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Whyte wants his(?) £30mill


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Alex Thomson is clearly restating things that were revealed yesterday. Whyte said yesterday in interviews he had spoken with the bidders and if he could he would assist in anyway. He also said yesterday that if it was in Rangers interests he would walk away despite having £30m off held against in him guarantees which I believe is to do with Ticketus etc as he said it was guaranteed against him?

He is not owed anything from Rangers FC, nor shall he ever be.

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Alex Thomson is clearly restating things that were revealed yesterday. Whyte said yesterday in interviews he had spoken with the bidders and if he could he would assist in anyway. He also said yesterday that if it was in Rangers interests he would walk away despite having £30m off held against in him guarantees which I believe is to do with Ticketus etc as he said it was guaranteed against him?

He is not owed anything from Rangers FC, nor shall he ever be.

Thommo says he spoke to Whyte today, and he is NOT giving his shares to PM, also wants his 30 mil back, administrators quoted as calling Murray Paul no money Murray

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If he turns up he'll get a big cheer from the other lot and rangers supporters will be trampled in the rush to get at Whyte. Best to stay away ya swine that ye are, I only want to see you go to jail not any bears no matter how gratifying the result may be. Lets leave that to those already inside HMP Barlinnie, bet your eyes will be bulging a few times in their Craigy boy. :wanker:

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Thommo says he spoke to Whyte today, and he is NOT giving his shares to PM, also wants his 30 mil back, administrators quoted as calling Murray Paul no money Murray

Yes I am aware of the last 20 mins flurry of news. Either way I don't believe a word of Alex T is saying right now. The BBC, STV and SS (I think) break positive news and all of a sudden someone claims he's talked to Craig Whyte "11 mins ago" and almost everything broken was sheer shite? Nah.

EDIT: And he wants his £30m back? From where exactly? If Craig Whyte can show us evidence of where "his" £30m was invested in the Club then by all means he is entitled to it, but he hasn't put a penny into Rangers FC. Used Ticketus cash to buy the club (pay off debt etc) which wasn't his money. Also mortgaged off the catering contract did he not?

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p murrays certainly not putting up a lot of cash if any he's not rich.

but he is working hard on behalf of those who are.

Your in the know, why can't one of the others put their name forward so Whyte can't say he's not giving shares to Murray ?

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i don't believe whyte would say that, alex has his own agenda here, which is obviously to make a name for himself. Whyte has came out his week and has said he will walk away with nothing - he's been keeping a low profile & the police have advised him on his personal safety. I highly doubt he would look to antagonize Rangers fans even further by releasing a sensational statement such as "i want my 30 million back".

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CW reiterated his point that he is due £30 million and wants his £30 million

what the fuck?!??!?

CW isn’t due £30m - he has claimed repeatedly he’s on the line for a sum in that region in cash and guarantees. I’m pretty certain he’ll want those guarantees off his back.

Which is why I worried when I read that TBK deal with Ticketus leaves them room to pursue ‘others’ for the sum’s they would lose out on - in the reported deal with TBK.

If Ticketus have indeed agreed to drop £17m as reported - and Whyte is on the line for a legal case to recover said sums from Ticketus - I'm concerned that he can make it very difficult for TBK's to resolve.

I’d personally give him his pound back. Provided I get the chance to hand it over privately.

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Exclusive: I’m just off the phone to the ever-loquacious Craig Whyte.

He was driving, but nevertheless very happy to talk.

First off, he describes the story flying around Glasgow, that he has agreed to sell his 85 per cent stake in Rangers to Paul Murray, as “absolute crap”.

He said this was not about to happen and reiterated his point, made to me some days ago, that he is not about to walk away from Rangers without the £30m he is owed for his stake.

He described any liquidation of Rangers as “absolutely unnecessary”.

He said: “What I want to see here is a company voluntary agreement (CVA) as a way out of administration, to preserve the company and the club. I believe that is what fans wish to see, and that is certainly what I wish to see.”

Read more: SPL boss says rules are applied ‘without fear nor favour’

I put it to him that given the debt Rangers could face, only an oligarch or Gulf sheik could stump up the £80m-odd required to kick a football in earnest at Ibrox. He replied: “It doesn’t necessarily come down to that. All Rangers has to do is live in future within its means, and then it has a future.

“I have spoken to all the potential bidders except for Club 9, and from what I see none of these bidders wants to see liquidation.”

You can follow Alex on Twitter @alextomo

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