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Do the players fear Ally?


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I mean that in the way that players would have fear/respect for Walter Smith if he was in charge.

In the training pictures we see every week we usually see Ally taking part in the sessions and having a laugh as if he was one of the 'boys' again. Now there is nothing wrong with that if you are a coach but IMO a manager should be taking a back seat in training, let the coaches take the sessions and monitor everything that is going on from the sidelines. I can imagine when Walter was in charge he was standing watching everything going on and the players knew if they were not doing what they should be doing then they would be getting a rollocking but with Ally joining in parts of the training sessions I don't feel the players have that motivation/fear of doing well.

Maybe it's just me but I get the feeling that the players don't really fear Ally. It's as if they know after a bad game come Monday morning Ally will be joining in and having a laugh again with them. You can't tell Ally McCoist to stop joking around and having a laugh but I feel he should be taking a step back during training and start installing the fear/respect that the players need.

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It's difficult to say having not seen the sessions first hand (tu)

But, what I will say is Ally is a great man, I'd imagine he will have the respect of the players which is more important than fear. He has done it all as a player. The respect is there (tu)

For me, it's what he does with that respet and how he develops it that's the issue. I don't think he is capable to recognise or change accordingly. We are in desperate need of new ideas, a new philosophy and a number of top coaching models need to be combined and introduced.... No matter how great he is, If he can't use that respect in the correct way it's all for nothing (tu)

I firmly believe the players love him and love being at training as it's such a enjoyable time. Which is the PERFECT enviroment to coach a footballing model... I just don't think he, or his backroom team can.

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That's worse than the taigs making a statement saying they won't be making a statement :lol:

I know :lol:

I'd written out a story I'd heard and then changed it at the last minute, obviously not realising I hadn't actually clicked 'post'


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agree, walter sat in the directors box and all he had to do was come down pitch side and fold his arms and the players would respond he had so much respect and my worry is ally is too much of the cheeky chappy and lets be honest he isnt one to install fitness regimes on them :lol:

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Think the players have 100% respect for Ally after all he's done for the club but I don't think they fear him the same way players feared Walter.

Fair enough he has benched players etc but the number of last minute winners we scored when Walter was in charge would suggest that the players always played till the last minute and desperately wanted the win in fear of facing him in the dressing room. Don't get that same feeling this season.

Still early days though and not all good managers need the fear factor to gain the respect of their players imo.

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For me, when talking, he should be stern talking, ensuring players KNOW what he and we are all demanding, rather than just the usual soft tone of voice (which might just be for the media).

Ally will pick it all up eventually but for me he needs an overhaul od the backroom staff. New coaches, a new assistant etc.

I think the only real First Team Coach is Ian Durrant, which isn't really enough. We need new ideas and fresh approaches to training.

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agree, walter sat in the directors box and all he had to do was come down pitch side and fold his arms and the players would respond he had so much respect and my worry is ally is too much of the cheeky chappy and lets be honest he isnt one to install fitness regimes on them :lol:

AMc: "Right, boys. This is what you have to do to make a successful career at Rangers. First, no drinking. Second, no staying up all night partying. Third, no smoking. And most importantly, no shagging. Got that?"

Random player: "Is that how you got to be such a great player, boss?

"AMc: "Err, get back to training."

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As much as we have opinions all this is just speculating.

He suspended laffing boy and told edu and the other guy they wernt getting picked, that suggest he doesnt take shit. Maybe the players arent listening to his instructions. All maybes and ifs, only certainty is that as a team and I include the manager we look under pressure, panicky and clueless

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And What happened a wee bit after that? He was GONE!!!

because the support backed Ferguson over le guen

wonder what would happen if it was mccoist that done that to fergie

maybe, just maybe they don't work as hard for ally because they don't think he is a good enough manager.

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Which would suggest that if a manager comes in with new ideas then the players kick up a fuss and that manager is given his P45.

Unfortunately yes but its happened with other teams too,ie Chelsea and it looks like liverpool are heading the same way.

Players get pissed spit the dummy and only ends in one outcome.

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