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Vanguard Bears - Statement / Article

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Baffles me that it was such a big shock to him, lol.

If you dont support a team for the football, why bother?

I suppose some are just more interested in following Rangers for the tribalism aspect and the opportunity they get to spout hatred. Are they real football fans? That's debatable.

Fortunately many of our our supporters follow us as a tradition and have kept their family ties to the club. That's why they come from far and wide not just because of the football. Lets face it there is probably a football ground nearer to you, so why not attend their games or did you adopt Rangers as a glory hunter. Respect costs nothing

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while I feel that I may drift OT here :pipe: I was thinking similar after the Glasgow Cup final - any supporter (of any team) who feels that they have to go to the football with a hoody and a scarf wrapped round there face so they can't be identified - it either better be -5C outside or I suspect you KNOW you are out to cause mischieve and are NOT a football fan - just a ned!

I disagree

what right have authorities to film ordinary people. There's lots of reasons why people object to this,

I remember one Scotland fan who appeared on the telly when we were on the march with Ally's Army.

sacked !.....he was on a sickie

I don't see why I should be filmed unless I give my consent

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Pedro, relax, you're getting yourself in a tizzy about an article and little website. Take a deep breathe, count to ten and hope those big bad VB's go away sometime soon. You're getting so uptight here, you're reverting to using strange words like hipocracac (tu)

As for the internet hardman rant - you've made my day :wanker:

24 hours on and poor Pedro is frothing at the gums, ranting at Rangers fans and calling everyone all sorts of bizarre names.

Keep up the obsession Pedro, you've got a thread on VB all of your own, where many a Bear are mocking you right now.

:lol: That is fuckin tragic. Bunch of gossiping old hens.

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Love being called a coward - on the anonomous Internet :lol:

Love being called a coward - by someone who is posting about me on a website I am not even allowed to join - let alone have a right of reply - very brave!

Are you aged 14?

He's like an Only an Excuse parody but without the humour. He makes me chuckle.

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You do realise most people went to church when this happened? Man United was set up by railway workers, does that mean that they should have more of a say now. I wonder how many of our support are regular church goers? Times change and, while we should celebrate and acknowledge this section of support it seems they (Not the OP but some of those defending him) want to keep the support in a time warp with no real room for differences of political or religios opinion. This is the very thing our enemies use to attack the club. Seeing political (EDC re: Arthur Numan Loyal RSC) or religious (Gibson Street Gala) motivation behind ridiculous decisions, with very little evidence, is not helping the fight against Rangers enemies.

We need to move forward, with a nod to our past, and take Rangers forward into the future purely as a football club with a glorious history. You may call me a handwringer but if you really want Rangers free of this shite then we need to leave them wallowing in it and pointing to their bigotry while giving them no grounds for them to counter.

I think the point has been lost. Respect of each others opinion as fans should have been the order of the day. Instead of insults flying IMO.

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What do you class as bigtory Eagle?

I said they could accuse us of it because the current political climate allows them too. Hatred of a religious group, rather than individuals within it, is bigotry. I believe there will be bigots in our support but, as a whole, our support is not bigoted and neither is the club itself.

What I'm trying to say is we need to fight smarter, if they use certain sticks to beat us with take them away. Leave them exposed to questioning and fight battles regarding Rangers on facts not assumptions that may be far from the truth. The fact we should always bring up is that they were founded on a principle of religious bigotry. Rangers were founded by lads who wanted to play football.

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Really, when i was 5 i knew the words of the Sash.

I was about 6 or 7

I remember an away game in Europe that was played probably in the morning.

The results were on the wireless around dinner time.

Crowds of Primary school weans marched up and down the streets after school singing the sash

There were mopes even back then

complaints from the public !

The heidie read the riot act

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I disagree

what right have authorities to film ordinary people. There's lots of reasons why people object to this,

I remember one Scotland fan who appeared on the telly when we were on the march with Ally's Army.

sacked !.....he was on a sickie

I don't see why I should be filmed unless I give my consent

By buying a ticket you do give consent (on club premises), its part of the contract entered into when you make a purchase.

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You do realise most people went to church when this happened? Man United was set up by railway workers, does that mean that they should have more of a say now. I wonder how many of our support are regular church goers? Times change and, while we should celebrate and acknowledge this section of support it seems they (Not the OP but some of those defending him) want to keep the support in a time warp with no real room for differences of political or religios opinion. This is the very thing our enemies use to attack the club. Seeing political (EDC re: Arthur Numan Loyal RSC) or religious (Gibson Street Gala) motivation behind ridiculous decisions, with very little evidence, is not helping the fight against Rangers enemies.

We need to move forward, with a nod to our past, and take Rangers forward into the future purely as a football club with a glorious history. You may call me a handwringer but if you really want Rangers free of this shite then we need to leave them wallowing in it and pointing to their bigotry while giving them no grounds for them to counter.

Nice theory. Do you honestly think that by taking the high moral road Rangers and its support will be free of its attackers? Remember the 'quiet dignity' days of SDM, and how far that got us. These people have shown us their 'sporting integrity' and couldn't give a hoot what names you call them. How exactly do you leave them wallowing in 'it', and point out to them that they are bigots while at the same time point out to them that they have no grounds to counter? They are immune to any normal standards, and what they don't know to be true they quite willingly manufacture and use as facts to attack us. Good luck in your campaign, in the meantime I'll stick with the VB and any other site willing to fight our corner.

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I was about 6 or 7

I remember an away game in Europe that was played probably in the morning.

The results were on the wireless around dinner time.

Crowds of Primary school weans marched up and down the streets after school singing the sash

There were mopes even back then

complaints from the public !

The heidie read the riot act

Love it. :7325:

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By buying a ticket you do give consent (on club premises), its part of the contract entered into when you make a purchase.

well I guess if you're doggin' work or the mrs. thinks you're at Ikea

you should wear a mask

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Nice theory. Do you honestly think that by taking the high moral road Rangers and its support will be free of its attackers? Remember the 'quiet dignity' days of SDM, and how far that got us. These people have shown us their 'sporting integrity' and couldn't give a hoot what names you call them. How exactly do you leave them wallowing in 'it', and point out to them that they are bigots while at the same time point out to them that they have no grounds to counter? They are immune to any normal standards, and what they don't know to be true they quite willingly manufacture and use as facts to attack us. Good luck in your campaign, in the meantime I'll stick with the VB and any other site willing to fight our corner.

I'm not talking about quiet dignity I'm talking about using irrefutable facts. Its not 'them' that need to see it it's those who are drawn along with them. Isolate them and highlight the 'facts' they manufacture. I dont think for a second we will be 'free' of our attackers, whichever route is taken. I just think we would get more support using genuine facts to dispute their manufactured 'facts'.

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I'm not talking about quiet dignity I'm talking about using irrefutable facts. Its not 'them' that need to see it it's those who are drawn along with them. Isolate them and highlight the 'facts' they manufacture. I dont think for a second we will be 'free' of our attackers, whichever route is taken. I just think we would get more support using genuine facts to dispute their manufactured 'facts'.

More support from whom, the mhedia, the SFA ? Honestly I don't think so. This is turning ugly. Remember how many boots went into the corpse last year? How do you reason with such foes?

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I'm amazed that people have the energy to debate this, it's an unwinable argument.

You got that right, bud. Let's all just forget about them and just get on with it. Until their next attack.

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Considering the name calling on this post I'm surprised you feel only one section is responsible. As I'm relatively new to the forum I read most posts and to be honest it amazes me that so many fans have joined us for only the football. I appreciate that we are all entitled to our opinion about the club moving forward, but, and there is a but, respect is a two way street and there was little respect shown to the OP or am I mistaken.

i never once said the name calling went one way.

I said in my first post ITT that you guys getting called bigots ect. Was very wrong.

That might have been missed

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More support from whom, the mhedia, the SFA ? Honestly I don't think so. This is turning ugly. Remember how many boots went into the corpse last year? How do you reason with such foes?

So how is what you are suggesting going to help? There is a perception across sections of the population that Rangers is a bigoted club. Start at local level (there are those in the media that are credible) and increase the noise and soon they cannot ignore us. Facts will always win, it just takes longer. Sweeping assumptions won't help win the day.

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