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Margret Gribben SPFA Lawyer


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Evenstevens, isn't it a bit more complex than in normal employment? In this case players are bought by & registered by the club. At the moment the registrations, as I understand it, are transferred subject to the outcome of our challenge

Yes and no.

No to the extent that a player can object to the transfer and walk away without any recourse to them. The question is whether that makes the player a free agent or whether compensation is due to someone over their registration. But if they never transferred over, who would be due that compensation?? They were never an employee of ours at any point post transfer.

The SPFA want us to drop claims of compensation because it would set a precedent that would hinder future players from finding new clubs in the event of another TUPE transfer. They also want to establish that under the terms of TUPE that they have a right to be informed, as per the legislative requirement.

That is why they raised the issue - not on behalf of players but because they want to establish their right to be consulted and because we ignored them this time round.

Point is, from a purely legal perspective our TUPE transfer was a bit of a shambles. At the point of transfer no player could know what division we would be in and that would likely be considered a very big factor that employees would have a right to know and be consulted on prior to agreeing the transfer. Of course, our mitigation is a good one - we just couldn't know but the spfa know that the legal penalty for failure to consult is up to 13 weeks wages per employee.

Which they thought would be a pretty big deterrent to chasing compensation..........

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Bangin wishart to influence? Hand picked?. Dirty auld henious lookin cunt! Striking resemblance to joe the rhat.

These henious, immoral, corrupt, malcontented, idol worshippin, terrorist luvvin, incestuous, paedophile protectin scum of the earth are fuckin relentless!

"67" indeed?! Yes, the message is not lost. We hear you loud and clear. This is war and I don't do losin.

We must be more relentless than the unwashed, as they are not for giving up anytime soon. Uncover and publicise their every wrondoing, no matter how small. It shouldn't be so difficult. Remember their schooling FFS!

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Yip around about that percentage.

They are a cancer,an insidious dark shadow.The celtic minded ones that is.

A lot of Catholics have as much dislike for the celtic minded as we do.

I think we must be careful to separate ordinary Catholics from the celtic minded bigots.

Is there a difference?

Are the ordinary ones, those that worship paintings, idols, virgins and paedophiles and believe the el papa paedo protector talks for God and earthly mortal can absolve sin? Aye, nay bother. Must send them all xmas greetings, because they are definitely well balanced types?!!!

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Probably the big clatty greasy divin greek waiter wid be up her and her pal later oan, ether him or popcorn teeth or both, they'd be gettin flung aboot like scud books, the spunk wid be runnin oot their ears ! :sherlock:

I just got a visual there..and it wasn't nice!

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They have achieved quite a bit already. The opinion to the average person on the street is, if you are a Rangers fan, then you are a bigot and/or racist.

This is just the start. Believe me. They have been planning this for years, and it is now all starting to fall into place. This goes much further than just Rangers. This is a sectarian witch-hunt against the protestant people.

Your right m8, I wouldn't be surprised if the big plan has a bigger picture and the Scottish government is involved as well,

if Rangers don't exists they maybe think they've got a better chance of getting the independence vote ?

sounds crazy but nothing surprises me now after everything that's been going on this year.

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Probably the big clatty greasy divin greek waiter wid be up her and her pal later oan, ether him or popcorn teeth or both, they'd be gettin flung aboot like scud books, the spunk wid be runnin oot their ears ! :sherlock:

Aye thanks for that horrible fuckin image going roon ma heid ffs

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February I'd have laughed at this thread and put it down to paranoid rumblings.

But the evidence is all around us.

Rangers are the biggest symbol of everything directly opposed to their fascist hate filled agenda.Celtic are their athletic wing,education is their bigot factory and the media is their speciality........the black art of propaganda.they have been doing since Ancient Rome.

And bring Rangers down and the rest follows like a house of cards.......

But Rangers ain't going nowhere............the giant rock has been lifted and the insects are scuttling out of the bright light.

They underestimated us all.


'they' ... do indeed NEED watching, remembering that they only have 16% of the population and yet they try causing SO much annoyance whenever they can.

Like you say, the mhedia IS their speciality.

I still find it amazing sad that they rhats were able to get "hullo, hullo" banned (with extra euro-catholic help) and the Gers-brains were not able to re-word such a small part of a song so that they couldn't say anything BAD about it ?

I recon it would be an easy and simple thing to set straight without anything about "up to their knees in anything" mentioned ?

No way such an iconic noisy chant/song should ever have disappeared. (imo)

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Your right m8, I wouldn't be surprised if the big plan has a bigger picture and the Scottish government is involved as well,

if Rangers don't exists they maybe think they've got a better chance of getting the independence vote ?

sounds crazy but nothing surprises me now after everything that's been going on this year.

That doesn't sound crazy it is crazy. Even if Rangers did go out of business altogether you would still have plenty of people who want to keep the unnion.

Plenty more than fannys that want Independence. Theirs also alot of sellick fans out their who don't want Independence it's just a minority of them. .

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'they' ... do indeed NEED watching, remembering that they only have 16% of the population and yet they try causing SO much annoyance whenever they can.

Like you say, the mhedia IS their speciality.

I still find it amazing sad that they rhats were able to get "hullo, hullo" banned (with extra euro-catholic help) and the Gers-brains were not able to re-word such a small part of a song so that they couldn't say anything BAD about it ?

I recon it would be an easy and simple thing to set straight without anything about "up to their knees in anything" mentioned ?

No way such an iconic noisy chant/song should ever have disappeared. (imo)

I dont know why people keep banding this 16% about, it was from over ten years ago.

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We did get money though, and we must have chased all the clubs surely ?

Seems to me we would have had money for them all if it had been that easy.

Southampton and Coventry offered to enter negotiation of a fee in return for Rangers not pursuing them for a fee through the SFA and ultimately FIFA. The lawyers for these 2 clubs must have assessed a relatively modest fee versus the true value of the players was worth paying to avoid the risk of FIFA agreeing with Rangers and a much larger fee being set. I can only assume Rangers would have had that say conversation with the other 6 clubs but they have decided to take their chances on FIFA not supporting Rangers case. Rangers need to follow this through.

I am no Employment Law expert however I did not believe formal 90 day consultation periods were legally required for TUPE transfers

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Is there a difference?

Are the ordinary ones, those that worship paintings, idols, virgins and paedophiles and believe the el papa paedo protector talks for God and earthly mortal can absolve sin? Aye, nay bother. Must send them all xmas greetings, because they are definitely well balanced types?!!!

If you say so.

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they are ones who say " I'm not into all that shite" and then you see their kids and there head to toe in a cellic strip

Anyone who dresses their young kids up in any football kit should have been sterilised.

"Into all that shit" on this thread means something else. It amuses me that it takes a football forum in Scotland for some (read: most) folk to see that there are evil and organised people out there that want control... Religions, politicians... fuck them all. They come from every side.

In my life I have never witnessed a single miracle... but I have seen a lot of people die because of religion.

You wanna do something worthwhile? Distance yourself from all religion... Go and join the Occupy Movement or similar...

...before your children are all made slaves for the elite.

I await the replies of the damned.

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Anyone who dresses their young kids up in any football kit should have been sterilised.

"Into all that shit" on this thread means something else. It amuses me that it takes a football forum in Scotland for some (read: most) folk to see that there are evil and organised people out there that want control... Religions, politicians... fuck them all. They come from every side.

In my life I have never witnessed a single miracle... but I have seen a lot of people die because of religion.

You wanna do something worthwhile? Distance yourself from all religion... Go and join the Occupy Movement or similar...

...before your children are all made slaves for the elite.

I await the replies of the damned.

i'll certainly take your comments on board..
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