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Tom English obsesses over Charles Green in the Hootsman


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All Bears should read this article, just to know what we are up against

Tom 'Irish' English Scotches any shred of suggestion that he may be an impartial commentator on events

In the annals of bitter articles, that 'piece' may rank higher than any - nothing less than an all out attack on Rangers

He will probably 'balance' this one up somewhat in the coming days as he tends to do, don't fall for it this time I urge you all

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English is a bitter Irish Republican Scumbag, Whose country chose to harbour Nazi`s and paedophile priests. and yet he has the temerity to spout about a comment made from a friend to a friend. Bin this philth he`s not worth it.

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The thoughts of a bitter bigot should not be reposted here. Silence him by ignoring him. The Hootsmon is in terminal decline lets aid the process by ignoring its attention seeking bigots and their play to the gallery of the perma oppressed.

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I noticed when he was on TV the other night he justified his views as being impartial as he grew up outside of Scotland in Ireland, with no understanding of the whole Rangers/c****c thing. I don't know where he grew up in Ireland, but does anybody believe that a lad growing up in either N. Ireland or the republic has no knowledge of the differences between these two clubs? If he had been from anywhere on mainland Europe it would have been an acceptable comment, but from Ireland who's he trying to kid. Then again maybe we'll see a new book soon "Tom English - The Boy in the Bubble".

agreed - "Tom English - Stranger in a Strange Land"
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English has had a hard-on for CG for a long time now - CG will not grant him an inetrview and it really pisses him off big time

Quote from English 'I would really love to sit down with CG and see what makes him tick". CG's reply = silence - ignored ya fanny!

English also interviewed and was taken in by Whyte remember = total tosser.

What really irks me about this latest outburst is, not the anti- Green agenda - but English assuming he is speaking on behalf of the Rangers fans - what a total sanctimonious prick!

Note for English: CG is our man - he may have made a few statements that are questionable but he is our man. He has stood up for our club in it's time of need when others, you included Mr English, were happy to mock and kick us and offer no respite. CG is our man until the Rangers fans & Rangers board decide otherwise and until then you can go and take a good royal fuck to yerself Mr English, or even better you can investigate and report the shambles that is the takeover/reconstruction of Scottish fitba by a greedy few - ya sanctimonious prick!

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English has had a hard-on for CG for a long time now - CG will not grant him an inetrview and it really pisses him off big time

Quote from English 'I would really love to sit down with CG and see what makes him tick". CG's reply = silence - ignored ya fanny!

English also interviewed and was taken in by Whyte remember = total tosser.

What really irks me about this latest outburst is, not the anti- Green agenda - but English assuming he is speaking on behalf of the Rangers fans - what a total sanctimonious prick!

Note for English: CG is our man - he may have made a few statements that are questionable but he is our man. He has stood up for our club in it's time of need when others, you included Mr English, were happy to mock and kick us and offer no respite. CG is our man until the Rangers fans & Rangers board decide otherwise and until then you can go and take a good royal fuck to yerself Mr English, or even better you can investigate and report the shambles that is the takeover/reconstruction of Scottish fitba by a greedy few - ya sanctimonious prick!

In the same manner as CG... Dummiesoot likes this post.

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Meanwhile over in the East. Dunfermline Athletic FC file for administration.

Dundee United FC are being run by their bankers.

Heart of Midlothian FC are between a rock and a hard place.

Tom English is curiously reticent to put his self-opinionated slant on any of this but continues to rail against all things Rangers related

For many a year I wandered through the corridors at North Bridge when The Scotsman was the finest newspaper produced in Britain. Its editorial, production and advertising people were dispatched to all corners of TRN to stengthen their output. This Johnstone News Group rhag is no longer fit to wear the masthead of its forebears. It is now Scotlands equivalent of the Kirki Herald and its circulation will soon be similar.

CG must be shitting himself every time Tom requests an interview though!!!

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How bad are the scotsman/scotland on sunday when this is one of their top scribes and how bad are the visual media in this country when he is one of the 'experts' they usually impose upon the paying public to spew his totally out of touch and factually ignorant views ? :sherlock:

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Is Tom English actually Christchurch Rangers? If you're reading this post Christchurch I'm referring to the opening line. You'll know what I mean. ;)

oh haha yeah i just seen this thread now

how dare he try and out-hubris me :thumbup:

im gonna sue English for Plagiarism :7325:

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