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Leggo got them on the run but war is far from over ! Sign now !


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BIGOT PHILMACGIOLLABHAIN, ALEX THOMSON, McNALLY AND THE NUJGUILT by association is often a hard verdict to deliver, for it is a tricky charge to prove beyond reasonable doubt.Fortunately, in the court of public opinion and in any civil court, the standard of proof is considerably lower.And there are now many who now certainly stand accused of being at the very least, tainted by their association with Philmacghiollabhain after the Press Complaints Commission sided with the Sun’s view that Philmacghiollabhain is tarred with the brush of sectarianism, effectively branding Philmacghiollabhain a bigot.And at the head of that queue of accused, embarrassed and perhaps even shamed organisations and people, stands the once proud National Union of Journalists, an organisation I first joined in 1969, but which now harbours a viper of a man branded a bigot not merely in its midst, but at its top table, for Philmacghiollabhain is a member of the Irish Council of the National Union of Journalists.And as such he has a huge influence on and input to the NUJ, which is meant to represent the interests of all member journalists in these British Isles, but which Philmacghiollabhain and his cohort, Sunday Mirror sports writer Brian Patrick McNally, attempted to hijack for their own ends to stifle my right, to what is known legally in journalism as, fair comment.When the increasingly bizarre and out-of-step with its rank and file membership, National Union of Journalists decided to take seriously what looked like an orchestrated and cohesive campaign against me by Philmacgiollabhain and his cohort, Mirror Group Newspapers sports writer Brian Patrick McNally, I decided I no longer wished to fund the NUJ to the tune of my £300-year contributions and duly exercised my democratic right to resign.This was challenged by the NUJ’s Ethics Committee guru, Professor of Journalism at Liverpool John Moores University( though journalism has never been a profession) Chris Frost and he only backed down when I made my ire at his challenge to this basic right, known to him.I wonder what Professor Frost and his paymasters at Liverpool John Moore University now think of his involvement with Philmacgiollabhain, a man officially tarred with the brush of sectarianism?It was after this that someone else who is even more closely associated with the man the Press Complaints Commission has agreed it is all right to brand a bigot, Channel Four’s prancing poltroon of a poseur, Alex Thomson barged in with what many may believe was his usual bluster of lies, deceit, misinformation and disinformation.Alex Thomson took to Twitter and made the outrageous and totally untrue claim that the NUJ had charged me with threatening him and had fined me £1,000. This came after two separate and similar allegations about me were made by Alex Thomson to Strathclyde Police. These allegations were investigated under the direction of an Assistant Chief Constable and dismissed. This led to Alex Thomson accusing Strathclyde Police of corruption.I have all the electronic eveidence to prove all of the above.It was after his corruption outburst against Strathclyde Police that Alex Thomson, in what some may believe was a deranged moment, made his crazy and unfounded in fact claims about the NUJ finding me guilty of something which Strathclyde Police had twice found there to be no substance to.On top of which, to further show Thomson to have appeared to lie, I had received no notification from the NUJ about any such charge relating to Alex Thomson – unlike in the case of branded bigot Philmacgiollabhain and his cohort Brian Patrick McNally’s attacks on my right to free speech and fair comment, which I still have the paperwork about – and I was no longer a member of the NUJ by the time of Alex Thomson’s bizarre allegations. I leave others to decide what prompted this particular flight of fantasy from the increasingly discredited Channel Four reporter and pal of branded bigot, Philmacgiollabhain.Surely Channel Four reporter Alex Thomson’s motive could not have been so base as for him to be trying to promote Philmacgiollabhain’s book, for which Thomson wrote the foreward? However, whatever his motive in that instance, Alex Thomson, through his writing of that foreward for Philmacghiollabhain’s book and his repeated efforts to promote the book, today stands accused of being tainted by his association with a man the Scottish Sun, the nation’s biggest selling daily newspaper, said is tarred with the brush of sectarianism, something endorsed by the powerful and completely neutral Press Complaints Commission, an association which further erodes Alex Thomson’s credibility as a Channel Four news reporter and his usefulness to ITN. The National Union of Journalists, its Ethics Committee guru Professor Richard Frost, Liverpool John Moore University, Mirror Group Newspapers and its sports writer Brian Patrick McNally, along with ITN and Channel Four reporter Alex Thomson, are the organisations and men who today stand accused of being tainted by their association with Pilmacgiollabhain, a man the Press Complaints Commission has agreed with the Sun, is tarred with the brush of sectarianism, effectively branding Philmacgiollabhain a bigot..... AND.....RANGERS players past and present have been taking to the social media circuit to urge Rangers supporters to sign up to the epetition to force questions to be raised in the House of Commons as to how HMRC have dealt with Rangers, something which it is hoped will lead to a full Parliamentary probe into the fiasco which led to Rangers being put into Administration and then Liquidated.A total of 100,000 signatures are needed. Disappointingly for those behind this excellent idea, two months down the line, they are just a little more than a third of the way towards the target.Meaning now is the time for Rangers fans to step up and sign. The link is.....http://epetitions.di...3</span></span>http://epetitions.di...petitions/42143 :sherlock:

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Leggo doing what he does best attacking the bigots .

If any Bear on here has not signed this petition you should hang your head in shame.

I have had my family and at least 6 English friends who are not Rangers supporter sign this.

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you can register 2 signatures per email address on that petition . 4 emails addresses in my household, so 8 names signed it. get it done bears. remember to confirm the signature when the confirmation email comes through or your signature wont count, which i believe is the reason we have'nt got more signatures. loads have signed, but not as many confirmed

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I just signed the petition again (twice) with a new email and two new names (my dad and his GF) the number never went up.

stuck at 37139

You have to wait until you get E-mail back from them, then the numbers will go up.

Even then (after you've clicked the link in their email) - it still takes a few minutes.

It's now up to 37,157

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If that thomson was any sort of normal human being he would wonder before bed every night why the fuck he chose to get involved in something he knew/knows so little about.

Time after time he has made an absolute cunt of himself and still attempts to justify his "reporting" of our situation. Utter loonball.

And the mention of the epetition at the bottom has already started to show results.

Don't know about anyone else but I was expecting heads to have rolled already for the information leak. How in the hell can so little have been done about a criminal matter? :anguish:

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