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Jimmy Calderwood the 'conspiracy'


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It was one of the best days ever - I normally went with my wife but took my daughter (who was 10 or 11 then) and she had her Radio with her and was the one that kept every one around us informed of the score at Killie - and it was a fairly tense day with all the changing scores! I also remember the few games before that both Rangers and Celtic were really going for goals and both teams were racking up 3/4/5 goals a game! Fantastic Day one of the best!

Can't remember the score but I remember Them winning 4-0 (or close to that) against Dundee and I went mental when Dundee scored in the last minute to make it 4-1 :lol:

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Can't remember the score but I remember Them winning 4-0 (or close to that) against Dundee and I went mental when Dundee scored in the last minute to make it 4-1 :lol:

6 2 I think it was. Khizhnishvilli(sp) scored that day

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What a day th\t was, I remember being in the local pub, with 2 massive screens on either side of the room. one playing our game, one theirs. Probably one of my favorite days as a bear. Thanks for posting this man, brought back some cracking memories.

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Knew it was something like that :lol: Was just surreal. That goal actually won us the league :pipe:

Barry Smith scored from a Novo cross and then Lee Mair scored the second late on.

My old man told me at the time 'that might be the goal that wins us the league' and I didn't really buy it. Shows what I knew. :lol:

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remember this is the club who commissioned a psychologist to investigate ref Hugh Dallas' behaviour on the day their fans and their players shamed the game...

heres the report from the liam about his findings, needless to say septic didnt take it any further...

THE shrink at the centre of the Dallasgate scandal branded warring Celtic players BONKERS, Mailsport can reveal today.

We've got hold of the mind doctor's sensational secret report and can report that he cast Celtic players as the real villains of the Old Firm shame game.

Parkhead chief executive Allan MacDonald commissioned top psychologist Chris Lewis to investigate ref Hugh Dallas' behaviour in last season's title decider.

And MacDonald caused a storm when he claimed the shrink blamed Dallas for sparking chaos at Parkhead with over-friendly gestures towards Rangers players.

But the bombshell report, to be discussed by the SFA on Tuesday, actually clears Dallas of blame on May 2 and recommends Celtic players get professional help to curb "behavioural problems".

MacDonald's outburst stunned soccer but now Mailsport can exclusively reveal the full extent of the damning report - and it puts the Parkhead club firmly in the dock.

Celtic players are accused of "extreme dissent, threatening and abusive behaviour and assault."

Parkhead defender Stephane Mahe, sent off after a furious head- to-head with Dallas in the first half, is charged with acting like an angry and frustrated child.

Hoops sinner Vidar Riseth is accused of a premeditated attack on Gers' Claudio Reyna in the incident that led to him being shown the red card.

Hoops stars are accused of committing an astonishing 75 per cent of fouls in the crucial opening quarter.

MacDonald, who faces an SFA rap for last week's outburst, could be in even deeper trouble for his interpretation of the report's findings.

We can reveal that the incident MacDonald highlighted - when Dallas appeared to pat Rangers player Gio van Bronckhorst on the backside - merited just one line in the report.

Yet the psychologist was scathing about the behaviour of Celtic players.

Dallas copped a head wound from a coin hurled by a thug and police had to stop morons attacking him as three players were sent off and Rangers won 3-0 to wrap up the flag.

Lewis said: "Most of the refereeing decisions that angered the home side were in fact correct, but he was not flawless. There was little evidence of referee bias in his decision making.

"Mahe was extremely angry with the referee and with his own team-mates who attempted to calm him down,.

"His anger was at such a level that he left the field in tears. This is behaviour that is often displayed by an angry, frustrated child.

"The second-half challenge by Riseth, which led to his dismissal, appeared premeditated. He accepted his dismissal as inevitable.

"An intervention by a suitably qualified professional person should be made in cases where players display extreme, uncontrolled aggressive reactions."

Rangers don't escape without blame.

Dallas is criticised for allowing Rod Wallace to get away with too much before he was sent off and Lewis said: "The use of the elbow by Wallace was a constant source of provocation to the Celtic players, especially as the referee seemed to ignore it until his dismissal late in the second half."

On top of Lewis' report, the SPL's Commission of Inquiry into the Celtic Park game has revealed just how close it came to being called off because there were fears of rioting.

Mailsport has a copy of the findings prepared for the SPL by Lord Mackay of Drumadoon QC. And it makes for terrifying reading.

A total of 500 policemen and 580 stewards were employed at the game. But match commander Daniel Donnelly sent for 50 re-inforcements because he was afraid the game might have to be abandoned due to the risk of crowd disruption.

And his fears were shared by SFA security advisor Willie MacDougall who was watching the match from the main stand.

The report points to Mahe as the person responsible for creating a poisonous atmosphere - not Dallas for his tap on van Bronckhorst's shoulder, as it is described by Lord Mackay, to tell him not to waste time.

Now the SFA have been left with a dilemma over what to do with MacDonald, who is under suspicion of bringing the game into disrepute by hiring a psychologist to study Dallas by video.

If the psychologist's report was supposed to damage the referee's credibility it has failed.

Lewis insisted: "The referee has a very noticeable style. He is clearly recognised for it and is seen as appropriate for big games. On this occasion it fired the intensity of the event but probably produced effective order on the pitch."

FFS, I actually remember this but having raised it a few times and it generally being denied I convinced myself that time was playing tricks on my memory! What a clusterfuck of deranged folk follow/are involved with that club!

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Chris Suttons reaction makes this day even better, knowing how much they were hurting.

On a different note imagine if the opposition managers on Helicopter Sunday had been reversed.

Something tells me they might not have taken it in their usual sporting manner.

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Dunfermline scored first that day if Memory serves right.

So what was the master plan? take the lead and then lat Rangers score 6 in reply???

Delusional clowns.

No your wrong, Mols scored before they (Celtic) had kicked off, they equalised to make it 1-1.

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No your wrong, Mols scored before they (Celtic) had kicked off, they equalised to make it 1-1.

Not quite, we kicked off at the same time and Mols scored fairly quickly, but the game down in Ayrshire had started already.

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No your wrong, Mols scored before they (Celtic) had kicked off, they equalised to make it 1-1.

I stand corrected.

Still main point is why would a team who dilberarately set out to lose score a goal against us?, every goal for or against was vital that day.

Pretty sure they almsot scored a 2nd as well from Criag brewster.

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Not quite, we kicked off at the same time and Mols scored fairly quickly, but the game down in Ayrshire had started already.

Our game was on BBC1, They were on BBC2 and i am sure they were just about to Kick-off when we scored.

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Read this it explains who the cheats were that day as per usual.


FURIOUS Celtic players accused Gordon Marshall of being a turncoat after they lost the title at Kilmarnock on Sunday.

Marshall, a former Celt, was slammed at Rugby Park for not helping his old club leapfrog the goals advantage enjoyed by Rangers.

He was reminded of his background and criticised for not letting it influence his performance as Celtic scored four goals but couldn't get enough to win the league flag.

Sports Record also understands that Kilmarnock and Celtic were at loggerheads in the build-up to the match after the Parkhead side demanded extra ball boys. Martin O'Neill's side wanted to ensure the ball was in play as much as possible to help their goal chase but Killie turned down their request.

They then received an anonymous letter accusing them of pandering to Rangers.

The revelations follow Celtic striker Chris Sutton's bitter outburst on Sunday when he

accused Dunfermline of lying down to Alex McLeish's men in the 6-1 defeat which took the title to Ibrox.

Last night Marshall, who was having his last game for the club and was made Kilmarnock's captain for the day, refused to go into specific details of what went on as players clashed in full view of startled match officials and onlookers.

But he confirmed he had deep regrets over the undignified end to his Rugby Park career.

Marshall said: "There are some Celtic players who I have no sympathy for. I was annoyed and outraged by some of the stuff that went on.

"I don't know what the Celtic players were hoping for and I will take whatever was said about my performance as a back- handed compliment.

"I was Kilmarnock's captain and I wanted to keep a clean sheet if possible. I knew I wouldn't get a pat on the back whatever happened during the game but whatever was said about me is water off a duck's back.

"My emotions still haven't settled down and I don't expect to get back to normal for a few days yet. But I am very disappointed with the attitude shown to me by certain players."

Marshall said some players blasted him for allegedly wasting time when he was adjudged to have brought down Alan Thompson for a penalty kick.

The keeper had earlier been booked for protesting over the penalty decision involving Sutton and left the field to jeering from the Celtic fans.

But he said: "I wasn't aware of the jeering because I was applauding the Kilmarnock fans as I was leaving them for the last time."

The row over the ball boys has also cast a shadow over the incredible end of the season.

Celtic asked Killie for more but the Ayrshire club insisted in employing the same number they have used all season.

Killie then told Celtic to get lost when they threatened to bring their own ball boys with them to Rugby Park.

The day after the row Kilmarnock received an anonymous letter accusing them of lying down and pandering to the needs of Rangers.

The correspondence also pointed out in no uncertain terms that Celtic would make Jim Jefferies' side pay by wiping the floor with them on Sunday.

Jefferies pinned the letter up in the dressing room to help fire up his players for their final league game of the campaign.

Last night a Kilmarnock source said: "At the start of the week Celtic requested that we put on extra ball boys and have balls placed around the pitch because Rangers were doing something similar at Ibrox.

"We told them we had enough and didn't need any more but Celtic then wanted to bring their own ball boys down with them.

"We told them they could do that if they wanted although we made it clear there was no way they would be getting anywhere near the pitch.

"I don't think their manager was too happy, however this was our home game, not theirs."

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Read that the other day.

Didn't celtc claim that the opposition were trying TOO hard as well? :lol:

Yes, a certain midfielder of the time bitched at Gordon Marshall for making lots of saves and said that as he used to play for celtc he shouldnt be trying so hard. Sporting integrity, anyone?

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So Jimmy Calderwood was offered the managers job despite McLeish being on the verge of a domestc treble and having won 2 trophies in 5 months the previous season. Is that what their saying? :lol:

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Afraid not mate, positive both games had already started.

You're right, because they spent the previous week in a rush to get the games on both channels and kicking off at the same time.

Amazing day. Say what you want about Eck but his teams gave us lots of good memories we wont soon forget.

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