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We Suck: Are You Helping or Making It Worse?

Guest Andypendek

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well said Andy!! we need to realize were we are.... but the problem is we are Rangers supporters and BORN WINNERS!!! Thats why we understand the critism

Totally mate, and a fair majority of it is well warranted.

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Its the same thing - loyal supporter have some undestanding of the tasks at hand and don't continually moan about our failings but support the management to get the issues solved! I also note that with the amout of whinging you have done this season you are probably an alcoholic by now! :pipe:

Lol! You are truly deluded....it's only loyal supporters who support the management and have faith in them to get it right? Did you support Paul le guen? Did you have faith he would get it right?

Not really a big drinker to be honest which is lucky because the performances this season and the complete unwillingness of some fans to accept our failing would drive you to drink!

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Careful on that agreement stuff - would hate it to catch on :pipe:

Yesderday showed how fragile our squad is - we cant even fill the bench so Ally is working with constraints never experienced by a Rangers manager before - and we are a support that are used to quality throughout a big squad but it will take time to get back to that (including some transfer windows to move players out and in)

While I can agree that quality has been poor the last few games I can also see why - we just dont have any depth to the squad at all and its at this time of the season that suspensions and injuries reallly take there toll (its why ALL mamanger say you need a good squad, with depth, to really compete over a whole season).

Tell me how deep is the Stirling Albion squad? They were missing their two best players yesterday and brought on a schoolboy in the second half...no more fucking excuses the litelary embarrass our club at its fans!

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Great OP.

Too many wee greetin' faced lassies in our support these days.

Stand up and be counted or get the fuck out.

And how should we stand up and be counted? It's pretty evident we have shown support and loyalty all season yet have received nothing in return....get the chip off your shoulder and have a look at what is really happening (or not happening).

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Excellent post Andy.

I would like to ask those experts out there? How long does it take to turn a normal business around? Then have a think how long it takes a football club that is restricted in its market and subject to illegal embargo that also restricted our ability to properly trade?

To all you business and football gurus please offer your words of wisdom and genius to Charles, Ally and Walter coz i am sure they will appreciate.

In the meantime i will continue to stick my chest out and stand tall as a bear and hurt like fuck when days like yesterday happen.

Honestly some if you are unreal....please read your last paragraph again....who are you trying to impress? Do you think those if us who go to the games but aren't happy with how things are going are any less of a fan than you?

In normal circumstances you would be right but we had nearly a month to add to our squad in a league where every club has to rebuild every season, where they don't get full pre seasons, where they only get to train a maximum of twice a week (after work) and where there entire wage bill per week will be less than fran Sandaza is getting sitting on his arse on his suspension so sorry the excuses are getting boring and they don't wash in terms of where we are! We have had 8 months to work with the team and to implement a style of play that approx 160 training days to Stirlingshires 64....something's not right there!

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Scarkev not trying to impress just saying how i feel.

I am however trying to say change does not happen overnight especially since we had 20 odd squad members gone in a short space of time.

It is the easiest thing in the world to criticise much more difficult to be constructive...

Edit i do understand the point regarding training we dont look any fitter than these teams there is an issue there.

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When we beat Motherwell in the league Cup I am sure everyone of us was giving it "whose the Daddy", at the time we didnt know it but this was the highlight of our year, we welcomed a team that at the time was sitting top off the spl and we beat them fair and square. These are the same players that won that night, I know that with a few additions and a league medal they will do it again in

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I don't think there should be any more booing. We can make our frustrations known and felt here. I have more than a fair impression that ally and maybe many other read these forums. It's too much of a coincidence that often something will be said, only for Ally to repeat it a few hours later.

We know some of our team are a bunch of profiteers and no-hopers, but listen to what Ally is saying. We are stuck with what we have and he is literally struggling to put a team together each week to even play.

We knew this was going to happen. Moreover we are watching SPL3 football being played by largely SPL3 level players. No one said it was ever going to be entertaining. Nonetheless strategically Ally has done exactly what was required, he put a team together that was good enough to comfortably win this league by a margin.

But the reality is we are going to have to slog it out until September. We all said months ago we were ready for the long haul. Well here it is. If we were ready for it then why should it come as a surprise?

And don't forget there could be more of it too. With league reconstruction we could end up right back down at the bottom of the slippery slope next season having to do it all again. Are you guys ready for that. Do you have the guts? Do you have the balls? Because that's exactly what is likely to happen.

Things will get better in September. But we are embarrassing ourselves by booing. We are embarrassing ourselves because it only makes the players play worse, which results in even more humiliating results for us. Meanwhile our enemies are loving our humiliation. Do you really want to give them the satisfaction?

Some of our players are definitely over-paid for the league we're in and for the performances they have put in. But I think Ally knows how fans feel about this. I think he knows plenty about this. The decisions that were made early were due to not really knowing where we stood. He can change that in the future.

One thing I would like to see is to see Ally stay with us on our journey all the way back to the top, More than anything it was him who saved Rangers and I think this is the least that we owe him.

No more booing please!

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Scarkev not trying to impress just saying how i feel.

I am however trying to say change does not happen overnight especially since we had 20 odd squad members gone in a short space of time.

It is the easiest thing in the world to criticise much more difficult to be constructive...

Edit i do understand the point regarding training we dont look any fitter than these teams there is an issue there.

Constructive critisim is different to critising for just the sake of it....I'd say the majority who criticise do so out of passion for the club and a will to see is be the best we can be....yes you get a few who only see negative but I and others tends to give reasons why we feel angered/frustrated by this season....too often excuses are used to justify our performances but the reality is when you want/need to you can find an excuse....we should never (especially at this level) need to go down that route....critisim is part and parcel of football....players love getting praise so they need to be able to take the flak and most importantly respond to it....we have failed in this area this season!

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Constructive critisim is different to critising for just the sake of it....I'd say the majority who criticise do so out of passion for the club and a will to see is be the best we can be....yes you get a few who only see negative but I and others tends to give reasons why we feel angered/frustrated by this season....too often excuses are used to justify our performances but the reality is when you want/need to you can find an excuse....we should never (especially at this level) need to go down that route....critisim is part and parcel of football....players love getting praise so they need to be able to take the flak and most importantly respond to it....we have failed in this area this season!

Fair dos S, some people just like right good moan.

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Lol! You are truly deluded....it's only loyal supporters who support the management and have faith in them to get it right? Did you support Paul le guen? Did you have faith he would get it right?

Not really a big drinker to be honest which is lucky because the performances this season and the complete unwillingness of some fans to accept our failing would drive you to drink!

lighten up - perhaps you need to go take a drink - you have been on the managers back for months now and show no appreciation for what he has done and is doing - in fact you show a complete disregard for what the club has gone through and no sense that you understand the task in hand but you post vociferously on here about failings as though post count alone will sway people to your way of thinking. What is worse you try to say that defending the manager is in someway disloyal to the club when in fact it's the opposite - supporting the manager and the squad during a difficult period of rebuilding shows that we are in it together and appreciate the job the manager is trying to do.

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Tell me how deep is the Stirling Albion squad? They were missing their two best players yesterday and brought on a schoolboy in the second half...no more fucking excuses the litelary embarrass our club at its fans!

stop whinging like wean and man up and support the manager team and club.

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lighten up - perhaps you need to go take a drink - you have been on the managers back for months now and show no appreciation for what he has done and is doing - in fact you show a complete disregard for what the club has gone through and no sense that you understand the task in hand but you post vociferously on here about failings as though post count alone will sway people to your way of thinking. What is worse you try to say that defending the manager is in someway disloyal to the club when in fact it's the opposite - supporting the manager and the squad during a difficult period of rebuilding shows that we are in it together and appreciate the job the manager is trying to do.

You really do just interpret people's posts to suit your own philosophy don't you? At no stage have I questioned anyone's loyalty....and all I have ever said in the matter is that loyalty as it is should be with the club not the manager! You seem to think I have some agenda against ally which is completely untrue yet any critisim you take as an attack on the man which is either childish or quite sad, you can decide which....

Anyway I notice you conveniently failed to answer my question in relation to your laughable previous post where you said only loyal fans support the manager and trust him fully to get it right....so did you fully support le guen? Did you believe he would get it right? You have already stated recently you wouldn't support craig levein to be manager so what is it? Is it loyalty to the rangers manager or is it purely to ally?

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lighten up - perhaps you need to go take a drink - you have been on the managers back for months now and show no appreciation for what he has done and is doing - in fact you show a complete disregard for what the club has gone through and no sense that you understand the task in hand but you post vociferously on here about failings as though post count alone will sway people to your way of thinking. What is worse you try to say that defending the manager is in someway disloyal to the club when in fact it's the opposite - supporting the manager and the squad during a difficult period of rebuilding shows that we are in it together and appreciate the job the manager is trying to do.

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You really do just interpret people's posts to suit your own philosophy don't you? At no stage have I questioned anyone's loyalty....and all I have ever said in the matter is that loyalty as it is should be with the club not the manager! You seem to think I have some agenda against ally which is completely untrue yet any critisim you take as an attack on the man which is either childish or quite sad, you can decide which....

Anyway I notice you conveniently failed to answer my question in relation to your laughable previous post where you said only loyal fans support the manager and trust him fully to get it right....so did you fully support le guen? Did you believe he would get it right? You have already stated recently you wouldn't support craig levein to be manager so what is it? Is it loyalty to the rangers manager or is it purely to ally?

loyalty to ally is loyalty to rangers as he is the best man for the job. you keep saying you have no agenda against ally but 90% of your posts are having some sort of dig at him - that's why it's so easy for me to form the opinion you are against him - your posts give you away

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wel said and shouting helps get your very correct points across well :pipe:

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loyalty to ally is loyalty to rangers as he is the best man for the job. you keep saying you have no agenda against ally but 90% of your posts are having some sort of dig at him - that's why it's so easy for me to form the opinion you are against him - your posts give you away

Again you didn't answer the question? Ally is the best man for the job you say....I wish he was but what evidence do you have to support that view? What evidence us there that ally is or will be a successful manager?

Is 90% a calculated quess or are you once again trying to create this fallacy that I and others are against ally....if you actually look at the majority of my posts instead of making assumptions to suit your chip that presides on your shoulder you would see that any "critisim" I do make us always constructive!

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Having the misfortune to have been born in the same year as an unmentionable League Cup final defeat, I've seen a few bad times over the years but I followed on through the tarriers 9 in a row, and during the lean years of John Greig's management and Big Jock's second coming. I didn't turn my back then and although I'm not ecstatic with the way things are going now, i'm not for turning my back on the Rangers now.

Apart from anything else I'm the fifth generation of my family to support the club we've always had on our doorstep and I'm not going to be the one to give it up.

could do with somebody like big jock now. there would be no slackers or lame excuses in fact they wouldn`t have the energy to tweet when they went home.
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Again you didn't answer the question? Ally is the best man for the job you say....I wish he was but what evidence do you have to support that view? What evidence us there that ally is or will be a successful manager?

Is 90% a calculated quess or are you once again trying to create this fallacy that I and others are against ally....if you actually look at the majority of my posts instead of making assumptions to suit your chip that presides on your shoulder you would see that any "critisim" I do make us always constructive!

you deliberately ignore all answers on why ally is correct for the job and bury them under deflection or feeble ridicule and I know you have read my posts in that subject previously but choose to ignore their validity as they fly in the face of your opposition to ally . your critisism of him is well short of constructive and no amount of volume makes up for that !

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you deliberately ignore all answers on why ally is correct for the job and bury them under deflection or feeble ridicule and I know you have read my posts in that subject previously but choose to ignore their validity as they fly in the face of your opposition to ally . your critisism of him is well short of constructive and no amount of volume makes up for that !

You really are boring me know and you continue to contradict yourself.....do you have an answer for me yet re le guen? If you maybe for a second stopped and realised the majority of posters are very much pro ally the legend but are critical of his attributes as a manager! Doesn't make him any less a legend but you think what you want mate....

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