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United Supporters Platform statement.


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We should take the allocation. Say it is 5000 for Tannidump. Then ask only 2 bus loads to go (approx 100) That way they still need to police and have segregation . Costs them more and we contribute as least as possible.

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Correct. If we are trying to hurt them financially surely the biggest hit is at Ibrox. In fact some of these clubs may hope for an Ibrox tie. Before anyone says this hurts Rangers there are many ways to cover the lost match revenue.

Boycotting a game at Ibrox would be hating another club more than you love Rangers. That's the way fans of other clubs carry on. I'd like to think we are better than that.

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Boycotting a game at Ibrox would be hating another club more than you love Rangers. That's the way fans of other clubs carry on. I'd like to think we are better than that.

Therefore your intent to hurt these clubs financially doesn't stand up to much at all?

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As I suggested a few days ago, I would be willing to trade 2 or 3 away cup defeats for the downfall of a couple of SPL clubs over the next couple of seasons. Not an easy thing to say as I hope the Rangers win every game they play. But this is different. For years I've listened to the hatred flow from the fans of other clubs, I've listened to the hatred from other clubs themselves, I've had tae stop reading newspapers due to the hatred written about our club. I've been called a h**, a bigot, an orange bastard, a knuckle dragger, a windae licker, among many other things.

I've had enough.

This is our big chance. Our 1 big chance to show these bastards what we are, who we are, and what we stand for.

And to show them that the Rangers are not a part of Scottish football.

The Rangers ARE Scottish football.

We MUST take this opportunity. If we don't, we lose the right to complain about the treatment we receive in our own country.

I'll be a very happy Bear if we can pull this off. Together. All Rangers fans as one.

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I read it as - away matches + SPL club = Boycott.

Away matches + SFL = go to match.

It will hurt these clubs as they are poor at generating cash for themselves and our support would be a big payday. 50% of nothing is nothing. and we can more that make up the cash our side by buying stuff at the Rangers Shop.

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Are Rangers Media backing this as a forum?

I'll be backing a boycott. Forever.

Nothing's changed mate, RangersMedia is a place for Rangers news & views and a forum for discussion. We're not a fans' group, we don't back (or dismiss) things like this, it's not our place and it's not what we do.

I support a boycott of all SPL clubs, personally.

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I read it as - away matches + SPL club = Boycott.

It will hurt these clubs as they are poor at generating cash for themselves and our support would be a big payday. 50% of nothing is nothing. and we can more that make up the cash our side by buying stuff at the Rangers Shop.

Well worded. Simply and effectively put.

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the players should have enough incentive against spl sides to make it worthwhile sending a clear message that we will not be putting one thin dime into their clubs ever again, as for our cut of their gate, spend it in the club shop or better yet send it to Support Our Heroes or Erskine hospital

In home cup ties as a by-product of supporting our club spl clubs will benefit, that cant be helped. that doesnt mean that making a clear statement of intent to spl clubs is contradictory or pointless.

and its a long way from attendimg their grounds and directly funding them.

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This has not been thought through at all.Cup games we get half the gate,and it's now the team need us most.When it comes to league business,that's when we boycott as this will cause them maximum damage.

So if we meet an SPL team 6,7,8,9? times between now and we are back in the top flight do you think a boycott will then be achievable?

It's now or never.

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So if we meet an SPL team 6,7,8,9? times between now and we are back in the top flight do you think a boycott will then be achievable?

It's now or never.

Actually after reading some more replies and thoughts,I have changed my mind.The booler put it best and now or never seems to be right.

I'd take a few cup knock outs just to see even just one of these cunts die.

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Anyone who goes crosses the picket line IMO

Sorry but thats just the way I feel about it, granted rangers won't benefit financially but these teams DO NOT deserve a penny of our cash. Kick us when we're at our lowest point but folk are happy to give them their money regardless. This is one situation where we should cut our nose off to spite our faces.

I fully back the boycott

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Confused at the timing of the statement, now say we draw Celtic away are we collectively saying we will not go and support our young team, don't think it would hurt them financially as they would probably sell out to see us, St Johnston away I can understand.

I'm also confused at the boycott situation I can understand it in principal but not sure in practice... Would hate to see fellow bears being slated for passing a so called pickit line. Attending games is a personal choice for many fans not associated with the groups listed above or indeed any at all.

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Anyone who goes crosses the picket line IMO

Sorry but thats just the way I feel about it, granted rangers won't benefit financially but these teams DO NOT deserve a penny of our cash. Kick us when we're at our lowest point but folk are happy to give them their money regardless. This is one situation where we should cut our nose off to spite our faces.

I fully back the boycott

So did 29k cross a picket line at Ibrox?

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Confused at the timing of the statement, now say we draw Celtic away are we collectively saying we will not go and support our young team, don't think it would hurt them financially as they would probably sell out to see us, St Johnston away I can understand.

I'm also confused at the boycott situation I can understand it in principal but not sure in practice... Would hate to see fellow bears being slated for passing a so called pickit line. Attending games is a personal choice for many fans not associated with the groups listed above or indeed any at all.

There's not a hope in hell they would sell out the paeado dome without us. A game between the SPL leaders and a 3rd Division team, midweek, on TV, with no Rangers fans tae bait? Nae chance will they sell that oot.

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Confused at the timing of the statement, now say we draw Celtic away are we collectively saying we will not go and support our young team, don't think it would hurt them financially as they would probably sell out to see us, St Johnston away I can understand.

I'm also confused at the boycott situation I can understand it in principal but not sure in practice... Would hate to see fellow bears being slated for passing a so called pickit line. Attending games is a personal choice for many fans not associated with the groups listed above or indeed any at all.

The Piggery is the last place in the world I want to go anytime in forseeable future. Why should they get treated any different from any other SPL team?

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