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Union Bears - Hooligans?


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Sorry if repost, but Ive just read the article in the sun about football hooliganism being rampant once again, but was shocked to see the Union Bears being hung out to dry by the paper. Since when does singing loudly, waving banners or setting off flares constitute violence or hooliganism. If there has any been an example of media bias against Rangers or the media just looking for something to throw at Rangers then this is it. I have been following Rangers for years and have never seen any violence in Ibrox or near it, nor at away games. This is totally out of proportion and is just scaremongering imo.

The UB are much more rowdy and active than most fans, but how does this justify how they are portrayed in this article? I was in the UB area at Berwick and while I was nackered at the end and understood complaints about smoke I never once felt in danger in any way, there was no violent chants, songs or any fighting whatsoever so how can the media say this when there is clearly no evidence?

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They do consider themselves ''Ultras'', but I've yet to see any ''real'' for the Union Bears that would make them Ultras.

They're a good bunch of lads, and quite frankly, more of the supporters could be like the Union Bears.

Imagine if our whole stadium was like that?

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to be honest mate they are getting recognition and are only going to grow, papers can print what they like the real people who go to games and the police know fine they aren't hooligans although strathclyde need a kick up the backside.

no suurender union bears.

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Having been to games in England in the eighties and witnessing the fighting on the terraces and the general atmosphere in grounds this is utter garbage. Aberdeen fans came to cause trouble and it was ordinary Rangers fans they attacked. Police 'intelligence' is severely lacking in regards to football. The constant demonisation of groups like the UB seems to be a concerted effort to make this nonsense some sort of self fulfilling prophecy. there is only so much fans can take before they inevitably start to push back and object physically to the 'big brother' approach to policing and stewarding that is witnessed week in week out.

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Hooligans? Ha, with all due respect to them, i'd love to see some of their faces when they came up against a proper set of Ultras from South America or something.

Only in Scotland would we label that lot 'hooligans'

This is the same media that thought Lennon and McCoist having a wee shove = "shame game" when there is people getting fucking murdered outside of stadiums throughout the world.


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Easy solution, I'm afraid. Cut the flares and smokes. I like what smokes and flares create, but if it is going to give RFC a reason to prevent the section at Ibrox expanding, give police justification for using Section 60 to intimidate Rangers supporters and give the media justification to class the Union Bears as violent thugs...then I think it is time to bin them?

I wonder how much Alex Salmond paid the Sun to publish this?

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Easy solution, I'm afraid. Cut the flares and smokes. I like what smokes and flares create, but if it is going to give RFC a reason to prevent the section at Ibrox expanding, give police justification for using Section 60 to intimidate Rangers supporters and give the media justification to class the Union Bears as violent thugs...then I think it is time to bin them?

I wonder how much Alex Salmond paid the Sun to publish this?

It is something that's wormed it's way in over the past few months. It would be a small price to pay to clear their name I'd think.

However, part of me thinks as long as there's a section with as much singing, jumping and general madness as they bring, there's always going to be a stigma attached.

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I always think both ourselves and indeed that other lot get a raw deal with regards to our behaviour.

Both of us have a massive support, large stadiums, and have one of the most intense rivalries in world sport... TBH this considered, there is very little real trouble.

Yet our media go after us for anything and everything. the problem with living in a goldfish bowl. The standard of journalism up here is rank rotten. Oh, a song with a couple of naughty words...aye, try going to eastern European football ya bunch of twats.

Is pathetic. Literally nobody standing up for our country, with our own media being the ones telling all and sundry how fucking awful we all are.

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I think any gathering of 50k people will always incur an element of trouble. Be that a football match, a big concert, a music festival, whatever.

When an Old Firm match passes, considering how charged the atmosphere is and how many fans drink before the game, with just a handful of arrests (not even prosecutions)... Do we really have that much of a problem?

Of course it does. Songs were getting sung! Songs with content that is offensive to those who like to be offended in order to get the other side into trouble! On both sides!

Fuck me, our media goes fucking apeshit because we use a few swears while down south, every fucking week, you have sets of fans taking the piss, in song form, of Hillsborough, of Munich, etc.

But of course, its us who have a masssive problem.

Fucking hell I love this country for some things, but there are times when i'm utterly embarrassed by it

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