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Lovely wee story showing that we are still the people.


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Right, so I guess I've not told many stories for a while on here, but this one is quite warming, so it is definitely one worth sharing.

So right now I'm working in London, and obviously when you first meet people, you get talking about football, and so the other day was no exception.

The office is full of people from many different places, but I got speaking to a guy from Cyprus, and he couldn't really tell where I was from.

I asked him if he's interested in football, and what team he supports, he replied that he supports Manchester United, and that most people do there because they like the winning teams etc etc.

So I then told him I live in Glasgow, and I asked him to take a guess at which Glasgow football team I support, and he replied

"Glasgow Rangers, they are the only team from Glasgow"

Damn right they are, I said to him!

Just kind of shows that we, are still the people.

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What a pish story.

Just because some guy from Cyprus said that means fuck all. It's like this is in a small way justifying your support. This guy could know fuck all about football except a few teams names.

Here is a similar story. On holiday I walked by a sports shop with a gers top. The owner saw this and shouted "Glasgow rangers, I like, I like". That is when I knew I supported the right club. I waved and as I walked by he said "you want to buy football top"

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What a pish story.

Just because some guy from Cyprus said that means fuck all. It's like this is in a small way justifying your support. This guy could know fuck all about football except a few teams names.

Here is a similar story. On holiday I walked by a sports shop with a gers top. The owner saw this and shouted "Glasgow rangers, I like, I like". That is when I knew I supported the right club. I waved and as I walked by he said "you want to buy football top"

Jesus Christ your story-telling offends me

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Hopefully you meet plenty burds on matchdays.

Marky in Malia always had potential to be the peak point of my writing career actually, so I suppose any matchday updates would not be interesting enough for the entertainment of Rangers Media.

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15 seconds of my life I'll never get back mate but cheers for sharing

To be honest mate, only shared due to the complete uneventfulness of RM early in the morning. Gives me something to reply to for a bit at work.

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15 seconds of my life I'll never get back mate but cheers for sharing

A better 15 seconds than the rest of the 10 cumulative days (or thereabouts) I've spent on this blasted addiction called RM! :(

I liked yer story, man!! Greeks (albeit Cypriot ones) as pro-Rangers is a pleasing idea.

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Right, so I guess I've not told many stories for a while on here, but this one is quite warming, so it is definitely one worth sharing.

So right now I'm working in London, and obviously when you first meet people, you get talking about football, and so the other day was no exception.

The office is full of people from many different places, but I got speaking to a guy from Cyprus, and he couldn't really tell where I was from.

I asked him if he's interested in football, and what team he supports, he replied that he supports Manchester United, and that most people do there because they like the winning teams etc etc.

So I then told him I live in Glasgow, and I asked him to take a guess at which Glasgow football team I support, and he replied

"Glasgow Rangers, they are the only team from Glasgow"

Damn right they are, I said to him!

Just kind of shows that we, are still the people.

He probably thinks sellik are from Dublin

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I travel to Cyprus a lot - the Cypriots I know are always genuinly interested in how Rangers are getting on as they are aware of who I support and our recent issues.

Met a few English guys from Derby the last time I was there (Derby County fans) - and they fuckin LOVE Rangers - we were their "second team", though i wasn't quite sure where the allegience started! - we all ended up all doing the bouncy in a Karaoke bar. My wife didn't know where to look.

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Right, so I guess I've not told many stories for a while on here, but this one is quite warming, so it is definitely one worth sharing.

So right now I'm working in London, and obviously when you first meet people, you get talking about football, and so the other day was no exception.

The office is full of people from many different places, but I got speaking to a guy from Cyprus, and he couldn't really tell where I was from.

I asked him if he's interested in football, and what team he supports, he replied that he supports Manchester United, and that most people do there because they like the winning teams etc etc.

So I then told him I live in Glasgow, and I asked him to take a guess at which Glasgow football team I support, and he replied

"Glasgow Rangers, they are the only team from Glasgow"

Damn right they are, I said to him!

Just kind of shows that we, are still the people.

Also shows that some people from Cyprus dont know much about football..... most people know about scottish football for one thing - the old firm rivalry.

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I travel to Cyprus a lot - the Cypriots I know are always genuinly interested in how Rangers are getting on as they are aware of who I support and our recent issues.

Met a few English guys from Derby the last time I was there (Derby County fans) - and they fuckin LOVE Rangers - we were their "second team", though i wasn't quite sure where the allegience started! - we all ended up all doing the bouncy in a Karaoke bar. My wife didn't know where to look.

Did we not play them in a Ted McMinn testimonial? I believe a few bears may have painted Derby blue that day!
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I had a similar experience in Zante. The guy looked at my tattoo and started singing the Billy Boys then proceeded to smash a plate against the floor and denounce the Pope before declaring Bobby Sands "deed" to a raucous applause.

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I travel to Cyprus a lot - the Cypriots I know are always genuinly interested in how Rangers are getting on as they are aware of who I support and our recent issues.

Met a few English guys from Derby the last time I was there (Derby County fans) - and they fuckin LOVE Rangers - we were their "second team", though i wasn't quite sure where the allegience started! - we all ended up all doing the bouncy in a Karaoke bar. My wife didn't know where to look.

Dud ye, aye?

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