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Is it just a PSP but with better graphics then? Never really read anything about it, didn't even know it was being released now.

Pretty much, graphically its marginally inferior to a PS3.. Which is really impressive.

Also has 2 analogue sticks and a touch screen. The online services is also much better.. It also has the ability to play some PS3 games through remote play, basically streaming a game from the PS3 to the Vita. Doesn't work for all games though, infact there's only a handful of games that supports it!

Jailbreakers are currently hacking the shit out of to see if they can get any PS3 game to run on the vita through remote play.. But then again attempts thus far have been plagued with input lag.

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Pretty much, graphically its marginally inferior to a PS3.. Which is really impressive.

Also has 2 analogue sticks and a touch screen. The online services is also much better.. It also has the ability to play some PS3 games through remote play, basically streaming a game from the PS3 to the Vita. Doesn't work for all games though, infact there's only a handful of games that supports it!

Jailbreakers are currently hacking the shit out of to see if they can get any PS3 game to run on the vita through remote play. If they can do it then i may pick one up and mod it as soon as i get home! But then again attempts thus far have been plagued with input lag..

That looks pretty fantastic. I never had a PSP, can't see myself picking this up either. Don't really see a need for it myself.

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Wont be getting one, just not what I want from a handheld console. I really like the idea of the back touch-pads though, have they been well received in terms of being fit for purpose? Also, two analogues seems like good sense from Sony - what we're Nintendo thinking of when they gave the 3DS just one?wacko.gif

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Wont be getting one, just not what I want from a handheld console. I really like the idea of the back touch-pads though, have they been well received in terms of being fit for purpose? Also, two analogues seems like good sense from Sony - what we're Nintendo thinking of when they gave the 3DS just one?wacko.gif

There is a new model of 3DS coming out this year with 2 analogs but its something that really should of been there from the start.

I wont be getting the Vita, it seems designed for people who need home console style gaming on the go which I don't need.

Prefer the 3DS as I find the library of games more fun and unique in terms of handheld's but I'll be waiting for the new model.

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Wont be getting one, just not what I want from a handheld console. I really like the idea of the back touch-pads though, have they been well received in terms of being fit for purpose? Also, two analogues seems like good sense from Sony - what we're Nintendo thinking of when they gave the 3DS just one?wacko.gif

I think I'll wait until there're a few people I know with one until I make my mind up. The only review I've really read seems to suggest that the OLED screen's near impossible to see in bright light!

Sony seem to be going for the graphics factor with the vita, along with the online aspect and I'm not too sure that's for me.

I've got a 3DS and love the thing. Although the online aspect is pish I've never been much of an online gamer and prefer the stand alone campaign kind of games. The games are getting a bit better now as well with Resident Evil Revelations out now and Metal Gear Solid on the way. They've released an add on extra analogue stick which looks horrendous but by all accounts is quite comfy to use.

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There is a new model of 3DS coming out this year with 2 analogs but its something that really should of been there from the start.

I wont be getting the Vita, it seems designed for people who need home console style gaming on the go which I don't need.

Prefer the 3DS as I find the library of games more fun and unique in terms of handheld's but I'll be waiting for the new model.

Shite, you poasted as I did. Where'd you hear about the new model 3ds mate? Would be very interested in one myself.

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Shite, you poasted as I did. Where'd you hear about the new model 3ds mate? Would be very interested in one myself.

Its just rumour's mostly just now so perhaps I should of phrased that better :P but with the RRP cut pretty much everywhere now I expect it to be announced and unveiled at E3 which will be in June. Just hope a new model isn't released nearly every single year like the original DS :lol: I know the add on your talking about as well its bloody ugly! Adds on a lot of bulk as well for such a simple add on.

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Its just rumour's mostly just now so perhaps I should of phrased that better :P but with the RRP cut pretty much everywhere now I expect it to be announced and unveiled at E3 which will be in June. Just hope a new model isn't released nearly every single year like the original DS :lol: I know the add on your talking about as well its bloody ugly! Adds on a lot of bulk as well for such a simple add on.

Ah cool. Thought I'd missed something. They will release an upgraded version eventually, I personally don't think it'll be anytime soon though as the original's just sold over 5m in Japan since release but it's Nintendo so you never know!

Back to the vita. Has anyone had a shot of one yet? How does it handle?

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The other question I had is over what the battery life is? The 3DS had an extra screen, plus whatever the 3d tech used in power to suck the battery dry (could they not just have made it a little bit thicker in order to fit a bigger battery?), how does the Vita's running time stack up?

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The other question I had is over what the battery life is? The 3DS had an extra screen, plus whatever the 3d tech used in power to suck the battery dry (could they not just have made it a little bit thicker in order to fit a bigger battery?), how does the Vita's running time stack up?

I've read that it's got about 5 hours battery life but that'll probably equate to about 3 or 4 on the highest brightness setting.

The 3DS battery only lasts about 2 - 2 1/2 hours with all settings up full but then it's thinner and the capacity is only about half or 2/3 of the vita.

Personally I don't have the 3d on much on many of the games, always run the brightness at about 2 of 5 and keep the power saving feature on at all times. I reckon I get about 6-7 hours out of each charge. I tend to only play it at night in the house though and have the brighness up a lot higher if I'm on the move.

Edit: Just found this http://www.pcworld.com/article/246874/ps_vita_and_nintendo_3ds_lose_battery_test_race_to_the_psp.html

You can also buy a Nyko battery pack for the 3DS that ups the battery life considerably.

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I've read that it's got about 5 hours battery life but that'll probably equate to about 3 or 4 on the highest brightness setting.

The 3DS battery only lasts about 2 - 2 1/2 hours with all settings up full but then it's thinner and the capacity is only about half or 2/3 of the vita.

Personally I don't have the 3d on much on many of the games, always run the brightness at about 2 of 5 and keep the power saving feature on at all times. I reckon I get about 6-7 hours out of each charge. I tend to only play it at night in the house though and have the brighness up a lot higher if I'm on the move.

Edit: Just found this http://www.pcworld.c...to_the_psp.html

You can also buy a Nyko battery pack for the 3DS that ups the battery life considerably.

Hmm...reckon I'll wait and see if the next release is enough of a better prospect. I heard one rumor that the 3d element may be removed completely, which would be a shame - if anything on the DS is expendable I'd say it's the second screen; hope Nintendo get their act together next time.

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I'm fully expecting this to be sub-£150 by the end of the Summer.

Handheld gaming consoles(dedicated ones, of course) is a dying market IMO. With iOS's Game Centre rumoured to be improved upon in the next iteration of the iPhone and Sony planning on licensing out their gaming stuff on Android (pretty stupid move?) I reckon more people will just stick to their smartphones to get their on-the-go gaming fix.

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