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McConville quotes RangersMedia posters


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Tell a lie often enough and all that.......

And the hard-of-thinking will believe it.

The supercilious tone of McConville's piece is all too telling. They think they are special, far above the hoi-polloi.

Rather tragically for them, being outed as a sectarian bigot in a national newspaper (lets not forget one that Phail was delighted to sell the book serialisation rights to) and being forced to work under supervision suggest's that, whilst they are indeed special, they aren't all they would like us to think they are.

Boo hoo...

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Fucking glasgows answer to Burke and Hare!!!

One robs pensioners,the other kills them!!!

That would make some book!!!

Now that is satire, have a rep my man.

I have been disgusted at these educated professional serial bigots for sometime. However, I am delighted 3names has been shamed.

I see the pr1ck is now using this to his advantage to plug his book, if The Sun campaign was so effective, can we not try an Amazon one as well?

Reduce the cnut to flogging his book at The Piggery out of the boot of a Zafira.

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The disgraced ex lawyer should rename his blog 'constant thoughts re. Rangers FC'. He dissects every word that is spoken on behalf of RFC and puts a condescending slant on it to appease the obssesed tims on his site.

He also tried to submit an article of his to the rangers standard so he says. I could be wrong but I suspect he was "Mac", the supposed Rangers fan that took issue with Chris Graham after his piece on Alex Thomson.

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The disgraced ex lawyer should rename his blog 'constant thoughts re. Rangers FC'. He dissects every word that is spoken on behalf of RFC and puts a condescending slant on it to appease the obssesed tims on his site.

He also tried to submit an article of his to the rangers standard so he says. I could be wrong but I suspect he was "Mac", the supposed Rangers fan that took issue with Chris Graham after his piece on Alex Thomson.

Indeed he did. Unfortunately for him, and unlike some, we do due diligence on the people we have writing for the site and he was found to be lacking in moral fibre. :sherlock:

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The man the Sun referred to as: A BLUNDERING solicitor

If satire is good for the goose, it's good for the gander.

Philth MacGobble-Brain.

It's a name that conjours up the hard of thinking.

I mean....imagine given yourself that as a moniker?? :rolleyes:

The good news re' the Sun story at the weekend....MacGobble-Brain's photo was front and centre. :sherlock:

I've got a photographic memory. ;)

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Phail is likely to have healthy sales for his book.

Preaching to the converted has never been more lucrative. Especially if the converted are as gullible as they appear to be. :sherlock:

Look forward to reminding these book readers that the author is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.

His supporters might argue on his behalf, but when they include the £1m spot-the-ball fraudster, a discredited lawyer, a lying journalist and the likes then there's plenty at hand to repsond with.

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Phail is likely to have healthy sales for his book.

Preaching to the converted has never been more lucrative. Especially if the converted are as gullible as they appear to be. :sherlock:

Look forward to reminding these book readers that the author is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.

His supporters might argue on his behalf, but when they include the £1m spot-the-ball fraudster, a discredited lawyer, a lying journalist and the likes then there's plenty at hand to repsond with.

What happened there mate?

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Posters on here need to be careful what they write. I take no offence to any words spoken or typed, but we are now living in a backward country where 'offensive language' can lead to criminal charges. Remember this is an open forum that is visible to prying eyes.

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Phail is likely to have healthy sales for his book.

Preaching to the converted has never been more lucrative. Especially if the converted are as gullible as they appear to be. :sherlock:

Look forward to reminding these book readers that the author is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.

His supporters might argue on his behalf, but when they include the £1m spot-the-ball fraudster, a discredited lawyer, a lying journalist and the likes then there's plenty at hand to repsond with.

I don't think it will end in any serious financial gain, he will make money but nothing serious.

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3names, the Hamilton Fraudster and Alex Timmo, whos up for a laugh? This non-descript has built his "name" on the back of our mighty football club, the best in the land, yet pens a "book" with the aim of further damaging us?

Fuck this cunt and all who take an interest in him and this rag he has written

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