flog Lafferty"

BBC rallying pissed off Rangers fans

I'm not saying there is an agenda, I am saying they are trying to cause disruption to a club which needs to be solid right now

I take the wee cunt bit back if you are o'ffended (tu)

Been called worse mate I think I'll live. I'm not trying to mock anyone, sorry if it comes across that way, I'm just genuinely surprised at some of the things I've read on here.

Like I've said I hope you're right and I'm wrong about Whyte. I'll take no satisfaction from being right if he does leave us in a mess a worse mess like he has supposedly done with other struggling companies. The only thing that makes me think he may be genuine in his attempt to sort us out is that Rangers aren't some wee security company no one apart from those involved with them has heard of. If he does anything too dodgy then he will surely be taken to task and I'd be surprised if anyone would do business with him again since he would have done it in the public eye.

One thing is all too apparent form the first few months of his reign and its that he really needs to show us supporters more respect and be a little more transparent. That's the main thing that's worrying me, his reluctance to meet then fans face to face.

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Been called worse mate I think I'll live. I'm not trying to mock anyone, sorry if it comes across that way, I'm just genuinely surprised at some of the things I've read on here.

Like I've said I hope you're right and I'm wrong about Whyte. I'll take no satisfaction from being right if he does leave us in a mess a worse mess like he has supposedly done with other struggling companies. The only thing that makes me think he may be genuine in his attempt to sort us out is that Rangers aren't some wee security company no one apart from those involved with them has heard of. If he does anything too dodgy then he will surely be taken to task and I'd be surprised if anyone would do business with him again since he would have done it in the public eye.

One thing is all too apparent form the first few months of his reign and its that he really needs to show us supporters more respect and be a little more transparent. That's the main thing that's worrying me, his reluctance to meet then fans face to face.

He has already met fans group face to face...only last night he met with a representation from Vanguard Bears.

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Perhaps then some people's perceptions of certain organisations bias, supported by hard evidence, is not as nonsensical then as you originally thought ?

I'm sure any football club could point to any news source and find a story that has shown them in a poor light. I don't think that means there is any bias. Why would there be?

Yeah but an AGM is a meeting of the shareholders not a meeting for a select few fans.

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Been called worse mate I think I'll live. I'm not trying to mock anyone, sorry if it comes across that way, I'm just genuinely surprised at some of the things I've read on here.

Like I've said I hope you're right and I'm wrong about Whyte. I'll take no satisfaction from being right if he does leave us in a mess a worse mess like he has supposedly done with other struggling companies. The only thing that makes me think he may be genuine in his attempt to sort us out is that Rangers aren't some wee security company no one apart from those involved with them has heard of. If he does anything too dodgy then he will surely be taken to task and I'd be surprised if anyone would do business with him again since he would have done it in the public eye.

One thing is all too apparent form the first few months of his reign and its that he really needs to show us supporters more respect and be a little more transparent. That's the main thing that's worrying me, his reluctance to meet then fans face to face.

There are a couple of threads in the bears den mate which have been light hearted and actually taking the piss a bit (tu)

We have had that many new posters on the wind up in the last few days the place has become a bit touchy at times

Hope you enjoy the forum mate (tu)

Ya wee cunt :craphead:

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I'm sure any football club could point to any news source and find a story that has shown them in a poor light. I don't think that means there is any bias. Why would there be?

This is not about one or two stories which show Rangers in a bad light.

Its about consistent and blatant inequality in reporting with a tendency to paint Rangers in a bad light.

For instance...when BBC Scotland reported the bullets through the post directed towards Lennon..they filmed their piece outside the gates of Ibrox.

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There are a couple of threads in the bears den mate which have been light hearted and actually taking the piss a bit (tu)

We have had that many new posters on the wind up in the last few days the place has become a bit touchy at times

Hope you enjoy the forum mate (tu)

Ya wee cunt :craphead:

Haha cheers mate, I've noticed a few obvious ones at it myself tbh.

D'Artagnan we'll just have to agree to disagree mate. I would just hate to live in a country where this could be true. But maybe I need to be more open minded to the possibility. Night (tu)

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This is not about one or two stories which show Rangers in a bad light.

Its about consistent and blatant inequality in reporting with a tendency to paint Rangers in a bad light.

For instance...when BBC Scotland reported the bullets through the post directed towards Lennon..they filmed their piece outside the gates of Ibrox.

No fucking way! I genuinely didn't know that

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I come on here quite a bit to read what poeple are saying but havent posted anything in quite a long time.

Im living out in South America at the moment, so not caught up in the "Gold Fish Bowl" as they put it, quite a lot of interesting opinions flying around.

What has caught my attention more than anything, is right now, we are where they were back in the 90s (probably wont be long before getting accused im one of them)

On the field we are a shambles

A bigger shambles of it

No transparency from the board about what the future holds

Fans turning on each other

Thinking everyone is out to get us with the conspiracy theories

Im expecting the knives to be sharpened for me, but, the press were no different to them back then as they are to us now, they were having a field day just as they are now, they didnt try to cover up anything back then, they destroyed that board and left their reputation in tatters, and even when McCann came on the scene, the former board were never out of the papers having pot shots, just exactly the same as whats happening to us now.

I can understand some of it, the McCoist saga was a total disgrace, other than that, the press are just loving it just as they did back then...

time to take cover

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This was an interesting read, and , quite frankly, I can see it from both sides.

I studied media and journalism so I can see why journalists would jump on our situation, it's not bias, it's simply ruthless exploitation to make them money, sensationalism of negative events sells, and also, newspapers are corrupt as fuck, as everyone knows anyway, I know this from working for one week as a trainee at a top Glasgow paper.

I can see why people think there is bias, at first I didn't believe it, and I used to mock my Dad when he gave it the "Daily Ranger" chat and said people were against Celtic, however, even if everything the paranoid people are saying (and that is not derogatory, that is just the simplest form of saying 'people who think set organisations have an agenda against my team), I think we should ignore them completely and concentrate on the togetherness of the club. Surely the uproar about it helps too, they get publicity out of it, and hence more success and financial gain.

We are Rangers, we should not complain or make any excuses, we are better than that.

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BBC editing of McCoist

BBC documentary of Whyte

BBC article on Whyte perjury

Daily Record Whyte season book money

Daily Record "Gers tried to flog Lafferty"

BBC rallying pissed off Rangers fans

I didn't see anything wrong with the Records story about the season ticket money. In fact, aren't we, the fans entitled to know that part of the ST money for the next few years had been mortgaged. They did however sensationalise it by inferring it was for the purchase of the club. The Record ran the story not because they have an agenda against us, they ran it because they where the only news outlet that had the story. Anyway, it wasn't even their story it was Paul Murrays, they just fed it to us.

The Documentary on Whyte was made because they believe we have a shady character at the heart of our club. They aired the show believing everything was fact. If they have facts and believed that Whyte ripped off a few folk and bunked off to Monaco, then it wouldn't be the first documentary (Panorama-esque) piece to be aired about shady characters and football clubs. Am I to believe that they are Anti-Notts County, Anti-Bolton, Anti-Porstmouth, Anti-Chelsea aswell.

The Lafferty story is just one of a thousand transfer stories.

Whyte's perjury story appears to be more sinister though, this is a bit of shit stirring at it's lowest form considering he can go to jail for this. He wouldn't be lying if he couldn't remember. The BBC obviously have the evidence that he was suspended as a director because he was leaving creditors behind. If Whyte couldn't remember he shouldn't have answered and he's getting hung out to dry for getting it wrong. This has nothing to do with BBC bias though in my opinion it's to do with the stand between both Craig Whyte and the BBC. Maybe going after him because of the phantom threats he made against the BBC airing the documentary and cutting the ties between both parties. That said again he's not the first man connected with a football club to be investigated. by the BBC

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just because we are paranoid, does not mean they are not all out to get us. :P

Seriously, I think what you wrote is pretty valid.

I've been reading on the Hearts board, and when there's a story out about the mad one, their responses are almost word for word the same as a lot of us on here when something new comes out about Whyte.

Now we would say they are fuckin nuts for backing Vlad, but they say the exact same thing about us backing Whyte.

Personally I think both sets of fans know how close to shit creek our clubs are, the last thing we want to hear is any news condemning who we hope will be our "savior", there is just too much at at stake.

So IMO the bbc and the record are a dirty shower of cunts who will stick the boot into us every chance they get, but I wouldn't disregard every single thing they print, as they do get it right sometimes.

How would we feel if we backed Craig Whyte to the hilt with protests etc. and he did turn out to be a crooked bassa and left us fucked ? Can anyone on here put their hand on heart and say they know enough about the man to swear he would not ?

What if I asked a similar question about mad vlad ?

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Paranoia and the 'world is against us' attitude is something that I used to take great joy in ridiculing those from the dark side about. It was actually hilarious how they felt that 'the establishment' was against them, and made life easy for us.

Included within their list of 'enemies' was the SFA, referees, the government, clubs managed by former Rangers players, the papers, the tv, the radio, the police and various other parties who were subjected to outrageous baseless accusations of bias. It was unsubstantiated nonsense and the widedpread paranoia was great as a source of point scoring.

Unfortunately, with all the recent negative financial issues, piss poor footballing decisions and potentially crippling tax bill, many Rangers fans have begun to look for a cheap excuse, a 'get out' if you will. Sadly, this appears to be that 'everyone is out to get us' and it is simply not true.

We as a club (but more specifically our owner) have been subjected to a lot of negative recently, but quite frankly I think some of it is justified and a lot of bears really need to point the finger at our previous and current management and directors, rather than at the papers/radio for reporting on it.

- Financially we appear to be in tatters, we have little working capital and just had to sell our top striker for considerably less than he was worth due to our need for money.

- Our team in the field has gone from one fuck up to another, with a string of duds signed, pumped out of 4 cup competitions and dropping a 15 (or 9 depending how you look at it) point lead and the farce that was the last transfer window.

- The tax case is real. We could be hit with a £50 million pound bill and go into administration or liquidation. The story is one of the biggest to ever hit Scottish football and as such has received huge coverage.

- Our owner appears reluctant to invest, although understandably this may be due to the looming tax verdict. He also has a somewhat checkered past as a businessman. You can't blame the media for discussing it, we do it on here every day.

All of the above deserve coverage in the media. Sure, some individuals who are Celtic fans or catholics report with a particularly negative slant, but largely I think the level of negativity has been fair.

We are deep in the shit on and off the park, it's time our fans realised this and looked at those who are running and have run our club, rather than blaming the 'anti Rangers' media for reporting on it.

I would have to agree with you entirely here.

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2 camps....those who believe there is a vendetta/ conspiracy/ agenda/ lack of professionalism

And those who think there isn't.

Just like those who believe in religion or the Paranormal or UFO's

You either believe or you don't and no matter how much you argue your case the other side will not budge an inch.

Hence why i am no longer going to enter in to debate with those entrenched in their own viewpoint.

I will say though that David Leggat's blog today does shed a bit more light on the murky goings on within the BBC.

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Perhaps then some people's perceptions of certain organisations bias, supported by hard evidence, is not as nonsensical then as you originally thought ?

Its this "Hard Evidence" bit a few of us struggle with! Take the McCoist interview our and the Hard Evidence is mainly conjecture from what I see

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Seriously, I think what you wrote is pretty valid.

I've been reading on the Hearts board, and when there's a story out about the mad one, their responses are almost word for word the same as a lot of us on here when something new comes out about Whyte.

Now we would say they are fuckin nuts for backing Vlad, but they say the exact same thing about us backing Whyte.

Personally I think both sets of fans know how close to shit creek our clubs are, the last thing we want to hear is any news condemning who we hope will be our "savior", there is just too much at at stake.

So IMO the bbc and the record are a dirty shower of cunts who will stick the boot into us every chance they get, but I wouldn't disregard every single thing they print, as they do get it right sometimes.

How would we feel if we backed Craig Whyte to the hilt with protests etc. and he did turn out to be a crooked bassa and left us fucked ? Can anyone on here put their hand on heart and say they know enough about the man to swear he would not ?

What if I asked a similar question about mad vlad ?

Hearts fans deny Romanov is a nutcake? Weird. Would have thought that was pretty conclusive by now.

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I come on here quite a bit to read what poeple are saying but havent posted anything in quite a long time.

Im living out in South America at the moment, so not caught up in the "Gold Fish Bowl" as they put it, quite a lot of interesting opinions flying around.

What has caught my attention more than anything, is right now, we are where they were back in the 90s (probably wont be long before getting accused im one of them)

On the field we are a shambles

A bigger shambles of it

No transparency from the board about what the future holds

Fans turning on each other

Thinking everyone is out to get us with the conspiracy theories

Im expecting the knives to be sharpened for me, but, the press were no different to them back then as they are to us now, they were having a field day just as they are now, they didnt try to cover up anything back then, they destroyed that board and left their reputation in tatters, and even when McCann came on the scene, the former board were never out of the papers having pot shots, just exactly the same as whats happening to us now.

I can understand some of it, the McCoist saga was a total disgrace, other than that, the press are just loving it just as they did back then...

time to take cover

I think that is a good comparison mate. I wish there was an obvious Fergus McCann figure out there for us. Someone who could lead the fans and run Rangers like a business. The club has enormous fanbase and great potential. I know I'll get stck for this but if we had people like McCann, Desmond and Lawell in charge I am confident we could maximise Rangers' profitability and have a good team on the park. At the moment, we have neither:(

Also think the OPmade a lot f good points and answered the questions posed well.

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Inept refereeing once again benefits the earls. Too much paranoia on this board recently, we need to take a step back and breathe. Though I still believe BBC Scotland have some questions to answer.

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The media in this country would not stand a chance if our fans just completely ignored them. We have lost self confidence as a support, and it is showing in our reactions to what is basically Celtic fans in the media saying things against us.

We should defend Rangers where we feel they misrepresent it, or the fans where they are misrepresented; but the level of attention we are paying to them is giving then ground.

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The media in this country would not stand a chance if our fans just completely ignored them. We have lost self confidence as a support, and it is showing in our reactions to what is basically Celtic fans in the media saying things against us.

We should defend Rangers where we feel they misrepresent it, or the fans where they are misrepresented; but the level of attention we are paying to them is giving then ground.

I'll defend Rangers all the way if I feel thay have been misrepresented - however, I won't defend the past business practices of our new owner.

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