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Charles Green defends his bigotry claim


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He backtracked on his "bigot" comment instead of sticking by his guns and saying it is a bunch of tarrier cunts that tried to kill us off, basically. A kind of win/win for him. Most of us still think hes a hero, and he might escape an sfa fine for telling the truth.

seriously mate, gonna give it a fucking rest with your blatant anti-green shite that you spew every fucking day.

He backtracked on NOTHING and even stated "I stand by what I said" ffs.

If you are gonna constantly beat the same fkn drum, at least have the decency to keep it remotley factual.

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I might not agree with Comeoffit but he at least contributes something, ok it gets the hackles up sometimes but clogging up thread after thread with petty insults is boring as fuck, some of us haven't got the time to trawl through pages of insults on threads looking for decent input from fellow Bears.

A wee cyber gang rounding on individuals is fucking moronic, if he bothers you that much why don't you report him?

A cyber gang, ffs thats hilarious

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Your still a tarrier

Not so sure about that tbh, he is a FF guy I think, pretty much the only person he speaks against is CG and that seems to have been the FF party line for a while, although i hear even they are starting to change ther tune a wee bit.

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Aye, because im that bored and worried i get banned from an internet forum doh

The people calling me a tarrier generally have no answer to any questions I ask. Its healthy to keep questioning the "messiah" even if it does piss off some of his fanbois.

Green has done some good and some bad, hes talked some shite and some sense. The truth is you cant really judge someone until his tenure is finished and we see what position we are in. Until then, we can only guess to his true intentions and im not convinced.

Why don't you go take a flying fuck to yourself you obsessed nappy ripping cunt....NOW FUCK OFF I'VE HAD ENOUGH.

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seriously mate, gonna give it a fucking rest with your blatant anti-green shite that you spew every fucking day.

He backtracked on NOTHING and even stated "I stand by what I said" ffs.

If you are gonna constantly beat the same fkn drum, at least have the decency to keep it remotley factual.

Its equally tedious for me to read the green fanboi posts, so i could ask you to do the same thing. I try stay out of the green threads now, because they are becoming like a communist convention. Agree with us or your wrong/a taig/have 2 accounts/the devil.

Everything i post about him is "factual". Cant wait for the 3 billionaires to come on board. Think ill be busy that day.

Charlie wouldnt know a bigot if it bit him on the arse, and no amount of him googling its meaning and quoting the origin of the word will change my opinion on that. Calling someone a bigot in the context of living in Scotland means only one thing. He might as well have said FTP and stood by it when questioned on it.

When all the books are bought and weve all shelled out for the share issue, we'll be lucky to hear two words from him in our defence.

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Not so sure about that tbh, he is a FF guy I think, pretty much the only person he speaks against is CG and that seems to have been the FF party line for a while, although i hear even they are starting to change ther tune a wee bit.

You might be right mate, I know some on that site are obsessed with the anti Green rhetoric, its fuckin tedious reading his pish day in and day out though, like listening to nails on a blackboard lol

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Its equally tedious for me to read the green fanboi posts, so i could ask you to do the same thing. I try stay out of the green threads now, because they are becoming like a communist convention. Agree with us or your wrong/a taig/have 2 accounts/the devil.

Everything i post about him is "factual". Cant wait for the 3 billionaires to come on board. Think ill be busy that day.

Charlie wouldnt know a bigot if it bit him on the arse, and no amount of him googling its meaning and quoting the origin of the word will change my opinion on that. Calling someone a bigot in the context of living in Scotland means only one thing. He might as well have said FTP and stood by it when questioned on it.

When all the books are bought and weve all shelled out for the share issue, we'll be lucky to hear two words from him in our defence.

if your posting factual comments then please point to where Charles Green said he defo will bring in 3 billionares im sure it says he HOPES he can.....

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Its equally tedious for me to read the green fanboi posts, so i could ask you to do the same thing. I try stay out of the green threads now, because they are becoming like a communist convention. Agree with us or your wrong/a taig/have 2 accounts/the devil.

Everything i post about him is "factual". Cant wait for the 3 billionaires to come on board. Think ill be busy that day.

Charlie wouldnt know a bigot if it bit him on the arse, and no amount of him googling its meaning and quoting the origin of the word will change my opinion on that. Calling someone a bigot in the context of living in Scotland means only one thing. He might as well have said FTP and stood by it when questioned on it.

When all the books are bought and weve all shelled out for the share issue, we'll be lucky to hear two words from him in our defence.



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He backtracked on his "bigot" comment instead of sticking by his guns and saying it is a bunch of tarrier cunts that tried to kill us off, basically. A kind of win/win for him. Most of us still think hes a hero, and he might escape an sfa fine for telling the truth.

Wat a handpump you are !

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so your admitting he didnt say he WOULD have 3 billionares on board then

just out of curiosity where would you rather see Rangers just now and who would you have at the helm.....

The horse has bolted now, we are stuck with charlie and his "backers" for the foreseeable. Take your pick from Kennedy/McColl/Park or Walter and i would sleep much better at night.

All our current investors are nothing better than vultures out to make a buck. My real hatred is for D&P for giving green and co first dibs to purchase just because he said he would try for the cva.

Hes now 10 days late with our 30 million in the bank come the end of july. Lets hope one of these "billionaires" comes through eh.

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The horse has bolted now, we are stuck with charlie and his "backers" for the foreseeable. Take your pick from Kennedy/McColl/Park or Walter and i would sleep much better at night.

All our current investors are nothing better than vultures out to make a buck. My real hatred is for D&P for giving green and co first dibs to purchase just because he said he would try for the cva.

Hes now 10 days late with our 30 million in the bank come the end of july. Lets hope one of these "billionaires" comes through eh.

Surely this should be for Murray for getting us in the shit and Whyte for compounding it! As has been said, Charles has shown the colour of other peoples money that he has convinced that we are worth saving. For me that means he deserves his reward when it comes time for him to go. I would also say that he sounds like he is getting us in his blood so maybe he wont go, either way I am happy.

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Take your pick from Kennedy/McColl/Park or Walter and i would sleep much better at night.

And where were these heroes when the chips were down?

The only man who done something is Charles Green, but that's not enough apparently.

I don't know if you're a FF Puppet, a Yahoo or what. But whatever it is it's you and your kind that are causing rifts in a Rangers camp that should be together and fighting as one. If your not with us, you're against us. Support the fucking club.

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And where were these heroes when the chips were down?

The only man who done something is Charles Green, but that's not enough apparently.

I don't know if you're a FF Puppet, a Yahoo or what. But whatever it is it's you and your kind that are causing rifts in a Rangers camp that should be together and fighting as one. If your not with us, you're against us. Support the fucking club.

Couldnt have put it better :ulster:

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