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A mushroom of corruption


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“In all institutions from which the cold wind of open criticism is excluded, an innocent corruption begins to grow like a mushroom - for example, in senates and learned societies”

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

One could be forgiven for believing the above quote by, German Philosopher Nietzsche, was written with the current Rangers situation in mind, excluding the fact that he died in 1900 of course.

For a matter of months now Rangers internet bloggers have been suggesting that there is a powerful stench of corruption emanating from the football governing offices of Scottish football, with both the SFA and SPL the recipients of such accusations.

In fact setting aside their corrupt practices for a moment, their glaring incompetence and negligence, their failure to engage in a diplomatic manner with other organisations, but most of all their lies, threatening and intimidating behaviour towards the SFL chairmen, should have had our press in Scotland asking some probing and uncomfortable questions for Messrs Regan and Doncaster at the very least.

Instead, despite SFL chairmen providing documentary evidence which proved that Stewart Regan was lying, our Scottish press, rather than pursue him over his absence of integrity, gave him column space to attack Rangers as “unjustified”.

However Roger Hannah's expose` in the Sun newspaper, which corroborates an earlier Daily Record claim, that he has seen documentary evidence that the SPL wished to strip Rangers of a number of domestic honours as far back as the summer, at least, changes everything. Perhaps now some of those journalists who have been quick to criticise Rangers bloggers as “deranged” , “deluded” or “paranoid” will chose their words more carefully in the future.

It beggars belief that there has been such an exclusion of the cold wind of open criticism towards these governing bodies given their dreadful handling of the Rangers crisis, should the silence of our media continue then a number of editors should be re-considering some journalists contracts. Should such an exclusion continue I would be forced to apologise to my fellow Rangers supporters who claim there is a widespread media conspiracy against our club.

This is no mere “smoking gun”. This is a full bloodied atomic bomb seeking a detonator.

What Regan and Doncaster have done, assisted by their SPL cohorts is breached a fundamental rule of Scottish Law, and of European Human Rights - they have declared a defendant guilty before the case against them is proven. If “Sporting Integrity” was a sham then the investigation by Harper & MacLeod and the subsequent hearing scheduled for November 13th is quite simply off the planet.

I was reminded of a story told me by an old Policeman many years ago about the practices of a rural Sheriff Court “in the sticks” for want of a better term. When the accused was to appear for trial the Sheriff Clerk would summon him/her with the shout “March the guilty bastard in”.

But that's where the humour ends.

The conduct of Regan, Doncaster and the SPL is so seriousness, that it now requires external examination. Does it not say it all that when the SFL got a whiff of what was happening they quickly excused themselves from any further participation.

The politicians in Scotland who have backed off from this crisis for so long can no longer be permitted to. There is absolutely no confidence in the Scottish footballing authorities, other than the SFL, and this latest revelation must serve as the last nail in the coffin for Messrs Regan and Co.

Their conduct has usurped and invalidated a bona fide investigation. Yes for us as Rangers supporters it's the mother of all “own goals” but it should serve notice to everyone interested in Scottish football that the the governing authorities are not only unfit for purpose, but their professional conduct makes their positions totally untenable.

The mushroom of corruption at the SFA & SPL has now been exposed, it has to be stopped before it does further damage not only to our game, but our credibility as a sporting nation, one which in only a couple years time will host the Commonwealth Games.

Once we have rooted out the mushroom of corruption our next logical step should be to expose those who cultivated it.

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This latest revelation must not be allowed to be swept under the carpet, action must be taken.

I agree, but as with many other accusations and insinuations about this corruption, I'm puzzled as to why CG isn't doing anything about it all.

Unless, of course, he is and we've just not heard about it.

Or he's waiting till the time is right?

One explanation could well be that he's keeping it all for the Law Courts, as he knows he'll get results there?

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I agree, but as with many other accusations and insinuations about this corruption, I'm puzzled as to why CG isn't doing anything about it all.

Unless, of course, he is and we've just not heard about it.

Or he's waiting till the time is right?

One explanation could well be that he's keeping it all for the Law Courts, as he knows he'll get results there?

in any type of case wether its assault or child custody, you dont agree or speak the other party involved until you get to court as it jeapordises everything.

By not turning up charles is a legal step infront of these clowns and I really hope he doesnt turn up to the verdict either.

Lets see if harper mcleod are doing a legal job when it goes to court

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If all this information/evidence is available then hope it will not be too long before we see TV reporting such as Panorama/Dispatches (unlikely). Just hope that the custodians of our club are ready and prepared for the challenge ahead. I will enjoy the day when this corruption become world news and all exposed as nothing but bullies and bigots.

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I agree, but as with many other accusations and insinuations about this corruption, I'm puzzled as to why CG isn't doing anything about it all.

Unless, of course, he is and we've just not heard about it.

Or he's waiting till the time is right?

One explanation could well be that he's keeping it all for the Law Courts, as he knows he'll get results there?

because rangers and charles green were forced to sign a secrecy clause thats stated..

“Neither RFC nor Sevco may make any disclosure to a third party, press release or public announcement whatsoever about, concerning or relating to this agreement ... except with the express prior written consent of each of the SFA, the SPL and the SFL.”

public interest and well as sporting integrity should see this secrecy clause ripped up.

lets see the full minutes of those meetings.

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always kinda felt we need to get at least 1 mainstream media source on our side with this.

the daily record reported seeing this draft on the 18th of july, and reported its pre-determined outcomes.

wonder why it chose to remain silent in the aftermath of charle's statement.

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I agree, but as with many other accusations and insinuations about this corruption, I'm puzzled as to why CG isn't doing anything about it all.

Unless, of course, he is and we've just not heard about it.

Or he's waiting till the time is right?

One explanation could well be that he's keeping it all for the Law Courts, as he knows he'll get results there?

You don't show a royal flush if you think you can get all the other players to go all in.

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thanks for that!

at first i thought it was unfuckingbelievable that the spl could be so stupid to hire lord dimmo as chair of the tribunal, knowing fine well he had been 'conned' for his farcical innocent verdict concerning judges indulging in gay sex with young men for favours and rulings in Scottish courts.

but then i remembered liewell's sfa cabal - and what better way to fuck Rangers than get a judge who is easily conned.

then i realized, fuck no, lord nimmo wasn't conned at all.

he's just another one of the homosexual/paedo brotherhood permeating our courts, the celtic football club, and rampant throughout the world in the catholic church.

lord nimmo is simply doing his bit for the brotherhood - he's just one of the old bhoys.

and lordy lordy, if you thought you needed some time in the psychiatric ward after letting your fellow gay judges off, then, be assured, that when you deliver the foregone biased verdict in your kangaroo tribunal come november, you will experience flak you never knew existed.

so, old bhoy, you can look forward to christmas in your permanent bed at the same fucking asylum!

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100% agree centenary.

The pressure must be maintained by every one of us.

It will be interesting to see how these revelations are handled by the Scottish media.

Definition of media


1 (the media) [treated as singular or plural] the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively:

A different meaning in Scotland, the Oxford English Dictionary have obviously got it wrong. :mad::mad:

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thanks for that!

at first i thought it was unfuckingbelievable that the spl could be so stupid to hire lord dimmo as chair of the tribunal, knowing fine well he had been 'conned' for his farcical innocent verdict concerning judges indulging in gay sex with young men for favours and rulings in Scottish courts.

but then i remembered liewell's sfa cabal - and what better way to fuck Rangers than get a judge who is easily conned.

then i realized, fuck no, lord nimmo wasn't conned at all.

he's just another one of the homosexual/paedo brotherhood permeating our courts, the celtic football club, and rampant throughout the world in the catholic church.

lord nimmo is simply doing his bit for the brotherhood - he's just one of the old bhoys.

and lordy lordy, if you thought you needed some time in the psychiatric ward after letting your fellow gay judges off, then, be assured, that when you deliver the foregone biased verdict in your kangaroo tribunal come november, you will experience flak you never knew existed.

so, old bhoy, you can look forward to christmas in your permanent bed at the same fucking asylum!

The Magic Circle extends far and wide and deep as we are finding out at the hands of the SFA, SPHell and those behind the scenes who pull their strings, with the Scottish Government quietly cheerleading since it does not want to get embroiled in something that distracts from its big day around 700 days from now.

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A good post. I think the pre-emptive ack ack that Charles has already fired at the mushroom of corruption might just be for starters. The collision with the SFA, SPHell and those clubs who will 'not be so welcomed at Ibrox' is already happening and brings to mind the other type of mushroom (cloud that is) that looks likely to contaminate Scottish football for decades to come if the vendetta against Rangers is maintained.

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