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We Suck: Are You Helping or Making It Worse?

Guest Andypendek

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What we have on the park at the minute is being out thought/out fought/ out footballed ( if that's a phrase) by an assortment of Rabs, Boabs and Tams training twice a week earning pin money, are you happy with that? Ally McCoist is a top man but not a manager, if anything we are getting worse and I would not trust him with a transfer budget, we have dragged in players from all over the globe and they are pretty awful.

But why though? We played well at times, the ideas were there, but we don't have the players. The reason the defence is bad is because the midfield is bad. The reason the attack is bad is because the midfield is bad. We have a non-existent midfield. Hutton has potential, but he cannot carry a midfield the way it should be.

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I wouldn't worry too much about being born after '75. I started following the Gers in the mid-50's and I am now watching the worst side in my history.

Whether he should have said it or not is another debate, but Green was spot on in his judgement. I know that Greig's era was a low point but his team were getting panned for finishing in the top half of the top division. Could you see our present squad doing that? I am not even convinced that the present squad is capable of getting us back to the top tier neve mind hold our own I when we get there.

Many like to blame the transfer embargo for our current state but the fact is we did get a window to get players in and made a hash of it. I wouldn't judge Ally too much on last summer's signings. I think he has been unlucky with the likes of Shiels, Black, Kyle and Templeton who should all have performed at this level. Even Tempeton, who has been the best of the bunch, hasn't really provided enough IMO. However Ally's signings previously, when there was no pending embargo, have not inspired confidence.

When we do rise to the top again (and we will) I want to be sticking it to all these stnuc that stamped on us when we were weakened. That's a long way off I fear.

I have heard £10m mentioned as being available for the squad. That has to be really well spent, we can't afford to squander it because, unlike a few years ago, there ain't gonna be another £10m there if we cock it up.

For now, booing them off the park at the end of every half ain't any solution. We must stay behind the team and pray for better times.

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I would bet any Rangers team, from quote " the really really shite years" would wipe the floor with our lot now, no problems.

I know, I can't believe Ally let it get to this stage. He took over a team of internationals like Davis, McGregor, Jelavic, Naismith and others, as well as great young talents like Ness and McCabe... And look what he has turned us into.

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No doubts about it, we really are mince.

Plenty of reasons why, been over this millions of times.

But as it stands, we face a Rangers team playing mediocre fitba for a good long while yet. So, where do you stand as a supporter? Because now is the time for you to stand up.

We've had it right fucking good, you and me. Especially if you were born after 1975, in which case you probably missed our really, REALLY shite years.

I wis just thinking the other day about some whiney post from someone who thinks they are being oppressed by the new laws. I remember coming out of Ibrox with my aunt and uncle after getting cuffed (yet again) by Aberdeen in the 80s and the cops deciding that, for some reason, they would launch a cavalry charge down Edmiston Drive.

Oh, how we laughed as the big bastard horses ran over us. What a hoot it was!

On top of a pumping from a fucking provincial team of plodders. Well, that's not fair, they were a good side.

But the point is, we suck and the club needs the fans as (almost) never before. And on RM at least, what's the reaction?

Whiney whiney whine whine.

Rangers FC has given you plenty of good nights out and lots of good times. It now needs you to stand firm and back it to stagger back to the top. S'gonna take about 5 years if we're lucky. We need men to back us up.

I dunno how many of you are fit to be Bluenoses, to be honest. You think it's all roses?? Think again and stand tall, or else...well, if you can't take the rough, you'd be as well following someone else.

I'll still be following on.

Of course, I could be pished. But I'm well fed up with our fans who won't support the team when it needs them the most.

Strangly enough I don't see this as a bad time last summer was a bad time - now is about rebuilding and on the whole fans are notoriously impatient - patience is the one thing we need. lots of cries to introduce youth but no patience to do so. this is where find out those with the bottle to support and not whinge - the team, manager and management need support not all this winging and booing

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Strangly enough I don't see this as a bad time last summer was a bad time - now is about rebuilding and on the whole fans are notoriously impatient - patience is the one thing we need. lots of cries to introduce youth but no patience to do so. this is where find out those with the bottle to support and not whinge - the team, manager and management need support not all this winging and booing

I suppose it's at least progress for you to be complaining about "winging" as opposed to "loyalty" for a change! The only bottle you need to "support and not whinge" this season has an extremely high alcohol level!

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Strangly enough I don't see this as a bad time last summer was a bad time - now is about rebuilding and on the whole fans are notoriously impatient - patience is the one thing we need. lots of cries to introduce youth but no patience to do so. this is where find out those with the bottle to support and not whinge - the team, manager and management need support not all this winging and booing

BP9 I would almost agree with you, yep I said almost.

What you describe is accurate to a point. We have been forced to endure an illegal xfer embargo. This has led to us playing youngsters who need time to develop as players. We also have, as u state, a pretty loyal but impatient support.

My problem and that of many supporters is that we have not improved one iota since last August. Many of our players look as if they have never met each other before. They look unfit Faure & Kyle are two who stand-out in that regard with even the young players not far behind. Then there is the manner of the football --- hump, hump chase, chase with no direction and no confidence to use the ball when we have it.

I believe the fans would be a lot more patient if they had witnessed an improvement in the quality of football on offer.

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I'm in my fifties and started attending regularly in 1968, not the best time to start supporting Rangers! apart from the odd cup win we had to wait until 1975 (Easter road) to know what winning a Championship felt like. I therefore feel I have earned the right to my opinion, I also played at a decent level and have to say I had my suspicions about the present management and coaching staff after a dozen games last season, Yes that's right we were well clear at the top of the league and I'm watching it and thinking this is awful! and as soon as the rest of the league realised it we started to slide. It's not my fault or any other supporters with the same opinion that the team is a rudderless ship, the blame for that and the increasing divide in the support, I'm sorry if this upsets people on here but we have the most clueless bunch since Davie White running Rangers and if you think loyalty to mugs is being a good supporter please think again.

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I suppose it's at least progress for you to be complaining about "winging" as opposed to "loyalty" for a change! The only bottle you need to "support and not whinge" this season has an extremely high alcohol level!

Its the same thing - loyal supporter have some undestanding of the tasks at hand and don't continually moan about our failings but support the management to get the issues solved! I also note that with the amout of whinging you have done this season you are probably an alcoholic by now! :pipe:

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BP9 I would almost agree with you, yep I said almost.

What you describe is accurate to a point. We have been forced to endure an illegal xfer embargo. This has led to us playing youngsters who need time to develop as players. We also have, as u state, a pretty loyal but impatient support.

My problem and that of many supporters is that we have not improved one iota since last August. Many of our players look as if they have never met each other before. They look unfit Faure & Kyle are two who stand-out in that regard with even the young players not far behind. Then there is the manner of the football --- hump, hump chase, chase with no direction and no confidence to use the ball when we have it.

I believe the fans would be a lot more patient if they had witnessed an improvement in the quality of football on offer.

Careful on that agreement stuff - would hate it to catch on :pipe:

Yesderday showed how fragile our squad is - we cant even fill the bench so Ally is working with constraints never experienced by a Rangers manager before - and we are a support that are used to quality throughout a big squad but it will take time to get back to that (including some transfer windows to move players out and in)

While I can agree that quality has been poor the last few games I can also see why - we just dont have any depth to the squad at all and its at this time of the season that suspensions and injuries reallly take there toll (its why ALL mamanger say you need a good squad, with depth, to really compete over a whole season).

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I'm in my fifties and started attending regularly in 1968, not the best time to start supporting Rangers! apart from the odd cup win we had to wait until 1975 (Easter road) to know what winning a Championship felt like. I therefore feel I have earned the right to my opinion, I also played at a decent level and have to say I had my suspicions about the present management and coaching staff after a dozen games last season, Yes that's right we were well clear at the top of the league and I'm watching it and thinking this is awful! and as soon as the rest of the league realised it we started to slide. It's not my fault or any other supporters with the same opinion that the team is a rudderless ship, the blame for that and the increasing divide in the support, I'm sorry if this upsets people on here but we have the most clueless bunch since Davie White running Rangers and if you think loyalty to mugs is being a good supporter please think again.

Davie White was not as bad as people make out.

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Followed on since 1953 and been through all the good and bad.i never thought the team would be playing Barcelona type football this season or anything like it.my problem is with the " givens" ,lack of fitness,poor attitude,no organisation,no proof any work being done on set plays throw ins etc.yes we have had poor players and teams in the past .but rangers always had a work ethos at the club which helped us through and that is definitely missing just now

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Careful on that agreement stuff - would hate it to catch on pipeb.gif

Yesderday showed how fragile our squad is - we cant even fill the bench so Ally is working with constraints never experienced by a Rangers manager before - and we are a support that are used to quality throughout a big squad but it will take time to get back to that (including some transfer windows to move players out and in)

While I can agree that quality has been poor the last few games I can also see why - we just dont have any depth to the squad at all and its at this time of the season that suspensions and injuries reallly take there toll (its why ALL mamanger say you need a good squad, with depth, to really compete over a whole season).

Shouldn't allow our Players to Play Midweek Games for Scotland under 21's thwen .

McKay was hanging out his Arse yesterday.

Apparently he was a Hero during the Week. What a shambles we are as a Club.

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Followed on since 1953 and been through all the good and bad.i never thought the team would be playing Barcelona type football this season or anything like it.my problem is with the " givens" ,lack of fitness,poor attitude,no organisation,no proof any work being done on set plays throw ins etc.yes we have had poor players and teams in the past .but rangers always had a work ethos at the club which helped us through and that is definitely missing just now

Spot on ,saw it Yesterday when Hutton lost the Ball .

All he done was threw his Arms up in the Air ,instead of Getting his Head down and Working Back in to the Game .He wasn't the Only one though.

Think our Young Team need to hit the Weight Room.

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Excellent post Andy.

I would like to ask those experts out there? How long does it take to turn a normal business around? Then have a think how long it takes a football club that is restricted in its market and subject to illegal embargo that also restricted our ability to properly trade?

To all you business and football gurus please offer your words of wisdom and genius to Charles, Ally and Walter coz i am sure they will appreciate.

In the meantime i will continue to stick my chest out and stand tall as a bear and hurt like fuck when days like yesterday happen.

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Shouldn't allow our Players to Play Midweek Games for Scotland under 21's thwen .

McKay was hanging out his Arse yesterday.

Apparently he was a Hero during the Week. What a shambles we are as a Club.

a shambles for 'letting' players play for Thier national team!!! we have no choice ! perhaps the club should have refuse little permission to be part of the NI squad - there is some shit spouted against the management but blaming them for the players going on international duty and saying the club is a shambles for it is a new low!!!

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The problem isn't with the support per se.. but the team and management. Sure.. there are Bears amongst us that will not stand up and be counted.. but I hope that's very few. I for one will never change or give up my support of The Rangers.. No matter what. Might not be pleasant at this time... but if you support your team, it's not just throughout the good years. (tu)

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