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We Are Up Against Vile Fantasists

Rangers Lady

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That reads to me that you were pushing them, not them pushing you.

It's nothing to do with the fact that you're a teenage girl (well maybe it is a little to do with that in honesty)

It's to do with the fact that

a: You approached them off your own back to represent Rangers/Rangers fans - I have an issue with anyone doing that - whether they're a teenage girl or not, if they haven't consulted with the rest of the fanbase and garnered support

b: IMO, you don't spend enough time in Bears' Den to have a good enough understanding of what's on fans' minds - you spend more time in OT, and I would not have their twisted thoughts represented as typical of Rangers ever.

I'm in here every day, you speculate like a Bheast

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You've just lost any credibility with that statement

To be fair, I was wide of the mark when I said she spends all her time on OT. I was wrong, but the correct response from BT would have been "You're wrong - check my content for proof" not "you speculate like a ******"

This thread alone shows how badly ripped apart she would be. :(

Now I'm not saying I wouldn't be ripped apart - I would be too - but I'm smart enough to realise my limitations. The young often aren't, and it is the duty of the old to protect them :D

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I was on the verge of getting a slot on Sportsound & tried to bring Chris Graham into the show as well

I had submitted my request to Tom Conner who produces the show.

I made the point that as a club I felt we haven't been represented well by BBC Sportsound and supplied them with links to relevant threads on here.

I proposed a debate with Odious and Cosgrove and things were looking good.

Cue a bombardment of lies and complaints from the dark side.

I was branded a Racist, which I'm not, I hate the beasts but given their conduct what decent person wouldn't, doesn't make me racist

Blogs purporting to be from Chris and me were sent to the BBC, stuff I had never seen before.

They sent links to the usual suspects, Odious, Alex Thommo etc. and achieved their aim of discrediting us both.

No avenue was open for me to contest the lies it was simply taken as fact.

Then the rhebels try and justify the attack by comparing it to mental phil.

Once again comparisons are drawn and reported as facts, one side is as bad as the other, the normal response, when clearly we fall way short of their depravity

The upshot is they no longer respond to my communications..

I blocked all the tims on my twitter but some of the links will still be on there @RM_Bogtrotter

Women on a football show :mutley:

Fair play to you for making the effort though

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Can we FORGET for a moment about my credentials....

I was making a point about tarriers

The point being that the BBC is heavily influenced by them?

Its a point that has been made repeatedly.

We already know what the BBC are about.

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I think some media companies are worried about who they bring on nowadays and will easily knock you back dependent on your opinions.

One quick scan over anyone's posts on here can see anyone's beliefs and thoughts which can easily be thrown back in your face once your in the public eye especially by the scum.

If you have a hatred (which I do) of a certain percentage of the population then the chances are they wouldn't want you anywhere near the show.

BT you should call up Rangers Chat and be a regular caller it's defo needing a female input.

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Here I'm with Rangers people, I react and conduct myself very differently with detractors

No, here, you are with anyone and everyone.

Loads of people here are not Rangers supporters. They just read this and report back elsewhere.

Thats why lots of important issues and possible future anti-media tactics are discussed elsewhere, out of view of prying eyes who would scupper our plans.

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No, here, you are with anyone and everyone.

Loads of people here are not Rangers supporters. They just read this and report back elsewhere.

Thats why lots of important issues and possible future anti-media tactics are discussed elsewhere, out of view of prying eyes who would scupper our plans.

Not WVB's projectile factory though - that's just an urban myth ;)

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