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Taking the Fight to them

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Im quite new to doing this so excuse me if I go on a bit.

I'll be honest about this- I am deeply worried about what the future holds for the Club I have loved and supported for 50 years together with my Father and Grandfather before me and my children supporting now.

I believe we must act in a much more aggressive manner, not physically, but by using the Laws of this Country.

We had a decision handed down in our favour the other day which, in turn, highlighted the gross incompetence and probably the corruption within the SFA , which has then been compounded by the threats of even more serious penalties because we had the cheek to question the legality of the transfer embargo.

If the SFA do decide to expel of suspend Rangers it will be in direct contradiction to the original judgement which stated that expulsion and Suspension we too serious a penalty for the 'crime' we were accused of. What do you do when a Club bribes match officials or is involved in match fixing?

We must go back to court again and again to fight the basic injustice being perpetrated on Rangers just now.

The supporters are the only people who care deeply enough to see this thing through and I ,for one, will not object to adding to the fighting fund to pay for this.

As i said sorry for going on

God Bless the Rangers

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Good post mate .Get the feeling your worries will subside over coming weeks but that won't be enough to stop the constant attacks .That will continue for a long time and we are just going to have to man up for any fight ahead .

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I think the fightback has began I sense a more aggressive attitude from the fans,the bears are awake now and there is a lot of digging and challenging going on. I think winning the sfa court case was a turning point and the bears fightback will gain momentum

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Can sense your anger mate, we need to be strong, vigilant, against those who seek to destroy us, they don't know yet who they are trying to destroy, The Bears are awakening, be it slowly, but we know we are awakened to what their agenda is.

Keep strong...........

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Yes indeed we must do this as it is abundentely clear we are dealing with systematic corruption, and bias withing The Football organisation in Scotland.

There is no doubt about it, and the very fact they are quick to pass judgement on Rangers Football Club along with changing and making up Rules is worrying to say the Least.Just because its RFC.

I would love us to get out of tje SPL and Scottish Football and Watch it burn.

Its not worth preserving in its present ugly, and corrupt form.

Good post mate and we must stay focussed on the Facys, and npt the lies we are being fed by the Mhedia in yhis Perocial little country.

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As someone once said...

We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island club, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.


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Myself included and our fans have sat by and let people walk all over our club. We have all sat back including the people that have run our club and allowed the press and media to attack our club without any fear.

It has taken our club to being on its knees to waken our support up, and make no mistake that we will all need to stay strong and stick together on the battles ahead, as their end game is to finish off our club.

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The SFA will hammer us just short of full expulsion in my opinion. I would not be surprised to see us expelled for 1 season.

This will however be frightening to others when Sky opt out of their TV deal - for 1 year also.

I hope I am wrong but it will be interesting to see what develops.

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i just cannot believe that a club our size,with hundreds of thousand of supporters locally that things can come to this,fck the nobodys that are making a name for themselves is sickening,journos you can deal with,[because lets face it they are nothing short of ...well we all know what they CUNTS are]but as for the rest,and as for FIFA,fck it would take me a full hour just to show how CORRUPT they are,christ great how now under investigation they are all resigning,its a whole fckn joke,and tbh im sick of it all.........

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Don't worry mate. We will deliver our own judgement on them all next season.

When we boycott it will drive more than a few to deaths door.

They will rue the day they tried to fuck us over.

Not a chance in hell will we expelled. They might hand it down as a suspended sentence to save face and guard against any future probs from our new owners.

Thats as bad as it will get

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Myself included and our fans have sat by and let people walk all over our club. We have all sat back including the people that have run our club and allowed the press and media to attack our club without any fear.

It has taken our club to being on its knees to waken our support up, and make no mistake that we will all need to stay strong and stick together on the battles ahead, as their end game is to finish off our club.

Agree with this, our (the fans) apathy and laziness, along with the "dignified silence" from within the club has brought us to where we are today.

The end game for these fenian cunts is our total destruction. The problem they have now is the "sleeping giant" has awoken from its coma, and not a moment too soon, hopefully.

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Your disillusion. the absolute domination of the press by Taig journalists ensures that only their message is the one regurgitated and becomes the accepted truth, even, or shou;d that be especially, when its lies. Worked well for the Nazis so I can see why they favour such an approach.

The down side is that even when we have right on our side that message is buried.

The Trust and its love in with the True Blue Cashlights and their silencing of members who disagree were the first signs of the support beginning to split, those splits are now being carefully exploited by our agenda driven media.

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Its all great winning in the court of session. But come the end of it all. Fifa will have the final say!!! Unless ofcourse we can prove the s.f.a as incompetant!! Which is highly unlikely as they said one punishment was too soft and the others too harsh. So to me they've covered there backs. They made a punishment they thought the crimes merited. Going to court is against all members of all associations and that means we could have our membership revoked for a period of time. Anyone who thinks otherwise can give me some of what there on!!! As I really dont the s.f.a will let us away with going to court at the same time risking heavy punishments from fifa and uefa. we cant win whatever we do

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Im quite new to doing this so excuse me if I go on a bit.

I'll be honest about this- I am deeply worried about what the future holds for the Club I have loved and supported for 50 years together with my Father and Grandfather before me and my children supporting now.

I believe we must act in a much more aggressive manner, not physically, but by using the Laws of this Country.

We had a decision handed down in our favour the other day which, in turn, highlighted the gross incompetence and probably the corruption within the SFA , which has then been compounded by the threats of even more serious penalties because we had the cheek to question the legality of the transfer embargo.

If the SFA do decide to expel of suspend Rangers it will be in direct contradiction to the original judgement which stated that expulsion and Suspension we too serious a penalty for the 'crime' we were accused of. What do you do when a Club bribes match officials or is involved in match fixing?

We must go back to court again and again to fight the basic injustice being perpetrated on Rangers just now.

The supporters are the only people who care deeply enough to see this thing through and I ,for one, will not object to adding to the fighting fund to pay for this.

As i said sorry for going on

God Bless the Rangers

Can an individual, such as someone with an interest in the game, take the SFA to court over breaching their own rules?

In other words, is it possible to divorce the club from any further legal measures and another body or person take the appropriate legal action independently?

Clearly, this is a method isolating the club from any repercussions arising from said legal action, thus effectively putting the SFA or perhaps even FIFA(does their Zurich base allow EU law to apply) under some real pressure.

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Its all great winning in the court of session. But come the end of it all. Fifa will have the final say!!! Unless ofcourse we can prove the s.f.a as incompetant!! Which is highly unlikely as they said one punishment was too soft and the others too harsh. So to me they've covered there backs. They made a punishment they thought the crimes merited. Going to court is against all members of all associations and that means we could have our membership revoked for a period of time. Anyone who thinks otherwise can give me some of what there on!!! As I really dont the s.f.a will let us away with going to court at the same time risking heavy punishments from fifa and uefa. we cant win whatever we do

Of course we can fuckin win, the SFA, FIFA and the rest are NOT above the laws of the land, whatever they might think. The time for bending over and taking it up the arse from everyone and anyone is over, or else we all may as well just give the fuck up.

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Don't worry mate. We will deliver our own judgement on them all next season.

When we boycott it will drive more than a few to deaths door.

They will rue the day they tried to fuck us over.

Not a chance in hell will we expelled. They might hand it down as a suspended sentence to save face and guard against any future probs from our new owners.

Thats as bad as it will get

I predict a blue storm and the SFA and the clubs who tried kicking us when we were down, will regret ever crossing the Glasgow Rangers. If they want to treat us like we were some sort of school bully, we'll be a school bully and punish them just like they tried punishing us - an away boycott would do wonders in punishing these tiny clubs.

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