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Bears with Cancer


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Could admin please move if they think this should be in other section.Thanks in advance.

I've noticed lately that a few Bears have been saying in RM threads that they or someone close to them are having a battle with cancer,such as Sandy Jardine is going through.

Now there are all different types of cancer with different treatments and outcomes,but the one thing they have in common is that they cause worry,fear and uncertainty to the person concerned and their family.

I personally have been battling a very deadly cancer for the past 3.5 years,but with great help and encouragement from my familly,friends and some RM members, plus a dedicated surgeon who performed three operations on me I now have been given the all clear to the point where my doctor is 99% positive I have beaten this disease that is all too common these days.

His original diagnosis was that unless I got operated on within 3 months I would have about 6-9 months to live, so for the next 3 months I exercised for 4 hours every day and lost 26 kilo of weight so that by the time I was ready for my operation I was as fit as possible in preparation for the battle ahead.

So to all the Bears and Bearettes who have this disease,or have family with it, never give up and fight it,just as Sandy is doing right now.

No surrender and thanks for all the encouragement I was given.

Ozblue. :pipe:

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The big C took my wee granny, I think we will all have contact with this horrible monster in way or another.

My wife is a cancer treatment nurse in the Beatson, Glasgow, I keep telling her that she is a gem for the time and effort she and others put in without them we would all be fked.

Good luck to you and everyone who has the unfortunate pleasure of meeting this killer, regardless of what colour, religion and nationally they are.

As you said support is appreciated and so are your comments.

Good luck.

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Very positive post OZ, and excellent new from your Dr. Always remember there is someone worse than you, struggling and needing encouragement. Highs and lows, just like the footie (lol) Best advice "Live each day as if it's your last" No surrender!

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I personally have been battling a very deadly cancer for the past 3.5 years,but with great help and encouragement from my familly,friends and some RM members, plus a dedicated surgeon who performed three operations on me I now have been given the all clear to the point where my doctor is 99% positive I have beaten this disease that is all too common these days.

Ozblue. :pipe:

Good news

enjoy yourself (tu) (tu)

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No surrender mate. Brilliant news that you've beat it. Horrible, horrible disease.

It is indeed a horrible disease,Jodz, and one that is getting more prevalent in this day and age.I was lucky that it was discovered early which gave me a fighting chance to beat it because my surgeon told me it was the deadliest strain possible.I had prostate cancer and I urge ALL Bears to get it checked if they are 30+ years of age.it just might save your life.

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Big Rangers family, Gillanders in the highlands.

My boss is one, 6 weeks ago another was out golfing playing bowls etc.

77 super fit..

Went for a check up and was told he only has a few weeks left to go.

Shitty horrible thing

It gives you quite a shock when your specialist tells you that you have potentially only a few months to live unless you fight it,

It's then you have to be positive about it and not feel sorry for yourself,role up your sleeves and battle it all the way with everything you have.

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It gives you quite a shock when your specialist tells you that you have potentially only a few months to live unless you fight it,

It's then you have to be positive about it and not feel sorry for yourself,role up your sleeves and battle it all the way with everything you have.

He had a tiny tumour in the bowel 2 years ago, got all clear.

When he went back it had got into pancreas, liver, lungs.

I seen people go down and back up with it before

Never seen someone so fit get so ill so quickly.

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He had a tiny tumour in the bowel 2 years ago, got all clear.

When he went back it had got into pancreas, liver, lungs.

I seen people go down and back up with it before

Never seen someone so fit get so ill so quickly.

Depending on what strain you have depends on how quickly it bites. My strain was small but deadly and that's why I was told I had no time to fuck around.When you are diagnosed with it there is only two ways you can face it...Fight it or die.

I wasn't too keen on the second option :pipe:

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Great news you have beat it OZ , unfortunately my uncle had it , he beat the cancer but the treatment damaged his lungs , passed away 9months ago :(

Yes mate! the treatment sometimes is worse than the fucking disease. My condolencies to you and your uncle's family :(

It's ok being up for the fight, but you have to have a bit of luck on your side also.

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great story mate, well done!

to dedicate yourself to 4hours of exercise a day is some effort, it was life or death for you! all the best !!!!

Well I was almost 62 yrs old at that time and it was a struggle at times due to previous bad injuries I had,but it was something I had to do.exercising everyday in 40+ degrees of heat at my age fairly sweats the piss outa you :lol:

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Yes mate! the treatment sometimes is worse than the fucking disease. My condolencies to you and your uncle's family :(

It's ok being up for the fight, but you have to have a bit of luck on your side also.

cheers mate , and all the best to you and hope the luck stays with you aswell (tu)
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Great to hear you've got the all clear Oz!

Thanks mate!. and to all the other guys who have commented on this thread.I seriously urge ALL bears of 30 yrs and over to go and get checked for prostate cancer,as it could just save your life and your family and friends a lot of heartache and sadness.

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Could admin please move if they think this should be in other section.Thanks in advance.

I've noticed lately that a few Bears have been saying in RM threads that they or someone close to them are having a battle with cancer,such as Sandy Jardine is going through.

Now there are all different types of cancer with different treatments and outcomes,but the one thing they have in common is that they cause worry,fear and uncertainty to the person concerned and their family.

I personally have been battling a very deadly cancer for the past 3.5 years,but with great help and encouragement from my familly,friends and some RM members, plus a dedicated surgeon who performed three operations on me I now have been given the all clear to the point where my doctor is 99% positive I have beaten this disease that is all too common these days.

His original diagnosis was that unless I got operated on within 3 months I would have about 6-9 months to live, so for the next 3 months I exercised for 4 hours every day and lost 26 kilo of weight so that by the time I was ready for my operation I was as fit as possible in preparation for the battle ahead.

So to all the Bears and Bearettes who have this disease,or have family with it, never give up and fight it,just as Sandy is doing right now.

No surrender and thanks for all the encouragement I was given.

Ozblue. :pipe:

Nice thread oz. Thrilled you are fighting fit anf on the mend. No surrender brother.

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It is indeed a horrible disease,Jodz, and one that is getting more prevalent in this day and age.I was lucky that it was discovered early which gave me a fighting chance to beat it because my surgeon told me it was the deadliest strain possible.I had prostate cancer and I urge ALL Bears to get it checked if they are 30+ years of age.it just might save your life.

Hope you have many good years in front of you Oz... in one word.. .INSPIRATIONAL!!!!!

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My granda died last august and my other gran is dying with it. Prob a few weeks to go. Its an absolute bastard of a disease, one day it wont kill but it prob wont be our lifetime

Probably not mate! unfortunately.

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