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Reconstruction vote on the 15th April


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SPL sets reconstruction date

Scottish Premier League clubs will vote on a reconstruction package on 15 April in the hope of it being implemented by the start of next season.

Last Updated: 11/03/13 at 18:09

Stephen Thompson (left) and Stewart Gilmour: Attended meeting at Hampden

All of Scotland's top clubs were present at the Hampden meeting to discuss the proposed three leagues of 12-12-18, which would split into 8-8-8-18 after 22 games.

It will take an 11-1 vote to pass the motion, which will also have to be approved by the Scottish Football League, which has yet to set a date for its vote.

Dundee United chairman and SPL board member Stephen Thompson, said: "Everything is positive and moving forward. There is a process in place and we will take it from there."

Asked if he thought reconstruction would be in place for the start of next season, he added: "That's the plan."

St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour was more cautious - he said: "We had a good discussion. There was good dialogue and difference of opinion but a long way to go.

"I don't know what will happen. The SFL clubs are still to meet and until they come back. There is a lot of tidying up to be done."

Ross County chairman Roy MacGregor admitted he was concerned with the practicalities of the split.

He said: "There is a lot of debate to go on yet and we will see how that goes. My concerns are for the fans.

"The fan is the most important person, not the clubs, not anything else and I do believe that considering what the fans are getting is really important."

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It will also be interesting to see how hearts vote (if they are still here) if they were to receive less spl prize money would they be allowed to vote yes. I mean by that their owner is bankrupt and people are chasing him for money and I am sure his creditors will be looking on.

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All I hear from the media is that it will go through, but then they put some chairman in front of a mic and he doesn't sound too happy at all.

There's also the SFL chairmen to vote on it, but that seems not to matter.

When we have this set-up, it will be a disaster, and it will take more than a few 'twekes' to sort it out.

I can't believe the game is getting railroaded like like this.

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The urgency, the attempts at positive spin, the apparent lack of a plan B, smacks of absolute desperation by the SPL. They have no Sponsor- who in their right mind would sponsor an organisation that operates in this way- significant members are heading towards bankruptcy. If the SFL clubs are patient and maintain the status quo for now, every Club in the SFL could end up effectively moving up a division. The SFL should be preparing a Plan B of their own. One that means no Club moves up into the danger zone that the SPL has become and no SPL Club is allowed to be relegated into the relative safety of the SFL. The 1st Division may soon be Scotland's top tier once again. It would be most amusing to watch one particular team, who easily won a league title this season, by effectively removing their only real opposition from the competition before the season had started, suddenly finding they have no meaningful league to play in next year whilst clutching a meaningless bauble. Now that would be justice.

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Scotland's media are once again pushing the agenda of the Holy Trinity (liewell, rhegan and dungcaster).

Yet despite the media pleas they seem to be a long way from having a done deal

St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour was more cautious - he said: "We had a good discussion. There was good dialogue and difference of opinion but a long way to go.

"I don't know what will happen. The SFL clubs are still to meet and until they come back. There is a lot of tidying up to be done."

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Every fan getting this shambles forced apon them just so that the SPL can get their hands on Ranger's TV rights.

Sky are not interested in their product without us.

Edinburgh darby got 60,000 viewers earlier in the season and the following weekend 270,000 watch us v Elgin.

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Iv not read the Stranraer precedent in many media articles and I'm just wondering if the press aren't publicising it in case the bigoted fans revolt again to keep us out longer.

I have an open mind whether the new format will work or not and reckon its worth a try.

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I just read the bit in the Paper from Ross County. They said they've moved from 11th to 2nd and their last 2 home matches have been sold-out. They're worried about ST sales for next Season because the split begins so early the season could be over for them in December. He has a very good point and I hope he votes against this proposal on the 15th.

I think most fans want to see more teams in each Division so things are less repetitive. The customer is always right (tu)

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I've just read an article in yesterday's paper as well, from the Ross County chief. He says he likes the amalgamation of the SPL, SFL, the redistribution of wealth, the promotion/relagation and the pyramind system. He just doesn't like the 12-12 splitting into 8-8-8.

As does no one else from what I've heard. It's always something else they seem to enthusiastic about, never the actual structure that's being proposed.

SPL, SFA, and now maybe the SFL, bunch of brainless bastards, voting away our reputation, or any crediability it had, if ever.

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I just read the bit in the Paper from Ross County. They said they've moved from 11th to 2nd and their last 2 home matches have been sold-out. They're worried about ST sales for next Season because the split begins so early the season could be over for them in December. He has a very good point and I hope he votes against this proposal on the 15th.

I think most fans want to see more teams in each Division so things are less repetitive. The customer is always right (tu)

Yeah he was saying they now have a shot at Europe as well, whereas after 22 games they wouldn't have been in the "top 8" and would be fighting a relegation battle.

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From STV website

Scottish Football League clubs have been asked to indicate by the close of play on Tuesday their preference for the composition of proposed reconstructed divisions.

With a format of two top tiers of 12 clubs, which split into three leagues of eight mid-season, on the table for the upper end, it has been left to SFL sides to determine the make-up of the lower end of the structure.

Clubs have been asked to state whether they would prefer a third tier of 18 clubs, or the continuation of two bottom leagues of 10.

The latter plan would see two new teams invited into the new league setup, with the possibility remaining of two clubs being asked to enter "Colt" sides into the league.

STV understands there remains opposition within the SFL to the Colt idea, with a preference to see current non-league sides given the chance to be awarded a place in the league.

An announcement on the preference of SFL clubs is not expected until later in the week.

The league is yet to state when its members will hold a final vote on whether to press ahead with reconstruction plans.

Clubs have received a draft copy of the proposed rulebook for the Scottish Professional Football League, although representatives of all 30 sides are yet to formally meet to discuss its contents and no date has been set for talks.

Twenty-two of 29 SFL sides, excluding Rangers, must be passed for the reconstruction plans to go ahead.

The SPL, who require an 11-1 vote of its members, have announced they will have their deciding vote on April 15.

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Every fan getting this shambles forced apon them just so that the SPL can get their hands on Ranger's TV rights.

Sky are not interested in their product without us.

Edinburgh darby got 60,000 viewers earlier in the season and the following weekend 270,000 watch us v Elgin.

aye rite

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THE plan to reconstruct Scottish football in time for next season was threatening to collapse into farce last night.

Record Sport can reveal at least two SPL clubs are on the verge of voting NO to the proposals for a 12-12-18 set-up – and strangling it at birth.

But to further complicate matters the top-flight clubs might abandon plans to go to the polls on April 15 because their SFL counterparts are reluctant to be first to have an official show of hands.

It is now increasingly difficult to imagine how any agreement can be brokered amid such widespread confusion and so many different factions.

And there is a growing belief the big blueprint for change, championed by SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and his SFL counterpart David Longmuir, is now doomed.

It’s understood Ross County chairman Roy MacGregor is the leading dissenting voice among the top 12. He believes backing the plan would betray fans who are dead against the idea of two leagues of 12 splitting into three of eight after 22 games.

MacGregor fears season-ticket sales – a major source of income – could be battered by such a move.

His worries are backed by evidence from Austria and Switzerland where clubs found a huge percentage of supporters were willing only to stump up for half season tickets rather than pay for the unknown.

And Record Sport believes MacGregor has an ally in St Mirren’s Stewart Gilmour, who is also unconvinced by the complex proposals.

If MacGregor and Gilmour vote no they’ll torpedo the controversial shake-up which needs an 11-1 majority to go through.

A source close to the shambles told us: “This is far from the fait accompli it was made out to be.

“MacGregor believes he will be failing his own supporters – and fans of all clubs – if he votes in favour a structure they don’t want.

“And although Gilmour has slightly different concerns, it’s unlikely he will be persuaded that this split into three leagues of eight is in the best interests of the game.”

SPL clubs had been due to vote on April 15 but last night it emerged they may hold off until the SFL outfits have had their say.

Our source said: “There is no point in SPL clubs making a final decision until they know the plans have got SFL approval"

from this mornings Rebel, I knew the SPL would not get 11 teams in favour of this. Seems they don't have the courage to serve the final blow to it by themselves. Relying on the SFL clubs to make the decisions for them again. Just have the vote and spell an end to this ridiculous proposal.

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At this rate we'll be doing well to get any of them to vote before next season, never mind actually get a new structure in place.

The SPL just want something that starts 12-12, they couldn't give a toss what happens to the rest. 12-12-18 seems nobody wants or they are too scared that they'll piss us off even more, 12-12-10-10 can anybody tell me why that is so much different from 12-10-10-10.

IMO 16-16-10 with a view to move to 16-16-16 later to let extra clubs in at the bottom and/ or colts. Do that along with a restructured league cup (mini-league format, initially regionalised, top 8 clubs seeded) to make up for lost fixtures.

One ruling body, SPL/SFL/SFA all binned totally new guy to head up new body, Reagan/Doncaster sent back where they came from and never again allowed to cross the Scottish border. There must me near on half a million to save on those wankers wages alone. You'd get a few goal line cameras for that.

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Amazing really. The future of Scottish football decided in a vote that won't include its biggest, most famous, and best support club. Just amazing. But that's the desparate madhouse of Scottish football. I seem to recall our CEO saying that he had better things to do with his time than turn up at Hampden for meetings and then be asked to leave the room while those who think they are the big boys take their votes. Wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if there isn't even a Rangers rep of any seniority at the meeting and that the first we find out about the outcome is from media reports (bet they don't even extend the courtesy to call Rangers to say what the result is before they parade themselves in front of the press). That's the status Rangers has in Scottish football - no voice of influence, not wanted other than for our money, not respected, not worthy of being properly consulted.

Would be just amazing if, on the same day, Rangers were able to announce its departure. I know its not likely in that sort of timescale but it sure would pull more than the rug from under the feet of the madouse desparate mob of the SPL/SFA/SFL. Or if not a notice of departure then announcing a European club series of conferences to ratchet up the pressure for change.

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