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Thank You by Kev

[imgleft]http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k494/DarcheVinny/ibroxfront_200_200.jpg[/imgleft]We fans of Rangers Football Club have been lucky enough to have incredible talent entertain us over the years. I’ve grown up watching the sublime talents of Laudrup, Gazza and Ally. We’ve been blessed with the talents of Albertz, de Boer and Souness. The older Bears amongst you will be screaming the names of Greig, Henderson and Hubbard. And that’s not even beginning to scratch the surface.

I’d be kidding myself on if I told you that today’s team is filled with the same level of talent (even if I do think history will be kinder to our current crop than we are right now), but I’ve come to realise something lately; football isn’t all about talent.

These last few weeks have been tough. Very tough. But the last few days in particular have been horrible. We all feared the worst on Tuesday when Gregg Wylde and Mervan Celik left the club. I know I sat nervously watching Sky Sports News, biting first my nails, then my fingers, worrying about who was next to go. And although nobody followed immediately, the news of a breakdown in talks hit us hard. The writing was on the wall. Rangers Football Club was falling apart.

But today is a new day. Today is not the same as previous weeks. Today, the 2011/12 team writes itself into our history books as heroes.

Let’s get one thing straight; nobody at this club has to take a wage cut. Nobody. Not a single player at Rangers is responsible for the situation we are in, and it is not up to them to save the club. They are individuals who are making a career. They do not owe it to us to do anything to help save Rangers.

But they have done.

The agreement reached today between the players and the administrators should never be underestimated and never forgotten. Our players have accepted massive wage cuts that not only keep the club running, but keep other people at Ibrox in jobs. We should never, ever forget that these players have sacrificed their own incomes to help keep this institution alive and keep its employees in jobs. Never, ever forget this. And never forget the gestures made my Celik and Wylde either. Never, ever forget that the players have proven that they are willing to make the sacrifices we all would. Never, ever forget it. And never, ever stop being thankful for it.

All these players today helped ensure that after 140 years and 54 titles, we will carry on.

Thank you.

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This squad 2011/ 12 , and our Manager , deserve to be immortalised so no- one EVER forgets the sacrifices they have made - They have saved our club , and ensured that The Glasgow Rangers can continue to make history hopefully for another 140 years .

This squad will be remembered in the same way as

Moses McNeil and Bill Struth are.

Thankyou for your loyalty and sacrifice.

Each and everyone of you are assured Legendary status .

YOU are the people .


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I hope this isn’t a repost but with what happened today with our players IMO we have a new group of Legends at Ibrox, and we the fans should recognise that.

Yes they are well paid but who amongst us would accept a 75% pay cut to save their employer and colleagues, many will say yes but really really think hard, look at your family and then answer honestly.

Guys like Greegs, Naisy, Whits and Davis are Rangers men so for them it’s easier but guys like Goian, Bocanegra, everyone’s whipping boy Edu , and others, to them it’s just a job.

So from me a huge thanks to these guys who may just have saved The Rangers who we all love.

:rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :

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I hope this isn’t a repost but with what happened today with our players IMO we have a new group of Legends at Ibrox, and we the fans should recognise that.

Yes they are well paid but who amongst us would accept a 75% pay cut to save their employer and colleagues, many will say yes but really really think hard, look at your family and then answer honestly.

Guys like Greegs, Naisy, Whits and Davis are Rangers men so for them it’s easier but guys like Goian, Bocanegra, everyone’s whipping boy Edu , and others, to them it’s just a job.

So from me a huge thanks to these guys who may just have saved The Rangers who we all love.

:rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :


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(tu) Every single one of those players have cemented themselves in the history books IMO, the likes of Bocanegra, Bedoya etc who didn't really have any ties with the club before signing could easily have said no and simply kept their wages but just shows what an impact this club can have on you in such a short period of time. Great to see and hopefully they can be rewarded next season and beyond with plenty of silverware. WATP :clap:
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I hope this isn’t a repost but with what happened today with our players IMO we have a new group of Legends at Ibrox, and we the fans should recognise that.

Yes they are well paid but who amongst us would accept a 75% pay cut to save their employer and colleagues, many will say yes but really really think hard, look at your family and then answer honestly.

Guys like Greegs, Naisy, Whits and Davis are Rangers men so for them it’s easier but guys like Goian, Bocanegra, everyone’s whipping boy Edu , and others, to them it’s just a job.

So from me a huge thanks to these guys who may just have saved The Rangers who we all love.

:rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise: :

"To be a Ranger is to sense the sacred trust of upholding all that such a name means in this shrine of football. They must be true in their conception of what the Ibrox tradition seeks from them. No true Ranger has ever failed in the tradition set him."

Mr Bill Struth

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What can you say about the word loyalty - actions speak louder than words

and the players have shown that they have a heart and if the club is worth it show some love back

What a bad day for the media today it was like sharks in a frenzy all waiting for the kill

but then having f*** All to deliver .

Deliver this message the players - the fans - the club are more

and the banner at ibrox v barcelona ! means that.

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Thank You by Kev


I know for a fact the staff up at Murray park echo this sentiment and more.

the interview with naisy in the sun recently where he spoke of a family and he very cleverly put names to the people facing redundancy said it all about the way he felt.

the fact every one of the lads did something for the support staff to stop them suffering for whytes con job will live on in my memory with the treble champions I've seen. with Manchester with nine in a row as a special moment.

if any club can claim they are more than a club. a family. its ours at this time.

in five years we have had Manchester followed by 3 in a row and now this.


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It is an incredible decision for these men to make, including the management. Everyone lives to their payscale, so to lose 75% - or however much - must be huge to them all.

Well done and a huge thank you from me.

Well said Darch.A big thank you from me too.

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"To be a Ranger is to sense the sacred trust of upholding all that such a name means in this shrine of football. They must be true in their conception of what the Ibrox tradition seeks from them. No true Ranger has ever failed in the tradition set him."

Mr Bill Struth

Our players of today have certainly lived up to Mr Struth's expectations. Well done to each and every one.

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Magnificent example set by them all.

Somehow I feel if the great unwashed at septic were in the same position they would not be so ready to make the necessary sacrifices to help save their club

As confirmed by that fat wank waste of chemo hartson (feel dirty typing his name) :anguish:

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This may have been a dark time for our club but it is time I will be bringing up to my kids to show them the loyalty and the strength of the players that are at our club. Incredibly proud of all of the players. Thank you :clap:

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I know for a fact the staff up at Murray park echo this sentiment and more.

the interview with naisy in the sun recently where he spoke of a family and he very cleverly put names to the people facing redundancy said it all about the way he felt.

the fact every one of the lads did something for the support staff to stop them suffering for whytes con job will live on in my memory with the treble champions I've seen. with Manchester with nine in a row as a special moment.

if any club can claim they are more than a club. a family. its ours at this time.

in five years we have had Manchester followed by 3 in a row and now this.



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