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After Hearing The Scum Support Tonight


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I don't know the figure.

I thought it was a case of we guess, you give us the answer. No?

Rather low to non existent is all i will say.

The comment relayed to me was that ALL staff have their backgrounds checked to ensure they are "suitable" employees

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Rather low to non existent is all i will say.

The comment relayed to me was that ALL staff have their backgrounds checked to ensure they are "suitable" employees

I would suggest that all companies of that size would do background checks on future employess, Rangers included.

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the context of the word h** in there songs is surely an aggrivating factor though.... <cr>

The new law 100% covers h**, no debate there

you have to laugh at this.

who exactly decides what is offensive and what isn't?

use the term feni*n in this country peopel gasp with horror and you are thrown in jail.

however it was a term that terrorist gave to themselves, as far as i can see, in the same manner Al-Quieda call themlesves Al-Quieda. Even the scum sing it abotu themselves when chanting about Paddy McCourt, bringing the word back to it's origins.

H8N on the other hand clearly originates from the and ethnicity of a group of people. It's obviously being aimed at Rangers fans being native British Prodestants.

So how can some fucking judge somewher ein this country, sitting back in his mansion decide that the term Feni*n should be considered as offensive and as shocking as calling someone a ni99er, yet h*n is fair game?

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I would suggest that all companies of that size would do background checks on future employess, Rangers included.

Aye but not these kind of background checks Casey.

Another rumour i know and to quantify it means revealing the source which i am not prepared to do.

Let's just say one club plays by employment rules and one doesn't.

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you have to laugh at this.

who exactly decides what is offensive and what isn't?

use the term feni*n in this country peopel gasp with horror and you are thrown in jail.

however it was a term that terrorist gave to themselves, as far as i can see, in the same manner Al-Quieda call themlesves Al-Quieda. Even the scum sing it abotu themselves when chanting about Paddy McCourt, bringing the word back to it's origins.

H8N on the other hand clearly originates from the and ethnicity of a group of people. It's obviously being aimed at Rangers fans being native British Prodestants.

So how can some fucking judge somewher ein this country, sitting back in his mansion decide that the term Feni*n should be considered as offensive and as shocking as calling someone a ni99er, yet h*n is fair game?

The wording of the law is what a reasonable person finds offensive....

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I for one will be belting out TBB, and I hope a great number of you join me. As I said earlier that mob can sing any murderous and vile songs they like without being challenged in the slightest. I know some bears will disagree with me, and I appreciate that they don't want the club getting In even more shit, but I'm sorry it has to be done.

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Lets be honest to all yous saying you will be belting out the billy boys at dunfermaline, you will sit or you arse in silence and leave tbo/ub to sing there euro style chanting pish for 90 minutes. Get used to it because the billy boys etc. are gone for good.

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I for one will be belting out TBB, and I hope a great number of you join me. As I said earlier that mob can sing any murderous and vile songs they like without being challenged in the slightest. I know some bears will disagree with me, and I appreciate that they don't want the club getting In even more shit, but I'm sorry it has to be done.

So you don't care what happens to the club?

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I for one will be belting out TBB, and I hope a great number of you join me. As I said earlier that mob can sing any murderous and vile songs they like without being challenged in the slightest. I know some bears will disagree with me, and I appreciate that they don't want the club getting In even more shit, but I'm sorry it has to be done.

Want it straight ?

I think that would be the stupidest thing you could do.

Not only as you have suggested yourself would it get the club in deeper shit at a time we can ill afford it, but it would also turn a shifting media focus away from them and back onto us. Given their penchant for continually breaking the rules on this its quite clear that the media focus is starting to turn on them.

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My thinking is if we did sing it, then got pulled up for it could the club not counter that by highlighting the filth that the beggars have and still are spewing out of their poisonous mouths.

People get away with murder, drink driving, kiddy fiddling and other stuff, does that mean you are going to partake in that aswell?

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My thinking is if we did sing it, then got pulled up for it could the club not counter that by highlighting the filth that the beggars have and still are spewing out of their poisonous mouths.

Come on mate, you know that's not how it works. Could throw 1001 cliches like "two wrongs don't make a right" but there's no point. Simply put, we're behaving they're not. They'll get found out...let's not make ourselves a target again.

The wording of the law is what a reasonable person finds offensive....

yup, that's exactly it. The reasonable man on the clapham omnibus.

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Aye but not these kind of background checks Casey.

Another rumour i know and to quantify it means revealing the source which i am not prepared to do.

Let's just say one club plays by employment rules and one doesn't.

Well they flout the employment rules in the Education system and get away with it so why not in sport?

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Would love us to casually chant "The Popes a H*n" at them.

FFS, that would be sacrilage. 5 year jail term. Protests from the ersediocese, BBC, DR, SPL, SFA, UEFA, SNP, UN on the case.

It will be a ''bigot'' register next, with only bears/non rc's names on it! So, NEVER call one of the sectarian paedophile scum such like, particularly their chief coneheed, as he is a protected species with too much to lose in protecting his paedophile clergy and sittin way the ALL names from the ersediocese from around the planet of every politician and police chief who participated in the henious crimes against humanity. Otherwise, why do they all protect him??

Also, if we are faced with being called one, do NOT report it FFS, because that could also be seen as offensive to the scum and a possible 5 year jail term to follow!

Yes, that's where we are at fellow bears. Prisoners to the sectarian taig minority and there appeasers!

With this new law infringing our civil liberties, as we know it will not be applied fairly as is proving to be the case thus far. Fairness and even handedness in it's application? Dream on. The majority will be fucked. It will take some serious landmark legal challenge to bring to an end to the taig apparthied.

So Joe, FUCK YOU AND DIE VERY PAINFULLY AND VERY SLOWLY when your time comes, which by the looks eh yeh, it won't be too fuckin long!!


BTW..If you indeed have the inclination to sing/chant about their henious sect, keep it legal and only do so against those high ranking bishops who have been jailed for the said paedo offences, as p joe hasn't. There's plenty of them in that category.

Also, there is safety in numbers, a group of us were dug up by pc plod (An Inspector and two others) for our rendition of the booby sands lament, in front of the main stand going to the 4-2 game. One of the guys had an argument with him re.'so it's not allowed to decry a convicted murderin terrorist then?'. No answer (Inspector plod knew he was out of order), so we all told him to fuck off and he did! The point here is, even convicted murderin terrorists are protected and if it were only two or three fans instead of around a hundred, we would be doin porridge!!


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