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Reconstruction - thoughts


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It is obvious to all of us that reconstruction including the amalgamating of the SPL/SFL/SFA is simply a way of stealing RFC's TV money.

Nevertheless reconstruction will not save the Scottish game. It can clearly be seen that the SPL is not competitive and the proposed reconstruction is a farce.

Celtic will walk away with the title again EARLY next season.

What fans will continue to watch the SPL this season and going forward when the SPL will be done and dusted by end of Feb each season?

What fans will buy season tickets to a 22 game league next season as after 22 games all teams but Celtic will have no clue if they will be fighting for a European place or relegation? If season tickets sales implode what happens? Teams are barely surviving just now.

What happens if there is a spell of bad weather and games are postponed? How can the SPL and 1st Division move forward with fixtures if they cannot tell who will be in what 8?

Will Rangers fan still turn up to see teams we played all this season plus the additional dross from the 2nd Div.? Will we only go to Ibrox and stay away from the other grounds?

Scottish football is looking at a bleak future.

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I really dont give a shit about them.

The Restructuring is not Important to us, however the Amalgamation of the Leagues are their Lifeline, and is obviously to get our TV rights which might save them .

They are Killing our Game, and no matter where or who we Play I will attend Ibrox ,and Ibrox alone from now on.

I will never step Inside any of those Hater Clubs .

Kilmarnock ,and maybe Ross County aside , the rest can all die.

I will be there to support my Team whatever League it is and who we Play.

This reconstruction Plan will kill it once and for all , the Fans don't want it the way it is or the way they Plan to change it .

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We have never had individual tv rights or the bulk of the monies from being the biggest attraction so there's nothing new here and people seem to be outraged.

I understand what is happening and its not right but I don't get the shock as if this is the first time it's happenned.

Maybe given more money to the teams at the bottom of the current SPL and top of Div 1 will improve them and longer term the majority of them will get stronger which means we can move towards a top league of 18. If that happens it would make sense.

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It is obvious to all of us that reconstruction including the amalgamating of the SPL/SFL/SFA is simply a way of stealing RFC's TV money.

Nevertheless reconstruction will not save the Scottish game. It can clearly be seen that the SPL is not competitive and the proposed reconstruction is a farce.

Celtic will walk away with the title again EARLY next season.

What fans will continue to watch the SPL this season and going forward when the SPL will be done and dusted by end of Feb each season?

What fans will buy season tickets to a 22 game league next season as after 22 games all teams but Celtic will have no clue if they will be fighting for a European place or relegation? If season tickets sales implode what happens? Teams are barely surviving just now.

What happens if there is a spell of bad weather and games are postponed? How can the SPL and 1st Division move forward with fixtures if they cannot tell who will be in what 8?

Will Rangers fan still turn up to see teams we played all this season plus the additional dross from the 2nd Div.? Will we only go to Ibrox and stay away from the other grounds?

Scottish football is looking at a bleak future.

Your opening sentence is as obvious to us as the day is long,Alex. Your second sentence actually got me thinking about how uncompetitive or otherwise the SPL really is this season, so for the first time this season I actually went and checked out the SPL League table Sure there are only 10 points between Motherwell (2nd) and Hearts (10th) which to a casual observer would indicate the SPL is full of excitement,but it paints a false picture.

Now we all knew that the race for the SPL trophy would realistically be over by Christmas,but just how easy it has become is evident by the amount of points Celtic have dropped compared to last season. Last season with 38 games played they drew 3, lost 5 with a total of 21 points dropped.

So far this season, they have played 27 games, drawn 5 and lost 4,with a total of 22 points lost, yet they are 19 points ahead of their nearest "challenger", so considering that when the shit REALLY hits the fan next season,these other clubs will have to get rid of many of their players which will only make the SPL less competitive than it is now, withought our money.

Fans (the scum fans included) won't buy tickets to meaningless games when there is no realistic competition no matter how much they are winning,as was evident when they were enjoying their 9 IAR period and they were pushing shit uphill to get crowds of 10,000 at the piggery some weeks.

And that was when the format was easy to understand and the standard of player was better than the current SPL dross.

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We have never had individual tv rights or the bulk of the monies from being the biggest attraction so there's nothing new here and people seem to be outraged.

I understand what is happening and its not right but I don't get the shock as if this is the first time it's happenned.

Maybe given more money to the teams at the bottom of the current SPL and top of Div 1 will improve them and longer term the majority of them will get stronger which means we can move towards a top league of 18. If that happens it would make sense.

That isn't going to happen, Peter. Doncaster refuses to have it. Liewell certainly refuses to even discuss it, and every current chairman in the SPL knows it will be less money for their clubs if they don't get 4 games per season against Rangers and the scum.

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Celtic are reducing their competition for the SPL title and therefore a shot at Champions league money while increasing our competition (giving clubs more money) to get back to the top. O aye, and we are financing this through our TV rights....sporting integrity indeed!

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Big push on the propaganda today eh?

STV release reconstruction figures for clubs and the BBC (on the same day - within the hour) come out with a positive spin from Swiss fitba.

Just waiting on a couple of clubs coming out to support these plans and then Duncaster spinning that it's a 'done deal'.................................

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Big push on the propaganda today eh?

STV release reconstruction figures for clubs and the BBC (on the same day - within the hour) come out with a positive spin from Swiss fitba.

Just waiting on a couple of clubs coming out to support these plans and then Duncaster spinning that it's a 'done deal'.................................

When I read that article I thought it was a little negative. Almost a warning that it is doomed for failure, and small clubs should know their place.

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When I read that article I thought it was a little negative. Almost a warning that it is doomed for failure, and small clubs should know their place.

Thats how I read it. If it was so great why have the Swiss dumped it for a new reduced league structure. I have always thought we have too many teams for a country our size.

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Big push on the propaganda today eh?

STV release reconstruction figures for clubs and the BBC (on the same day - within the hour) come out with a positive spin from Swiss fitba.

Just waiting on a couple of clubs coming out to support these plans and then Duncaster spinning that it's a 'done deal'.................................

The article said its shite. Pretty poor propaganda if that is their technique.

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The article said its shite. Pretty poor propaganda if that is their technique.

Scanned the article and mis-read parts of it...doh...

I stand corrected lads but in my world of black and white cynicism I now believe that duncaster will get liewell to ask the BBC for clarification and Lamonts facebook account will be getting scrutinised by ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ before toxic-tom and ill-phill get the exclusive on how Rangers manipulated the Swiss FA to poo poo the reconstruction plans.

Where do I get this cynicism from?

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The reconstuction thing really angers me. Firstly, how can they say to you part way through the season, "See the prizes that you thought you were playing for at the start of this season, well you're not". If reconstruction does happen it can't start 2013/14. Secondly, splits are a farce. A league isn't a league if you don't all play each other the same amount of times home and away, it's that simple.

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