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Rangers fans Chief (?) speaks.


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So if Green didn't step up, no-one else could have bought the assets?

Noone else did, that's the fact. How about letting the man who did step up get on with moving us forward instead of letting others who did not step up drag us back.

If there is something underhanded about Green, if Whyte is still involved, then show me the evidence and I'll be first in line picketing. Until then I'll choose not to act paranoid and instead get behind my club.

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"The Charles Green group is dead in the water now there is a credible alternative," said Dingwall, a director of the Rangers Supporters Trust.

Well that's not true for a start.

Green purchased the assets and now owns the club if thats 'dead in the water' then I'm confused.

Do we have details of this alrenative apart from we know Walter is heading it and it includes McColl and Park? Why did they leave it till yesterday when the sale was all but done?

I want Walter at the club and would LOVE it if he came in for Green but it's just not that simple because Green is holding all the aces.

Walter and his people need to purchase from Green or join Green, the latter being much more realistic imo.

Its 'dead in the water' if fans don't buy season tickets because then Green is going to have to find the cash from elsewhere to fund ongoing operations.

That is what I mean't when I said that the support has real economic power at the moment.

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Noooooooo :lol: God i hope this post dissapears quicky down the pages or you will be thumping that keyboard of yours :lol:

Shall make my well used comment on this chap ........I have never met him nor been on his forum although many many many years ago when it first came out I purchased said fanzine along with on the most excellent of publications a real true Rangers man produces. Nor have I passed any judgement about his sexuality or the fact he lived with his mum......indeed I said that was uncalled for to bring these up.

Now all that is out off the way..............................................

My contempt for him is based solely based on his shocking behaviour re presenting a cheque for entertainment received knowing that said cheque would not be honoured, and this to an organisation that he belonged to namely rst and this organisation did not take the appropriate action in removing this man from said trust, indeed my understanding is that it took 18 months for said cheque to be honoured.

Now we have this individual commenting on people being fit or not being fit and proper to invest into the business side of Rangers, this I find laughable and I believe that once this is all over the press will turn their attention to this person and bring up whatever they can find on him..............you know the old ..well he is no use now to us lets bury him , that the press do ever so well .

This is based my taking of alleged comments made by people regarding the chequegate. So there you have it , my gripe re this individual.

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Fans chief? You really mean the head of a bunch of Rangers fans surely! Don't get me wrong, I happen to agree with much of what Mark Dingwall is saying here, and the one time I saw him on TV I agreed with many points he made. But the cause celebre Rangers head of fans group thing i fast becoming a bit of an industry in itself and is getting tiresome.

I don't think Dingwall would describe himself that way. It isn't his fault if a lazy mhedia describes him so.

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Its 'dead in the water' if fans don't buy season tickets because then Green is going to have to find the cash from elsewhere to fund ongoing operations.

That is what I mean't when I said that the support has real economic power at the moment.

So then the number of fans who decide not to purchase their season books, could be held responsible for the bsuiness side of the club going into administration again.....is that what these individuals are calling for, or maybe they haven't realised that this will be the outcome.

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So then the number of fans who decide not to purchase their season books, could be held responsible for the bsuiness side of the club going into administration again.....is that what these individuals are calling for, or maybe they haven't realised that this will be the outcome.

Was just about to post the same thing.

People have to realise how things work, yes we want Walter because of who he is and what he means to us but it also has to be done correctly.

They said the right things yesterday and they know Green is not here for the long terms so know what is required. If they want to 'save' us then do it the right way and give Green his cut or better yet join the group and make The Rangers even stronger.

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Would be great to see Walter back at ibrox, he is a man we all trust. A leader of the people.

At the same time Green hasnt done anyfin wrong imo, i feel because he is somewhat of an unknown and not a Rangers man, that fans are too quick to shout "Get him out"

Dingwall dsnt speak for all supporters, i just feel this is his way of gettin in on the act after TBKs debacle. I like the idea of two boards, one on the plc side and a one the football side hopefully led by Walter! Would love if they can all sit down and work something out that is best for the club, we all want that. We want to look forward and move on from this saga. Doing ma head in all these ups and downs.

54 and counting :uk:

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Its 'dead in the water' if fans don't buy season tickets because then Green is going to have to find the cash from elsewhere to fund ongoing operations.

That is what I mean't when I said that the support has real economic power at the moment.

Not really, Green can just put the club into administration again and we go round the fucking houses once again. We need to support our CLUB and let the others sort out who owns it.

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Its 'dead in the water' if fans don't buy season tickets because then Green is going to have to find the cash from elsewhere to fund ongoing operations.

That is what I mean't when I said that the support has real economic power at the moment.

To quote the Tv classic 'Allo! Allo!', I shall say this only once.

Every Rangers ST holder could refuse to renew which will, as you state, require Green to find his cash from elsewhere.

If you think that one through you will conclude that to get his money back (and make a profit) he will asset strip every last thing connected with the club that will turn him cash. (He doesn't give a fuck about our club or its traditions....he's a Yorkshire businessman...it's strictly business) So, cue Ibrox Stadium - SOLD to the highest bidding developer (and before there are cries of "It's a listed building" - it is only the Archibald Leitch frontage that is listed - a property developer need only retain that to be given permission to create anything he wanted), likewise Auchenhowie - SOLD! The Albion? SOLD! Players young and old - SOLD!!

Need I go on?

Mr Green hold all the aces in this little pack.

People (including the RST) need to get that one into their heads pronto. :angry:

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People keep saying Green is "dead in the water" in regards to his ownership because our fans won't buy season tickets and he'll then need to fund the club himself.

If that is true and he is only in it for the money then whats to stop him selling just selling the assets he now owns to the highest bidder and fucking us over? And that highest bidder may not be interested in keeping our club going.

I want Walter and Co in but Green has the upperhand and I'd rather Walter and Co deal directly with Green and get this sorted before it gets dirty. The ball is in Greens court and until that changes we need to be careful.

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if you support rangers you will by your season ticket!!!! mr green has not done anything wrong. ofcourse we/i would pick walter over green but he was too late to the party.

boycotting your season ticket hurts our club, not just mr green, so either buy up or fuck off!!!!!

oh and dingwad is a fat prick and is only a chief if we have 100 fans

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Dingwall truly is a legend in his own mind.

He is not the Rangers fans chief, he does not speak for or represent a majority of fans.

He makes money out of Rangers by any unscrupulous means possible.

He and his groupies already conspired to undermine the Miller bid before the ink was even dry on the Miller plan.

Why should Rangers fans listen to this fukking nobody????

Angry - my club ripped apart and in pain waiting for surgery.

So Dingwall can fuk off.

Edit - And before people start giving his comments credibility he and the RST stated categorically the there was no way on this planet that the Bill Miller plan would work.


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Dingwall truly is a legend in his own mind.

He is not the Rangers fans chief, he does not speak for or represent a majority of fans.

He makes money out of Rangers by any unscrupulous means possible.

He and his groupies already conspired to undermine the Miller bid before the ink was even dry on the Miller plan.

Why should Rangers fans listen to this fukking nobody????

Angry - my club ripped apart and in pain waiting for surgery.

So Dingwall can fuk off.

Wrong, he isn't a nobody, he is a Rangers fan, and if it was only that then the guy is worth listening to.

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So then the number of fans who decide not to purchase their season books, could be held responsible for the bsuiness side of the club going into administration again.....is that what these individuals are calling for, or maybe they haven't realised that this will be the outcome.

So are you going to spend £500 when you don't even know if there will be football next year?

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I think the only way -- perhaps the reasonable way -- forward here is for Walter's consortium to join up. Given the 6 million or so investment, surely they would control the club anyway? This can be win-win imho.

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