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Paul McConville - Rangers Tax Case

Quiet Jim

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Word is that Paul McConville, is going to take the fall for the HMRC leak.

My understanding is that Mr McConville has kept his blog ongoing as he was assured that there was no traceability.

Phil has been a bit subdued lately & The Orwell Prize Winner can be found here;


However, if you click on submitted posts, they have all been deleted.

Who is the mole?

I can assure you that it is not the bigot McConvile, but he will take the fall.

Phil & agent X were the puppet masters, but patsy Paul will do the time!

McConvile will be deleting his blogs when he becomes aware.

Merry Xmas Paul!


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Word is that Paul McConville, is going to take the fall for the HMRC leak.

My understanding is that Mr McConville has kept his blog ongoing as he was assured that there was no traceability.

Phil has been a bit subdued lately & The Orwell Prize Winner can be found here;


However, if you click on submitted posts, they have all been deleted.

Who is the mole?

I can assure you that it is not the bigot McConvile, but he will take the fall.

Phil & agent X were the puppet masters, but patsy Paul will do the time!

McConvile will be deleting his blogs when he becomes aware.

Merry Xmas Paul!


Pray tell how can you be certain it's not him as I'm just as certain it is, check his writing style over a few articles and you will see the pattern.
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He who is guilty is who i want to see in the nick, in this day in age the Police must be able to trace him & if they can't they are not trying.

McConville is a criminal who should be doing time for stealing from his clients but i want everyone involved taken to task.

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Albion Rovers will be fecked now! Their most loyal ardent supporter taken out of circulation for a wee while. How will they survive ?

Is he still under some supervision order as I am sure that and any potential criminal conviction would be the final nail?

The guy comes across as a serial loser. In the words of Daryll King. "Who? Never heard of him".....ultimately so poignant.

Mind you. He could always become a journalist as I hear they allow anyone to join these.Only need to be a confirmed Rangers Baiter and Hater on your NUJ card and you are in!

Hohoho and a Happy 2013 . I shall raise a toast to all their demise with gusto and glee. The toast?In the name of fairness and integrity of course.

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He who is guilty is who i want to see in the nick, in this day in age the Police must be able to trace him & if they can't they are not trying.

McConville is a criminal who should be doing time for stealing from his clients but i want everyone involved taken to task.

He is a thief:

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/probe-into-lawyer-over-claims-of-miners-1067970

But the word is that he will take the fall!

Phil is being squeezed about his history.


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The Citizens Advice Bureau, being a registered charity, should be looking closely at the amount of time the disgraced lawyer spent on non charitable activity whilst at work there in the Hamilton office.

Surely his time would have been better spent advising citizens - well not miners families obviously.

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So are we supposed to believe that McConville is not responsible for the blog but will take a fall? My fucking arse more like he knows the truth will out and is shitting himself. Get this cunt water boarded he knows plenty and could bring down their house of cards

The deleted RTC blog and McConville's are one and the same.

McConville is like a nodding dog at the back of the car.

Chap, chap .......

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I know from some other threads that people are sceptical about the authorities, but I would think this would require a substantial conspiracy, involving whoever was the mole inside HMRC, HMRC itself, the police, the Procurator Fiscal as well as anyone else who knows the blogger.

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I know from some other threads that people are sceptical about the authorities, but I would think this would require a substantial conspiracy, involving whoever was the mole inside HMRC, HMRC itself, the police, the Procurator Fiscal as well as anyone else who knows the blogger.

Like an Opus conspiracy?

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He's posted loads of liable material about Charles and Imran. Club will go after him in the New Year..

It is alleged that Paul is a gambler, drinker ........

But he will become the biggest patsy since JFK.

However, there are bigger fish to fry.

The BBC published this:


During a share flotation!

Did a publicly funded body, directly or indirectly manipulate an ongoing share issue, by deliberately distorting factual information?


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