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Rangers Standard - Book Extract


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Not sure about the retrospective bit at the end there. People could/should have seen it coming.

At the end of the day fans have very little input into the running of the club. We have to hope the men in charge are doing a decent job. While people may have been expecting the need for us to downsize considerably, and we were dropping our debt year on year, the speed at which everything fell apart was shocking for all surely. Pretty good read though.

Now we wait, for you know who... ;)

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This should be a fun thread :D

I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

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I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

Fuck knows mate I enjoy reading chris's stuff and frankies. I have no issue with them. Some do however

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I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

It's the way he parts his hair. Really riles some...

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I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

you could say it's something bigger :P

So big it could fit an entire ship full of jaffa cakes in it.

Mainly it's their faces that annoy me :P

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Fuck knows mate I enjoy reading chris's stuff and frankies. I have no issue with them. Some do however

I read a thread last week on here about the book & 'author fees' etc...it seemed very petty and fixated on exact words/wording but I'm new here, so I assume there is history or a reason I'm unaware of.

Does anyone know if the book will be for sale in the Ibrox Megastore?

I'm popping up ther sometime next week before I go on holiday and it would save me ordering it online.

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you could say it's something bigger :P

So big it could fit an entire ship full of jaffa cakes in it.

Mainly it's their faces that annoy me :P

So it's Dingwall/RST/FF again.....?

As most ppl on here don't seem to like Dingwall/RST/FF too much I assume that they are thought to be 'too friendly' with them or involved in some sort of deal?

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I hope this book sells well because the authors profit is going to the Rangers charity, but I just cannot understand why it has been written so soon.

Even my memory is good enough to remember all the shite we had to endure last year, and to read a book about it so soon afterwards seems like a kind of torture.

Sorry for being negative, but it has been my position since I first heard about it. I appreciate I will be in the minority with this view and have no doubt it will be a success, and it will have taken a huge amount of work to produce.

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I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

Christopher brands the truth "absolute nonsense" simply because it makes his argument look weak. With his aura of self importance, Christopher expects his word to be accepted as gospel because he has a source within the club, even though that source is only going to give Christopher titbits to further said source's agenda.

Christopher slaughters a Rangers director yet won't provide anything to back up what he says, yet thinks a blog highlighting Jim Traynor's lack of presence at Ibrox as "too harsh". Christopher's website has become very similar to his Pal's swamp with only allowing party line pieces published. If the message is not what some want to hear, it is quashed, even if it is correct.

Christopher regularly belittles fellow Rangers fans and mocks their mental capabilities, he is also know to giggle like Gail Platt at calling people spastics on air.

Christopher takes other peoples works and information, and then tries to pass it off as his own.

Christopher went from being a promising young blogger to being another puppet spreading the message of his masters.

Christopher thinks hr is better than anyone else

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I'm relatively new on here, only been on for about a week, but have noticed a few on here have an issue with The Rangers Standard and/or Chris Graham.

Personally, they seem pretty inoffensive, if a bit full of themselves, is that the issue with them or is it something else/bigger?

Fury ate my hamster

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We all know about the hatred towards our club. But the funny thing is that, one of our biggest haters, is Tom English, a good pal of Chris.

A good guy when you get to know him, us mere mortals would never be in the presence or the movers and shakers of the Scottish Rangers Hating World though.

But Tom English is a nice guy

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Pretty decent snippet there, its not supprising that the screaming hoards celebrated our troubles its just sad that Scottish football has for a long time been more about the hatred and bitterness than what's played on the pitch. When the standard is so poor then the other aspects of the game are sensationalised and cranked up to 10 like our last SPL title winning season when all the mhedia cared about was who was nasty to poor wee lenny rather than the football.

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I hope this book sells well because the authors profit is going to the Rangers charity, but I just cannot understand why it has been written so soon.

Even my memory is good enough to remember all the shite we had to endure last year, and to read a book about it so soon afterwards seems like a kind of torture.

Sorry for being negative, but it has been my position since I first heard about it. I appreciate I will be in the minority with this view and have no doubt it will be a success, and it will have taken a huge amount of work to produce.

I take your point and going back through much of it again was a painful exercise and at times not good for the blood pressure.

That said, we felt it was important, given how much of what happened has been misrepresented by the media (and demented Celticminded authors), to have a more honest account in circulation.

Leaving our story to be told by BBC Scotland and Mad Phil really wasn't acceptable to us.

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