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Surely im not alone in requesting/demanding a photie of our Maori Skinhead Bear!! This man could be our new offical Club Mascot. With a Flute an Drum based Hakka as our pre-match ritual.. Come on who's with me!?

i reckin he'd be up for it too

could be the ICF's new secret weapon of mass destruction

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the 80s were prime time. ..I agree with rab..we protected Bears in bother when liberties were taken. especially against the asc and ccs...oh I did have a burbery scarf but hated the coats. .

Wow... Proper nice.


What a heartwarming tale of cuddly Bears patrolling and keeping our streets safe and clean.

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Oops , looks like we have a smart arse :)

Christ puff, i can't help it if his maw is a fat ,ugly ,bald bassa.You should see his da!fuck sake!!!

No wonder the poor boy turned out to be a self harming serial masturbator. Still, it takes all sorts i suppose.

Never mind BMR, we at Rangers accept all walks of life into our family, even those unfortunate enough to be like you.

If you can leave yerself alone for 5 minutes, away downstairs and watch Spongebob and Squarepants.

No Surrender


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So easy to dismiss the things you wish to disassociate yourself from. ICF t shirts bolox, some on here have let innocent bears take a right fuckin doing in front of their very eyes and done fuck all, walked past and called them fuckin scum, nothing to do with Rangers, giving the club a bad name, I've experienced the shit being kicked out of me at Easter road, and tannadice , seeing so called bears walk past staring at something totally interesting on the other side of the street.

Had my knees whacked with the blunt side of a machete in osasuna, and been tear gassed in Turin .

I fought inside the de kuip from first to last whistle alongside my cousin, totally outnumbered by those who the police allowed to take liberties inside ibrox, only to be eventually saved by a handful of brave casuals, you know who you are, as we were about to hit the deck and surely kicked to death by feyenoord.

I have been part of a protective shield , formed by theICF around hundreds of terrified bears on the way to the parc de princes while hell opened up on the march to see us victorious against Paris st Germain. And been part of a handful of ICF lads who took a young family of bears under their wing in molde outside a pub.

I have never ducked a bear in bother, my old man taught me that as a wee boy, shame sonny shitters in our support didn't get taught the same.

The boys are still about, but they were never alone anyway, the entire rangers support is feared all over Europe cos we take no shit from anyone . I'm too old and could not do what I used to take as a given most weeks, but gladly would if a bear was in the shit. The outfit I wore, even down to boxers and socks, on that day at parkhead in 99 as the gers won the league and me and my cousin fought tarriers all the way back to the city centre, still hangs in my wardrobe to this day, all together.

All I know about our lot, first and foremost, and unlike other firms all over Britain , rangers came first before anything else. Sad that some on here pour their phoney disgrace on a part of our support that have stood to defend some who have turned and ran.

No Surrender


What a load of pish!

Try not being a fecking bam and folk might stop hitting you with machetes!

Can't stand this hooligan pish, does our club no favours at all.

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Obviously, people's personal experiences colour their opinions. Personally, I work in hospitals and there seems to be much less violence than when I started in the 80s

That's bollox, I went for an X-ray the other day and a consultant, a nurse and a doctor were all knocking fuck out of each other

I never seen that in the 80's

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What a load of pish!

Try not being a fecking bam and folk might stop hitting you with machetes!

Can't stand this hooligan pish, does our club no favours at all.

no another wan. Fuck sake. You dont have to be a casual to get hit with a fuckin machete by some fuckin crackpot.

Picture the scene, you are at the the chip shop away from the ground(as in you), 2 tarriers come up to you saying there going to fuckin do you, your back is against the wall, so even though you want to run you cant. Do you:

a) let the fuckers give you a leatherin and hope they stop, while you leave your arms by your side, cos you cant stand this hooligan pish cos it does the club no favours if you fight . or do you:

b)throw down yer bag of chips, and throw your hardest punch at one of the bastards and hope you connect so you buy yourself a second to try and hit the other one, if you are unlucky and go down and just pray ,like me ,or any other fuckin human being, that some bastard jumps in to help you out and stops you getting kicked to fuck.

If you chose a , you must have no pride at all, or no bollocks.If you chose b, then at least you did your best to defend yourself, a bit of honour. And before you say its not the same thing, it is exactly the same thing.

No Surrender


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