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RTC (hope you guys don't mind)


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Hit the site up, but if you can't, great news if this is in fact the case.

RTC knocked back or locked up?

By Shane Nicholson | CRO Executive Editor

Late last night (or early morning if you're 95% of our readers) there was an interesting message waiting for me when I returned to my desk from the kitchen, one that summed up a great many lessons we've learned about the Skiddish media in the fallout of the FTTT and the collapse of their primary source, the discredited Rangers Tax Case blog. Most importantly, it was one from a trusted source.

I'll lay out the facts in the simplest terms possible, so as to avoid muddling what was relayed our way:

The 37-year-old reported as having been arrested on 22 November was the Rangers Tax Case blogger. (Thanksgiving in the States. Surely a coincidence.)

The media danced around this by portraying it as an arrest connected to the disgraced site, and pairing it with the story that David Murray was going to hunt down the leaks. They were willing to report this man's every anonymous word but not his name upon his being taken in by Strathclyde's finest. Yes, they know, and they're not reporting it.

Oh, and there's the little bit about how he works for either HMRC or the Tribunal Service.

Hopefully that narrows down the shortlist for some of you. Might go a ways to explaining why that wee site was wiped clean within hours and the Twitter fell suddenly silent.

Still haven't signed that petition? You may be running out of time.

Hell, we may not even need it after all.

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Say what I said on twitter: Many of you would know my source and consider him trustworthy. I just reported what was handed to us and nothing more. The rest of the details hopefully persons with better shovels can get into.

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Say what I said on twitter: Many of you would know my source and consider him trustworthy. I just reported what was handed to us and nothing more. The rest of the details hopefully persons with better shovels can get into.

What's your twitter Shane?

PM if need be :)

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Mate how sure are you on this?

As I know for a fact a bear was done on or around that date for posts online in relation to the RTC

there was only one mentioned in the media . . . . . that'll have been the Bear then :rolleyes:

seriously though, i agree with Rfc52, would need to be certain on this, surely there would have been one journo willing to reveal this info?

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there was only one mentioned in the media . . . . . that'll have been the Bear then :rolleyes:

seriously though, i agree with Rfc52, would need to be certain on this, surely there would have been one journo willing to reveal this info?

I had heard that it was a Rangers fan! I was then told by someone who knows him, it was a Rangers fan!

That is the reason the warnings are now all over the site, before you post etc!

I would it to be the RTC blogger but the arrest I know of at that time was that of a Rangers fan!

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there was only one mentioned in the media . . . . . that'll have been the Bear then :rolleyes:

seriously though, i agree with Rfc52, would need to be certain on this, surely there would have been one journo willing to reveal this info?

As u say the arrest and this linked thread below aren't coincidental


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22 November, my birthday. Best gift ever. :D

Same here.

As for the identity, is there any clue in the dates? Did the rtc blog and its information pretty date the case being passed to the tribunals service for example? It's still widely thought that there are quite a few rtc bloggers so could be one from each tbh.

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