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So shall they reap as they have sown


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Great as usual d'art. Just a thought. Do we have contact details for the Orwell prize as we should be highlighting the deleted website along with the zero tweets and the potential pending actions from Murray to them. (tu)

See here for contact info , http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=242541

Great words of truth D'Art! Superb!

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Well said sir! And having stirred the sleeping giant then more kicking from the SPL puppet Nimmo and his band of title-strippers would see that stirring become more of an awakening. We survived concerted institutional attempts to push us into oblivion. The acts and statements against Rangers have created a feeling of being at war. It has been way more than rivalry, way more than spitefulness, way more than jealousy, way more than opportunism to remove a competitor from their ranks - it felt more like red of tooth and claw blood lust. Perhaps the sleeping giant has re-learnt that if you are not ready to fight wars then forget peace.

And what is next I wonder? Perhaps attention should turn to obtaining full justice for the wrongs inflicted on us by HMRC and by the Scottish football authorities and SPL clubs. Through the courts perhaps and by every legal means possible and with single minded determined effort. In addition, IMO maybe Rangers should be more vocal in calling for those who lead the anti-Rangers agenda in the SPL, SFA, BBC to resign along with the senior staff in HMRC who initiated the tax case. Until they do so I see no reason whatsoever for Rangers to enter into any meaningful discussions with these people.

And to give the sleeping giant some more material to ponder next steps, maybe Rangers should be issuing requests for information from HMRC under the Freedom of Information Act to force HMRC to disclose who proposed that a case be made against Rangers and to force the disclosure of all relevant HMRC records of the case? Why should we not now have full and transparent access to how this case was managed as it must be in the public interest to know how it is that actions taken by HMRC were fundamental catalysts in materially and unjustifiably harming a national (indeed international) institution.

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Im sure there was a link either on here on twitter yesterday that showed a comment from the RangersTaxCase guy where it stated the EBT's were illegal. Ive spent an hour and cant bloody find the thing. Does anyone know where i can find it please to include in an email to Orwell.

Cheers (tu)

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Im sure there was a link either on here on twitter yesterday that showed a comment from the RangersTaxCase guy where it stated the EBT's were illegal. Ive spent an hour and cant bloody find the thing. Does anyone know where i can find it please to include in an email to Orwell.

Cheers (tu)

There was Aluko - I saw it too.

It was almost toys out the pram stuff.

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