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Charles Green?

Queens 11

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Over the past few weeks with the uncovering of the CW story there was a noticeable drop in popularity for Charlie. It appeared (to me at least) that plenty of anti-Green feeling was stirring amongst our support and that many had lost trust in our CEO. However, since the reconstruction vote went in our favour, it looks to me as if some of that feeling has faded.

I myself am undecided on Green though if I had to go either way I'd probably say I'm still on his side. I find it baffling that the "Green Out" cries were so prominent after very little proof of him doing anything wrong. The stadium renaming rights can be a touchy subject for some, although I fail to see how this alone can prompt some to call for his departure. Sure he can be a bit outspoken at times, maybe too much so, but in all honesty I can't see any real reasons for him to go.

With the above being said, I still don't trust him 100%. I will find it hard to trust anyone after what happened to the club last year. Until he does something that in my eyes endangers the clubs reputation or financial position I will give him my backing. What I want to know though, is your views on Charles Green? It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag at the moment and it would be interesting to hear everyone's opinion!

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I think you will find that instead of Charles Green being less popular, its just the case that the people who have been against him from the start have been much more vocal in the last month or so.

Make no bones about it though, even if this investigation comes up empty handed, it wont stop and they will continue to stir things up surrounding the man. Fuck, even if it was discovered he was a long lost relative of Moses Mcneil they'd still be on his case.

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I think you will find that instead of Charles Green being less popular, its just the case that the people who have been against him from the start have been much more vocal in the last month or so.

Make no bones about it though, even if this investigation comes up empty handed, it wont stop and they will continue to stir things up surrounding the man. Fuck, even if it was discovered he was a long lost relative of Moses Mcneil they'd still be on his case.

I see what you mean. I just think don't think it's wise to jump on his back at this point, with little to no evidence. Why on earth are people trusting that weasel Whyte now after all the lies he has told before? Silly IMO. If it is proven then we have another story.

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I see what you mean. I just think don't think it's wise to jump on his back at this point, with little to no evidence. Why on earth are people trusting that weasel Whyte now after all the lies he has told before? Silly IMO. If it is proven then we have another story.

After 12 months of chanting about "innocent until proven guilty" no less. Double standards, it seems, are not limited to other teams and their supports.

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After 12 months of chanting about "innocent until proven guilty" no less. Double standards, it seems, are not limited to other teams and their supports.

A point conveniently forgotten amongst sections in our support. The ones waiting, hoping, praying for any slightly discrepancy to appear in the rhags.... So they could vent their 'I told you so' pish.

Unfounded allegations from a man with a crown office investigation ongoing against him, a man who was complicit in bringing our great club to it's knees, a man who is a fraudster and con man... Telling his fables in the very rhags that have been been part of the kick them when they're down mob.......

Aye, very Fkn good.

I'm not saying Charles Green is not full of bluster some times. But he stepped up and talked the talk, and until such times as he is proven of wrongdoing, he will have my 100% backing.

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I back Charles Green. He has not yet done anything in his business dealing which has caused the club problems, quite the reverse.

As to his 'racist' remark I challenge people to tell me that when they want to buy Chinese food they have never said 'let's get a Chinky'.

When you say those words you are not being racist, you are describing food. It's the same with people. Some folks say or think words to describe races which are not in their minds racist but can be interpreted that way by those seeking to make trouble.

Until there is clear evidence of something illegal then the man deserves our backing. He is one of the ones who ensured we are playing football after all.

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Charlie has pissed off a lot of people in this backwater.People who have had it their own way since El Presidente Liewell took control so when a half story about Whyte(yes that upfront and honest businessman) and Green comes up they jump on it with the enthusiasm of Jimmy Saville at a Celtic boys club get together.

Whyte in my opinion was trying to deflect from his battle with Ticketus, which has since lost,by making up a whole load of shite about still owning the club and Green being his figurehead...Yes they knew each other but i firmly believe that Charlie lied to Whyte and shafted him for control of the club and although underhand it serves a charlaton like Whyte right.

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Cg has to be backed based on the way he has set up Rangers debt free and with a democratic membership of shares. Last year the so called Real Rangers Men were going to use ticketus to fund their takeover thus putting Rangers in debt and the support having to pay back the loans probably having to put up with a shoestring squad and having to accept every action laid against us. To keep Rangers stable we have to back him, he has done ok so far.

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Although I have made my feelings towards Green clear on this site, as a result of his comments. I remain 100% behind him for the moment; however I think he may not be at our club at the start of next season.

He is the money man, the city will back him on results and he has not done anything wrong money wise or promoting Rangers to make more money, I can only see one winner Charles Green

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I said on here months ago that they never give up....you are all well aware of that now! As a leading terrorist in my wee part of the world once said "They haven't gone away you know!" They pick on anything and everything and worry at it until they get what they want....they spread lies and rumours and deceptions.....and they are doing it to our club (not to mention our Britishness and our Religion).


Charlie bought us when no-one else would...we're still playing football...give the guy a chance!

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Charles Green has upset the 'apple cart' in the forms of the SFA and the SPL. He has pissed off the chairmen of many other clubs. Well done CG.

He has upset many in the media who are now after him with a vengeance. Well done CG.

He has upset the Liewell henchmen. Well done CG.

He appears, to be confirmed, to have stitched-up Whyte. Well done CG.

He has brought investors on board, had a successful IPO and has taken us one step towards being back on top. Well done CG.

He has the majority, but not all, Gers fans backing him. Well done CG.

He seems to have upset one or more on the Rangers board. This is the only mark against CG to date, well that and some of his grandiose claims. Is there a power struggle in the Ibrox board-room or are the grievances and claims genuine? I'm only a fan and really don't know - I'll wait and see what develops.

If you dont trust Green then ask yourself this -- do you rather trust people who had an opportunity pre-Green to invest heavily in the club but failed to do so. Did they sit back, allow Green to muck out the stable and now want to come in and ride the good horses in a new shit-free paddock???

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What i dont understand is why some people that questioning him is not the right thing? Last year when people were questioning Whyte in here they were labelled a Taig etc etc, and now the same thing is happening to those who question CG. Green has lied to the support and obviously people are unhappy about that. After last year, as a support we should be forever vigilant. I for one hope this investigation comes up with nothing and we can move on, but i will make my decisions on that report and not the mhedia, and also not the ones in here who think to question CG is anti-Rangers. Decisions should be made on facts, and lets face it we do not know them.

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What i dont understand is why some people that questioning him is not the right thing? Last year when people were questioning Whyte in here they were labelled a Taig etc etc, and now the same thing is happening to those who question CG. Green has lied to the support and obviously people are unhappy about that. After last year, as a support we should be forever vigilant. I for one hope this investigation comes up with nothing and we can move on, but i will make my decisions on that report and not the mhedia, and also not the ones in here who think to question CG is anti-Rangers. Decisions should be made on facts, and lets face it we do not know them.

I see no issue with questioning him ' Trust but verify' being a decent motto - but there are those who very Quickly jumped on the bandwagon and Criticised him. I think he needs to be judged on his actions and deeds for Rangers I'm not judged on what craig Whyte is seating about him.

Four instance one thing that bothers me about Charles green is the fact that he says we will run the club with our player bill at only 33% of turnover but under financial beer please rules 60% seems to be the norm can we really build at champions league team on 33% - these are the things to judge him on - his deeds ( :pipe: ) and not rumours

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I think you will find that instead of Charles Green being less popular, its just the case that the people who have been against him from the start have been much more vocal in the last month or so.

Make no bones about it though, even if this investigation comes up empty handed, it wont stop and they will continue to stir things up surrounding the man. Fuck, even if it was discovered he was a long lost relative of Moses Mcneil they'd still be on his case.


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Charles Green has upset the 'apple cart' in the forms of the SFA and the SPL. He has pissed off the chairmen of many other clubs. Well done CG.

He has upset many in the media who are now after him with a vengeance. Well done CG.

He has upset the Liewell henchmen. Well done CG.

He appears, to be confirmed, to have stitched-up Whyte. Well done CG.

He has brought investors on board, had a successful IPO and has taken us one step towards being back on top. Well done CG.

He has the majority, but not all, Gers fans backing him. Well done CG.

He seems to have upset one or more on the Rangers board. This is the only mark against CG to date, well that and some of his grandiose claims. Is there a power struggle in the Ibrox board-room or are the grievances and claims genuine? I'm only a fan and really don't know - I'll wait and see what develops.

If you dont trust Green then ask yourself this -- do you rather trust people who had an opportunity pre-Green to invest heavily in the club but failed to do so. Did they sit back, allow Green to muck out the stable and now want to come in and ride the good horses in a new shit-free paddock???

I like to know that we have a man willing to stand up for the club, if we don't defend our selves then no-one else will. CG still gets my vote.

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You dont have to fully trust Charles to back him. Charles Green is a business man he will do everything he can to maximise his investment. Any problems we will have will be 2 years time when get back to the SPL and Charlie has to ease off on the purse strings.

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