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Prostitution of our heritage


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These guys clearly let their heart rule their head,they mean well but are so far out of touch with reality it's unreal.

I've seen some people say 'I thought we had money,why do we need to do this?'

Well if you have money in your pocket and someone offers you more for very little effort,you don't say 'No thanks,I have enough'

Scottish football is dying on it's arse,struggling for investment,decent TV deals and here's our CEO thinking outside the box and being labelled a Pimp.

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You can change it mate (if not on a phone)

Go to your first post, click edit, then click "use full editor" - the title appears twice at the top - the lower one is editable (tu)

Now i will look more stupid than usual when someone reads this :stupid:

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Would it not be Prostituting our heritage or prostitution of our heritage? Where are the grammar police?


no, prostituting of our heritage is grammatically acceptable.

Think "taming of the shrew" or "the hunting of the snark"

Grammar police stand down, it's a false alarm - phew!

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A stupid banner by a bunch of clueless people who appear to be stuck in some kind of a 'time warp'.

If there is a doctor in the house...... please cram them into the 'Tardis' and transport them to 2013.

We as a club almost vanished from the football 'menu'. Our finances need bolstering. If that means a new name for Ibrox for a few years then so be it. I suspect many of these supporters also complain about the state of the stadium. Well upkeep costs money. Do you suggest CG just picks the cash from 'the money tree'??

Charles Green, when he leaves, hopefully will leave a legacy of sound financial management. No more bug-eyes or Murrays as we have been through enough in the past 12 months.

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In new zealand everything in sport is sponsored

clubs names, the grounds, everything

I can't stand it and i refuse to refer to stadiums in any other way than the original name

as far as renaming Ibrox...the only concession I would agree to would be one that still referred to the ground as Ibrox and then there was some sponsor bollox added on

even then i wouldn't be happy

yeah we have to make ends meet but i'd hate to see Ibrox renamed in a crappy deal for loot

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I didn't like the wording. Not sure that advertising can be classed as prostitution. The ground is full of electronic adverts every game. I wish they would stop the bright yellow ones but that's beside the point. It's a hard slog back to the top & we need money to come in. We need better players and the best facilities.

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This doesn't sit well with me at all.

I know people are saying that it's money for nothing and it will always be Ibrox to them not matter what it's called, but we have one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world and to see it tarted up with sports direct signs anywhere possible would be heartbreaking.

Just look at what St. James Park looked like.

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Its hardly 'prostitution' bit of an overreaction, in a perfect world no club would have sponsors of any kind nor any advertising allowed inside a stadium but this is a far from perfect world and we need to stay financialy competitive not just in Scotland but Europe too.

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