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The Final Straw ?

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You ask any club owner and manager in public if they want to win everything they will say yes, however when you take the size/experience of our squad the realitiy is winning the title and getting promotion. As for saving the club, the club won't be safe until there is a major change at the top of scotish football. Let's say that Rangers were to have won all the cups they could this season, but failed to get promotion. Would you have thought it was a successful season? Furthermore what do you think the effect on investment that would have? You can call that "Tarrier talk" if you want, I call it being aware of the realities that of the situation the club is in.

That wouldn't happen. If we are good enough to clean up with the cups then we would have the league wrapped up by Xmas.

And again, our club is safe. Safer than it has ever been in the last 20 years.

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What are you talking about? Ally himself inherited a double winning squad. The best squad and the best team in the country. He added to that and managed to get knocked out of 3 cups in a matter of weeks and blow a 9 point lead before Xmas.

25 players didn't walk out. Don't kid yourself. The club was more than happy to part with a few of them.

Guess work.

There are examples of managers the world over coming into clubs and having an instant impact with existing players, never mind bringing in their own.

The picture you paint is not hard to imagine, in fact, it is very likely. Still in the cups, we don't play the semi final until after Xmas, we will eventually run away with this league and will easily be top by Xmas and providing the draw is kind to us we will also still be in the Scottish Cup post Xmas, there is nothing to fear there.

The highlighted bits of your post are just the same old rubbish we hear when the going gets tough. They are not half wearing thin.

Whats guess work? The point i made on Barca? It's not, compare their wage bill & turnover to that of Hercules who beat them 2-0 at the nou camp, an upset bigger than ours yesterday if you go by the bookies odds and you'll see it's a more than valid point. Since when were upsets of minnows beating big teams a thing of rarity in football? I could sit here and ryhme off hundreds of examples if you wish. I've seen league 2 sides go and win at Old Trafford, im sure we've all seen upsets of similar nature in domestic cups in every league. there's always a % chance of it happening, but in our unique case, that % chance is enhanced by the fact we are playing minnows every week now.

And your correct, sitting comfortably at the top of the table & still competing in 2 cup competitions, including progression to the league cup semi-final, is looking likely. So what exactly is the problem?

Performances take time to achieve.

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As disappointing as this whole situation is, I am not bringing myself into panic stage yet, and I don't think that the original blog is necessarily fair to equate 'losing the fans forums' which is at best a reactive area dominated by the loudest voices (which isn't a criticism, but a reality), to 'losing the stands'. The game against Dundee back in the mid-80s was what happens when someone loses the stands, and even then Ally turned them around to go on and become the greatest striker the club has ever had.

I, for one, won't give up on him yet.

While it's a different situation to what Ally is enduring atm,it's a well known fact that Sir Alex Ferguson was 1 game away from the sack at Man Utd.Maybe just maybe................. :21:

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Why is advancement to the LC semi being granted by so many? We pissed away two cups last year and got done by QotS at Ibrox. The Ally that existed in cups under Walter is not the Ally we have now.

Bill's got his opinion; I think it's valid and well crafted. I'm sure it was hard for him to write.

I think the staff behind McCoist should be torn up and reconstructed, and now. We've got two weeks. I don't need to provide a list of names; that's for the club to do. But it's clear to me that this staff was comfortable working in the environment fostered by Walter, and that is not what Ally needs. He's a different man and different manager.

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Whats guess work? The point i made on Barca?

And your correct, sitting comfortably at the top of the table & still competing in 2 cup competitions, including progression to the league cup semi-final, is looking likely. So what exactly is the problem?

Performances take time to achieve.

No, this. "Had lower end premiership teams or championship clubs came calling for them, we wouldn't be signing them." Wallace chose to stay, no doubt he coudl take his pick of clubs down south. Why wouldn't Black choose us too over some third rate English side? We are Dean Shiels club, he has been down south already and ended up back in Scotland. As for Sandaza, he also has been down south and ended up back in Scotland.

I can't speak for anyone else but my problem is that we won't get there through the good work of our coaching team.

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So we get rid of Ally and replace him with who? Harry rednapp I read one bear say ..WAKE UP FFS..we`re in div3 of scottish football

Who the hell would want the fekn job and don`t give me the usual nonsensical drivvel.

We stick with Ally just as he stuck by the club in our hour of need. Well guess what, he`s now asking us for our loyalty in his hour of need,or does that loyalty only go one way eh ?

We were a shambles at stirling but we were awesome against motherwell and for the next two years I`m afraid we`re going to have to get used to these helter skelter performances but ffs dont attack a man who was not only willing to give everything and more for the cause but willing to put his personal life second.

Give him till the end of the season, we owe him that at least and then I`m sure Ally himself will be his biggest judge.

One more thing..Our club exists which 6 or 8 months ago wasn`t a sure thing..Be thankful we can still follow our team be it great or bad.


well said thumbs up

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So we get rid of Ally and replace him with who? Harry rednapp I read one bear say ..WAKE UP FFS..we`re in div3 of scottish football

Who the hell would want the fekn job and don`t give me the usual nonsensical drivvel.

We stick with Ally just as he stuck by the club in our hour of need. Well guess what, he`s now asking us for our loyalty in his hour of need,or does that loyalty only go one way eh ?

We were a shambles at stirling but we were awesome against motherwell and for the next two years I`m afraid we`re going to have to get used to these helter skelter performances but ffs dont attack a man who was not only willing to give everything and more for the cause but willing to put his personal life second.

Give him till the end of the season, we owe him that at least and then I`m sure Ally himself will be his biggest judge.

One more thing..Our club exists which 6 or 8 months ago wasn`t a sure thing..Be thankful we can still follow our team be it great or bad.

Have a green. :ulster:


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well said thumbs up

To claim that that Ally is our only possible manager is defeatism to the nth degree and indeed you may not be saying that?

Rangers and their Fans don't accept second or third best and run of the mill fare.

Perhaps I shouldn't have any opinion having scrapped Sky Sports and ESPN and am no longer contributing either directly or indirectly to The Rangers.

I may invest in the forthcoming share issue to a modest extent, but I will be thinking twice if the situation grinds on in the same direction.

Performances on the field are not conducive to selling a product and CG may indeed be considering employing a more astute Manager before the share float.

Watch this space indeed.

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To claim that that Ally is our only possible manager is defeatism to the nth degree and indeed you may not be saying that?

Rangers and their Fans don't accept second or third best and run of the mill fare.

Perhaps I shouldn't have any opinion having scrapped Sky Sports and ESPN and am no longer contributing either directly or indirectly to The Rangers.

I may invest in the forthcoming share issue to a modest extent, but I will be thinking twice if the situation grinds on in the same direction.

Performances on the field are not conducive to selling a product and CG may indeed be considering employing a more astute Manager before the share float.

Watch this space indeed.

Are you not one of OUR fans? The wording of your post suggests not.

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Sadly, I feel Ally needs replaced. And now. He's had a fair crack of the whip and he's shown nothing to suggest he's on the ball. Hopefully he can find his true place at Ibrox. Maybe as club ambassador or something. But I really can't see him making it as our Manager.

Durrant, another former player with almost God like status, seems to be nothing more than a passenger, and should Ally go, sadly Durrant should go with him.

McDowall? Never liked him and never understood why he's needed.

PS Serious question. Why does Durrant always wear shorts, boots and socks to sit in the dugout?

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06 October 2012

The Final Straw

by Bill McMurdo | CRO Contributor

Rangers fans won’t like me for saying it but the Rangers Revival Train has well and truly hit the buffers.

Saturday’s shock(?) defeat to the bottom team in the Scottish senior game was the last straw for many of the light blue legions.

Fan forums have, alas, delivered the damning verdict that what is transpiring on the park is light years beyond unacceptable for followers of Scotland’s biggest team.

Some supporters are even saying that the defeat to Stirling Albion is the worst in Rangers’ history.

If it isn’t, it is certainly down there with the worst.

Stirling Albion had lost their last five league games prior to the visit of Rangers and the team manager was absent at his own wedding.

So much work has been done off the pitch to rebuild Rangers Football Club.

The fans have played their part by buying season tickets and supporting the team through thick and thin.

Charles Green has done an excellent job of fighting Rangers’ corner against the corrupt cabal ruining our game, as well as restoring Rangers’ jaded commercial viability.

But on the park, the woefully inadequate performances served up threaten to seriously impair the progress of Rangers FC.

Something must be done and quickly.

Ally McCoist will always be a Rangers legend, both for his time as a player and his stand for the club in its darkest days recently.

But McCoist has lost the stands, never mind the dressing room.

I wrote recently that one or two more bad results would see Coisty under the most severe pressure.

We are now in that nightmare scenario.

It seems that the playing and coaching staff don’t yet grasp that the only way to treat the lower divisions is to go out to annihilate teams.

Neither giving them too much respect nor turning up expecting them to roll over will crack it in Division Three.

Rangers players must have instilled in them the killer mindset.

These wee teams love a game and are determined to give Rangers one. They will treat any weakness or arrogance with disdain.

To a lot of these players, playing Rangers is the game of their lives.

And they want to be legends in their local boozers in thirty years time as the local boys who downed the Mighty Rangers.

Ally McCoist must be aware of this. If he isn’t, he better learn pretty fast.

Last week Rangers scraped a victory over Forres Mechanics.

This week they have had their hair scalped by the lowest rung team in senior football.

Again, those of a bluenose persuasion won’t like me saying this but it’s true:

Rangers are the laughing-stock of Scottish football.

And no true Ranger will deem that acceptable.

Bill is a regular contributor at the CRO. He can be found on twitter at @WilliamMcMurdo and via email at bmcmurdo@coplandroad.org


To satisfy that twat below Alnic.


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The facts are as follows..

We have lost 1 league game and We are finding this Div 3 stint harder than the disrespectful cake walk that many bears touted.

While it is a sad state of affairs that our beloved club has lost one game in division are we really a disaster as I constantly read some bears?

Course not! Oh crap we lost a game! It's football! For as long as I can remember Rangers have every season had at least one or two howlers... How is this any different.

We are going to win this division. Not doubt about it.

If its a sketchy season tho then we need to evaluate the management and training at the end but this season another radical change in the club is not what we need

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So we get rid of Ally and replace him with who? Harry rednapp I read one bear say ..WAKE UP FFS..we`re in div3 of scottish football

Who the hell would want the fekn job and don`t give me the usual nonsensical drivvel.

We stick with Ally just as he stuck by the club in our hour of need. Well guess what, he`s now asking us for our loyalty in his hour of need,or does that loyalty only go one way eh ?

We were a shambles at stirling but we were awesome against motherwell and for the next two years I`m afraid we`re going to have to get used to these helter skelter performances but ffs dont attack a man who was not only willing to give everything and more for the cause but willing to put his personal life second.

Give him till the end of the season, we owe him that at least and then I`m sure Ally himself will be his biggest judge.

One more thing..Our club exists which 6 or 8 months ago wasn`t a sure thing..Be thankful we can still follow our team be it great or bad.


Superb post and one I fully endorse .Rep you later for that

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Totally disagree with the OP.

The Rangers Revival is still going strong , we have hit nothing, except the obstacles we sometimes make for ourselves.

These are the times when we as a support have to keep faith in what Ally and the team are trying to achieve, which ,right now, is to win SFL Division 3. Anything else is a bonus.

I don't support Rangers just because we are the greatest Club in the world and win all our matches week in week out.

Rangers mean much ,much more than that to me.

We are 140 years of shared happiness and sadness as seen through our combined eyes , ears and voices.

We also have a strong tradition of Loyalty and I ,for one, will not be persuaded that Ally McCoist is a poor manager based purely on our away form in the past few months , a period unprecedented in our existence

Ally has earned the right to our Loyalty by his actions over the past year. He is the face of our Club and he deserves better than the comments from the OP.

We WILL come good , the players we have ARE better footballers than the opposition we face in the SFL, but this situation has occurred because we as a team have forgotten the importance of winning the individual physical battles before winning the football skills contest.

Ally will know this and I am certain the players will get the idea now- A good hard boot up the arse can be a great motivator.

Now is not the time to force Ally out, It's far too soon to make that kind of judgement and it is no more than a knee jerk reaction.

No one on this forum who wants a change in the team management is being disloyal , but I do believe they are acting too quickly because they are worried about how we are playing and think a new manager will solve everything.

The management team we have is as good as any in Scottish Football , it will win the SFL 3 title and may have Cup success as well, but we have to show our support at this toughest time in our history.

Now is not the time to lose our nerve.

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The facts are as follows..

We have lost 1 league game and We are finding this Div 3 stint harder than the disrespectful cake walk that many bears touted.

While it is a sad state of affairs that our beloved club has lost one game in division are we really a disaster as I constantly read some bears?

Course not! Oh crap we lost a game! It's football! For as long as I can remember Rangers have every season had at least one or two howlers... How is this any different.

We are going to win this division. Not doubt about it.

If its a sketchy season tho then we need to evaluate the management and training at the end but this season another radical change in the club is not what we need

We lost one game to the worst rated team in top flight uk football. We drew 3 games to 3 others of the worst 10 in top flight uk football. We got put out of the worst rated cup in top flight football by a 2nd division team. And that's just the last 2 months. I could go back to falkirk Maribor and malmo.

Any other manager would not be here. That's a fact !

People really need to wake up and smell the coffee. This takes me back a year ago with everybody's head stuck in Craig Whytes sandpit. (tu)

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and you're post is basic uberfan pish.

Anyone who has given up on Ally as a manger after a season and 1/3 is "disloyal". :lol: :lol:

You don't know the meaning.

I am glad that I don't know the meaning of disloyal !

Anyone who has given up on Ally as a manger after a season and 1/3 is "disloyal" is an accurate statement of what I think - in particular people who forget both what he has been through with this club in this season and a third and what he has done for this club in that time.

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Those looking for Ally to leave or get sacked should have a long fucking hard look in the mirror, hopefully some spark of shame will be found and they'll turn up at Ibrox and support our team and manager when in need.

Frankly, if you don't like it, don't turn up and maybe Charles Green will do your dirty work for you, for me I'll be there willing the man on.

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Rangers are the laughing-stock of Scottish football.

And no true Ranger will deem that acceptable.

No true Ranger? The kind of supporter who calls our own a laughing-stock?

Aye, right.

If any of the press used such terminology they would be ripped to shreds on here and elsewhere. And rightly so.

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It seems your damned if you stick by Ally and damned if you question the managerial aspect of the man.

Too many posters are pedaling this ‘true fan’, ‘real bear’ or ‘die hard blue’ nonsense which is used to back up their posts be it in support or indeed questioning the road we are going down under Ally.

We should all know fine will everyone who follows this club has a right to air their views and by doing so does not make them any more or any less of a Rangers supporter. I think it’s obviously the vast majority if not all want Ally McCoist to succeed in his role as club manager and as such will be given more time than anyone else because of what he has done for this club as player, ambassador and indeed manager.

It’s not unrealistic though that fans expect a better brand of football and results against the lowest football sides in the land given our superior resources and players.

There is having a debate and then there is being disrespectful to your fellow support.

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It seems your damned if you stick by Ally and damned if you question the managerial aspect of the man.

Too many posters are pedaling this ‘true fan’, ‘real bear’ or ‘die hard blue’ nonsense which is used to back up their posts be it in support or indeed questioning the road we are going down under Ally.

We should all know fine will everyone who follows this club has a right to air their views and by doing so does not make them any more or any less of a Rangers supporter. I think it’s obviously the vast majority if not all want Ally McCoist to succeed in his role as club manager and as such will be given more time than anyone else because of what he has done for this club as player, ambassador and indeed manager.

It’s not unrealistic though that fans expect a better brand of football and results against the lowest football sides in the land given our superior resources and players.

There is having a debate and then there is being disrespectful to your fellow support.

Too many posters greeting about this. True, Real Fans don't worry about comparisons with other fans. They just get on with supporting their Club.

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You didn't say it but you sure as hell implied it.

I am not saying everything is rosy, and i agree with you that Ally could use some other coaches ( a good defensive coach would be a start).

This has been my concern since the season started, we have conceded goals in almost every SFL game except Annan where we drew 0-0. The away form has been nothing short than shocking.

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Those looking for Ally to leave or get sacked should have a long fucking hard look in the mirror, hopefully some spark of shame will be found and they'll turn up at Ibrox and support our team and manager when in need.

Frankly, if you don't like it, don't turn up and maybe Charles Green will do your dirty work for you, for me I'll be there willing the man on.

I'm not convinced about McCoist and never have been.

Will i go to the games and shout abuse at him - NO

Will i shout abuse at the players - NO

Will i support the team and manager at every game i attend - YES

Will i go on to a Rangers forum and express my opinions, doubts and fears - YES.

The problem i have with McCoist is that he has had 2 teams and a season and a half to show the fans he is his own man. That he can mould a team and has the tactical nous to win trophies and league titles.

Playing 1 up front in division 3 against the bottom team is in my view unacceptable and indefensible.

Dropping Hutton who was arguably one of our best players against Motherwell was a gross error of judgement. Black has flattered to deceive for most of the season and keeping Hutton in may well have given Black the wake up call he needed. Plus he was just back from a hamstring injury so there was no need to throw him back in right away.

And why oh why when he brought Kyle on did he put McCulloch back in to midfield?

It's these type of decisions that are baffling me and no doubt many of the supporters. Not to mention the players who may well be harbouring doubts about their manager as well hence the tepid performances of late (Motherwell aside)

I will still back him as i do not want to ever see a Rangers manager sacked but Ally McCoist is running out of time to prove he does have the credentials to manage Rangers successfully.

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A Manager can only do so much and unfortunately the Rangers manager at the moment is extremely exposed in terms of his players.

Rangers are expected to win every game, with some style although we're in the 3rd division with hammer throwers. The players know this, they are safe and protected as it will be McCoist that takes the bullet if it comes.

McCoist however has no backup squad, we already play 3 or 4 boys per game, so he can't continually bench under performers and play the kids as then the kids will develop billy big time attitudes.

The wages we play mean nothing if the players we're paying won't give 100% and instead will hide. So it's infantile to say because we pay more we should win everything.

Step up and play, as the song goes.

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