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Traynor Grills McCoist

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God that one line from McCoist at the end that when our enemies day of reckoning comes we handle our part with dignity and class as we have done past 140 years ... fuck right off you

Now I got that out my system - as I said in another thread - good interview.

Was delighted with the questions asked and how Traynor pressed them.

McCoist gave decent answers for most of them, but some shockers with others. That line I mentioned at the start of this post, the fact we didn't look unfit last season and that he's not convinced Little's best position is upfront.

On the whole I enjoyed it and was exactly what I was expecting.

When's the next one?

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The predictable over-analysis has begun.

At least this has some context unlike the 11 pages of "analysis" before the interview even aired!

I can understand those who feel ally skirted round some questions albeit I think the critisim of traynor (based on this) is harsh!

The fans asked for this and the club delivered! I'm disappointed there wasn't more asked on coaching and scouting moving forward but hopefully this is going to be a regular segment!

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God that one line from McCoist at the end that when our enemies day of reckoning comes we handle our part with dignity and class as we have done past 140 years ... fuck right off you

Now I got that out my system - as I said in another thread - good interview.

Was delighted with the questions asked and how Traynor pressed them.

McCoist gave decent answers for most of them, but some shockers with others. That line I mentioned at the start of this post, the fact we didn't look unfit last season and that he's not convinced Little's best position is upfront.

On the whole I enjoyed it and was exactly what I was expecting.

When's the next one?

What do you expect him to do? Come out and say he'll dance on their graves? Would you honestly want the Club making ridiculously outrageous statements condemning other teams to death, wishing it slow and painful? At what point in any period of Rangers Football Club's history has it ever acted in such a manner? I completely share your resentment and anger towards those who reflected just that attitude during the Club's downfall. The Club can stand tall when everything around it is burning to the ground. The fans can enjoy it. The Club standing tall sends a clear enough message.

That isn't to say that the Club shouldn't continue to fight back and release statements - e.g. BBC - in the future when people are slandering it.

The bit with Little made me cringe a bit but I can understand his viewpoint.

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What do you expect him to do? Come out and say he'll dance on their graves? Would you honestly want the Club making ridiculously outrageous statements condemning other teams to death, wishing it slow and painful? At what point in any period of Rangers Football Club's history has it ever acted in such a manner? I completely share your resentment and anger towards those who reflected just that attitude during the Club's downfall. The Club can stand tall when everything around it is burning to the ground. The fans can enjoy it. The Club standing tall sends a clear enough message.

That isn't to say that the Club shouldn't continue to fight back and release statements - e.g. BBC - in the future when people are slandering it.

The bit with Little made me cringe a bit but I can understand his viewpoint.

Nupe, I don't expect him to say we will dance on their graves - but to say we should still be there or thereabouts acting dignified etc towards them is a fucking joke.

He should have repeated that little phrase he coined this time last year to help sell season books "we won't forget who kicked us when we were down" ... that would have sufficed.

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Thought it was brilliant, You could see Ally was getting a bit excited when asnwering some of they questions just like we would be if we were getting asked them.

He spoke well. And thought Traynor was alright to.

I've never heard McCoist speak like that before.

Anyone who is moaning about anything in that video really just needs fuck off to a padded cell for a month and gie us awww piece.


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Nupe, I don't expect him to say we will dance on their graves - but to say we should still be there or thereabouts acting dignified etc towards them is a fucking joke.

He should have repeated that little phrase he coined this time last year to help sell season books "we won't forget who kicked us when we were down" ... that would have sufficed.

True, but you and me both knows Ally won't ever forget those who did. I'd like to think Mathers would follow suit but time will tell.

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I enjoyed it, he was asked the questions that we go on about on here, fitness, 2 strikers, signing defenders etc.

we might not agree with every answer, mines was when he said about little not being a striker -come on ally- but that's just down to individual opinion and I'd be happy with the club doing more of these.

I think a lot of fans will never forgive traynor and thats their right but at least he admitted he was wrong with the loosing history rubbish.

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He shouldn't be grilled by a fanny like Jim Traynor who worked for the rebel for years slagging Rangers every week. And now he has a cozy wee job at ibrox doing fuck all.

If any one is to be grilling the manager and CEO etc....... it should be us the fans.

I bet Jim Traynor doesn't ask any questions that the fans would want to ask him.

Well I'm glad you have now watched it! Perhaps in the future it would be best not to prejudge or make assumptions on someone or something until you have the facts!

It's not just you, and I'm not having a go but far too often posters on here jump to conclusions often based on Mis-information or with no info at all!

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I enjoyed it, he was asked the questions that we go on about on here, fitness, 2 strikers, signing defenders etc.

we might not agree with every answer but that's just down to individual opinion and I'd be happy with the club doing more of these.

I think a lot of fans will never forgive traynor and thats their right but at least he admitted he was wrong with the loosing history rubbish.

This is it, like it or loathe it, he was asked the questions we wanted asking.

That's why I said JT must be on here.

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Thanks to gioloyal.

Traynor does well there, good questions, important questions, the kind of questions most on here would ask in that position.

McCoist is on the defensive for a lot of it but you can understand that give the nature of the questions.

I took notes whilst I was watching and I'll write up the main things I took out of it:

Transfer In's and Out's

Still wants a centre back.

Says Boca and Goian were the biggest earners at the club and up until 48 hours ago he believed they were coming back. Not sure I buy the 2nd part of that sentence about him expecting to go into the season with Boca and Goian.

McCoist throws his toys out the pram a little bit when Traynor tells him "he certainly hasn't had a problem spending money so far."

The Size of the Squad

McCoist 'we need all these players' because everyone raises their game against us which means the games we play in are higher tempo which means we need a bigger squad. Not sure how much I go along with that. Sure teams raise their game against us but why does that mean we need a squad of 30 odds?

McCoist also makes the argument that Rangers fans deserve to watch the best team the club can afford to have to try and justify the money we're spending on this squad - and whilst I do agree with the logic behind that argument I'm not convinced this is the best squad we could have for the cost we're spending in terms of wages, etc.

On long term planning

"Rangers manager never in a position to long term plan." That sends a shiver down my spine. However he then (thankfully) contradicts this worrying quote later.

Says "I see us as a Porto, an Ajax, etc" in terms of buying young talent then selling them on. Says we cannot get 'best' youngsters right now because we're in Division 2. Cop out imo. There's a massive middle ground between getting the 'best youngsters' and signing 30 year olds. There's young talent in the SFL we could sign, develop and sell on and Nicky Clark is the perfect example of that. There will be young guys playing at Falkirk, Livingston, etc who would definitely fit the bill

Performance & Fitness

Fans criticism justified but he doesn't agree with everything said re: performance

"Far too simplistic to say" with our wagebill we should be comfortably beating teams - cites every game against us is a cup final again.

Disagrees that we looked unfit last season and that some of our opposition looked to have more energy than us at times last season - cites the lack of a pre season we had last year.

Says "The gulf between part time and full time is minimal in modern football". I didn't realise most part time teams have a £12million training facility on hand.

Changes at Murray Park

Talks up the new fitness guy

When asked why he rarely played 4-4-2 last season - says he didn't have 2 strikers last season (he had McCulloch, Kyle, Naismith, Little and Hemmings) and he isn't convinced Little's best position is striker.


Talks largely about results rather than style or any ethos. Wants to give the fans "the Rangers they're used to," which he views as Rangers winning things domestically and qualifying for CL. When promoted by Traynor says we need to entertain but again stresses results most important

Contradicating his earlier point about it being impossible for a Rangers manager to think long term (which is horseshit) says "the 5 year plan is to be back competing in CL."

Winning a cup

Says we're better placed to do so.

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Really enjoyed it. Thought Traynor asked the right questions and was forceful about them and McCoist handled it well. I don't necessarily agree with him about Little but it's Little's job to convince him.

And for people moaning about what McCoist said after the "day of reckoning" stuff - get a grip. The outrage that would occur if he said "we're going to enjoy every minute of it" would be massive so he handled it intelligently. People need to stop picking out words and phrases out of lengthy interviews to suit their agendas.

And good on Ally for bringing up Traynor saying the history would be lost, at least he apologised as well.

Although someone needs to give Ally a lemsip.

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Really enjoyed it. Thought Traynor asked the right questions and was forceful about them and McCoist handled it well. I don't necessarily agree with him about Little but it's Little's job to convince him.

And for people moaning about what McCoist said after the "day of reckoning" stuff - get a grip. The outrage that would occur if he said "we're going to enjoy every minute of it" would be massive so he handled it intelligently. People need to stop picking out words and phrases out of lengthy interviews to suit their agendas.

And good on Ally for bringing up Traynor saying the history would be lost, at least he apologised as well.

Although someone needs to give Ally a lemsip.

This is the point though mate, who gives a fuck about the outrage caused by Ally responding another way?

We're damn well entitled to it.

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