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VB Meeting With Craig Whyte

Edmiston Drive

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Shortly after the last meeting VB had with Craig Whyte , they were kind enough to give us details of this meeting. They also stated that other information came out and on the Craig Whytes wishes they did not disclose this information.

I think that from what has been confirmed by the Administrators (I ignore the press) re advance sale on season ticket books, and this money being paid into Llyods bank to the tune equal to the debt outstanding to Lloyds. I think Craig Whytes wishes are now well and truly defunct.

I have stated all along that I neither like or dislike Craig Whyte as the press will always run a story to suit their agenda/viewpoint.

So guys now is the time to reveal what was intimated in a way that it must be something big , otherwise why mention other info available.

Thanking you in advance for the release of this info.

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I thought this thread was going to say they had another meeting lined up with him, was ready to get my burning effigy set up :lol:

I wondered what kind of information was being withheld at the time, now does feel appropriate for this to be shared with the rest of our fan base but I would say it depends on the nature of the info. If it's been something about his future plans or something similar will it make much difference? Regardless of what he says now it feels like its too little too late. :disappointment:

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I thought this thread was going to say they had another meeting lined up with him, was ready to get my burning effigy set up :lol:

I wondered what kind of information was being withheld at the time, now does feel appropriate for this to be shared with the rest of our fan base but I would say it depends on the nature of the info. If it's been something about his future plans or something similar will it make much difference? Regardless of what he says now it feels like its too little too late. :disappointment:

Sometimes people or groups allow others to think they are in a more privileged postion than the masses to gain trust or support for political reasons.

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Shortly after the last meeting VB had with Craig Whyte , they were kind enough to give us details of this meeting. They also stated that other information came out and on the Craig Whytes wishes they did not disclose this information.

I think that from what has been confirmed by the Administrators (I ignore the press) re advance sale on season ticket books, and this money being paid into Llyods bank to the tune equal to the debt outstanding to Lloyds. I think Craig Whytes wishes are now well and truly defunct.

I have stated all along that I neither like or dislike Craig Whyte as the press will always run a story to suit their agenda/viewpoint.

So guys now is the time to reveal what was intimated in a way that it must be something big , otherwise why mention other info available.

Thanking you in advance for the release of this info.

he dangled this bunch like a bunch of tossers probably charged them for the meeting

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Can anyone post a link to the minutes again please

Vanguard Bears had another productive meeting with Rangers Chairman Craig Whyte on Monday evening. First of all we have to convey our thanks to Mr Whyte for his attendance given the events of last night with the BBC yet again displaying where their loyalties lie.

The purpose of this meeting was not necessarily to interrogate Mr Whyte on all aspects of the club as this had already been done in a detailed interview with Tom English of the Scotsman Newspaper. Rather the purpose of our meeting was twofold. As a follow up to our initial meeting and maintain contact with the Chairman and the Club. Secondly to see what has changed, if anything, from our first meeting and to ascertain how we can support the Chairman and the Club at this difficult time.

As many will understand with such meetings there are issues we cannot and will not disclose in to the public domain out of respect to the Chairman and the future well-being of Rangers FC.

In no particular order the following subjects were discussed and some of the more relevant answers are outlined below.

Daily Record and Media in general - The consensus appeared to be that more needs done in being pro-active in countering the muck raking and downright lies being spread about Rangers and the owner.

BBC - Litigation will now proceed after last night’s hatchet job. Mr Whyte admitted he had let it run because other more important matters needed his immediate attention.

Ticketus Deal - Wholly underwritten by one of his companies with no risk to ST holders should we go in to administration. Deal was for a percentage of the tickets over 3 years not 4. Figure mentioned was closer to £20m and not the £24.4m being quoted. Deal was arranged to provide working capital only.

Whilst on this subject we had to ask about administration; its possibility and effect. Mr Whyte reiterated his view that it is a last resort and not Plan A or Plan B. However given the uncertainty surrounding the HMRC verdict it is simply not possible to say for certain what strategy will be adopted until the decision is known. We then asked what happens if the worst case scenario arrives and we do go in to administration. Mr Whyte’s response was that it wouldn’t be pleasant and cuts would have to be made but the club would come out of it in a far healthier state. A 10 point deduction is the current penalty for a club going in to administration and not every season as certain rumour mongers were happy to shout out at every opportunity. The phrase “Business as Usual” was used.

It also has to be noted that in recent years Motherwell were in administration and emerged from it with their name and history intact. The same goes for Dundee FC.

Cash Flow Rumours - We put it to Mr Whyte about the rumours of cash flow issues and bills not being paid which he categorically denied. He did admit that all bills are scrutinised and payment terms have been changed or extended but the negative publicity has forced some of the larger suppliers to demand payment quicker or on receipt of goods. He maintains though that smaller suppliers are being paid and the relationships with them are still healthy.

Small Tax Bill - This is being challenged as the clubs legal advice is that because this is over 6 years old HMRC are not within their rights to pursue it. So the stories about Rangers not paying it or can't pay it are wrong and merely mischief making.

Players Wages - There is no wage cap in place as such but finances dictate we cannot pay what we used to offer or entertain ludicrous wage demands that led us in to the financial problems we currently face. However the fact remains we are still competitive and will still be able to compete for good young Scottish talent.

Andrew Ellis – Mr Whyte said he will be primarily London based and working on areas like pre-season deals and various other marketing and sponsorship ideas. Mr Whyte had a meeting with a representative from Manchester United in London which prompted him to copy their business plan and open offices in London to augment this business plan.

Influential Supporters - The question was asked about our more affluent or well-known supporters and what they can do to help the club now and in the long term. This is an area he hopes will be expanded on once the current climate of uncertainty has been dealt with.

Ideas from fans about new revenue streams - The current Rangers Facebook page has over 250,000 “likes”. Coupled with the fact we took over 200,000 fans to Manchester with a further 35,000 inside Ibrox that evening proves overwhelmingly the size and potential of our support. VB Admin’s idea of a savings scheme was mentioned and the club are very open to the idea. However as Jim Hannah pointed out the fans must see where the money is going and feel they are not just forking out to clear debt. The entire club is open to any suggestions from the fans or groups on how to generate new income streams. A couple of examples were if a monthly subscription was in place then once a month 2 lucky fans would get a day out at Ibrox in the Directors box for all home games. Other ideas were simple things like receiving a Rangers share which holds unique sentimental value.

Fans Groups – Mr Whyte spoke about the need for unity and how vital it was that all the various groups put aside their issues and work together for the club. Never has it been more vital in our entire 140 year history that this is achieved.

Media Intrusion - Mr Whyte knew it would be a tough job and that he thought interest would die down after a few months but clearly that is not the case. Indeed he expressed his surprise at just how certain sections of the media have been operating lately and it has opened his eyes.

Player and Staff Security – This is an area that is being looked at given issues surrounding the recent attack on Alejandro Bedoya’s car (among others) and the separate case of a chef who openly supported the IRA working at the club’s Auchenhowie training ground. Mr Whyte intimated that those types were not welcome at our club, and it was pleasing to see the club acting so decisively in removing this person and ensuring that the safety of the players and staff is paramount.

Internet Bloggers – This issue was also raised and the club are now in possession of information collated by Vanguard Bears which appears to show links between influential parties working in collusion to inflict harm on the name of Rangers FC. This will not be tolerated and will be addressed in due course. It was also mentioned that the support have a role to play in reporting anything they see which deliberately seeks to harm Rangers FC or the fans unnecessarily.

Once again our thanks go to Craig Whyte and to Jim Hannah for giving up almost 2 hours of their time and their willingness to engage with the support and we look forward to working with them again for the good of Rangers FC.

The Administrators of Vanguard Bears remain supportive of Rangers owner Craig Whyte until unfounded allegations are proven otherwise.


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I am sure VB wont want to say any more about the meeting as anything that was said by CW would have to be taken with a (huge) pinch of salt anyway. So no matter what was withheld - big or small - who actually would believe what CW had to say anymore. I have gone from being neutral to really disliking and totally distrusting CW over the last 10 days. In my eyes there is very little chance of redemption for CW.

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Some pretty poor responses on here.

VB were not the only fans group to meet with him and all appear to have been lied to - a fact confirmed last on the Tonight programme byt the RST chairman who confirmed Whyte had lied at their meeting.

And you will find at meetings like this there is info which cannot be divulged.

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I am sure VB wont want to say any more about the meeting as anything that was said by CW would have to be taken with a (huge) pinch of salt anyway. So no matter what was withheld - big or small - who actually would believe what CW had to say anymore. I have gone from being neutral to really disliking and totally distrusting CW over the last 10 days. In my eyes there is very little chance of redemption for CW.

I disagree with revealing the information as clearly some of our fans are still on the fence and incredibly some are still on his side.

The more evidence there is out there that this was a complete scam, the more united the support will be on the issue and have a single focus which is to help return the club to a healthy position.

I would welcome the VB sharing the info with the rest of us. (tu)

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Some pretty poor responses on here.

VB were not the only fans group to meet with him and all appear to have been lied to - a fact confirmed last on the Tonight programme byt the RST chairman who confirmed Whyte had lied at their meeting.

And you will find at meetings like this there is info which cannot be divulged.

Info cannot be divulged on the premise that it is common courtesy and manners that when someone speaks with you and asks you not to, you dont. However anything Whyte said at that meeting to a representative of people of that group can be disclosed if the group believe they were lied to by Whyte, hereby breaking any gentlemans agreement (tu)

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I disagree with revealing the information as clearly some of our fans are still on the fence and incredibly some are still on his side.

The more evidence there is out there that this was a complete scam, the more united the support will be on the issue and have a single focus which is to help return the club to a healthy position.

I would welcome the VB sharing the info with the rest of us. (tu)

Ach I would (in a morbid sort of way) be interested in what was said as well - we are all nosey buggers after all - but find it really difficult to be neutral on Whyte - even the Administrator has basically said he is a liar - and they were meant to be his 'mates'.

What I dont know how to do, but what is clear is that our finances need sorted and some sort of transparenct mechanism put in place so any 'custodian' from now on is kept in some sort of check.

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Some pretty poor responses on here.

VB were not the only fans group to meet with him and all appear to have been lied to - a fact confirmed last on the Tonight programme byt the RST chairman who confirmed Whyte had lied at their meeting.

And you will find at meetings like this there is info which cannot be divulged.

In my OP I tried to make it clear that this was not a dig at VB and at the time I said what was the need to have a meeting so soon after the first one as in meeting for meetings sake is unproductive.

Also quite frankly info that cannot not be divulged is always there to be divulged or the party making this info available at a meeting would not in any circumstances tell the other party about it.

My point is that Craig Whyte in my eyes has lost the right to any sense of loyalty as to not revealing what he said at any meeting.

I base this solely on the administrators confirming that money to clear Lloyds was made by advance ticket sales of season money.

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I do think any additional info should be released, whatever it, is it's probably lies anyway

Knowing whyte, and I'm sure we all do very well by now.

I think VB are well within their rights to release the info considering most of the meeting was deceitful on whytes part

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No need for any abuse of VB over this. If Whyte has lied to them, they have done nothing wrong. Whether they decide to print what else he said is up to them, but I suspect they won't.

Thank You BP.

If people would actually read the last line of the minutes they will see where our stance is with Craig Whyte.

And in regards to certain information which was off the record all i will say is that much of it was hearsay and gossip which would have done us or Rangers no good by making it public.

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I don't think anyone is having a go bp, but I know if I was duped time after time I would release everything I had however maybe the vb are still on side with him for the time being

I think VB have always (so far) been of the "until we have proof he's lying/cheating us we'll support him" frame of mind, I've been similar myself. I'd imagine they're reviewing their standpoint now.

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Thank You BP.

If people would actually read the last line of the minutes they will see where our stance is with Craig Whyte.

And in regards to certain information which was off the record all i will say is that much of it was hearsay and gossip which would have done us or Rangers no good by making it public.

Genuine question Adoniram, would it not have been better not to flag it up, hindsight is an inexact science I know.

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